Sunday, July 28, 2024

Bibi Netanyahu Just Made an INSANE Speech !

 Dictator Bibi Netanyahu address to the US
CONGRESS is nothing more than a Lobbyist Stunt .
to demand more American Tax payer Money
to fund another endless war  

Bibi Netanyahu Just Made an INSANE Speech in America's Congress. His speech was not only cringe -worthy but it coincide with US President Biden's speech to the nation why he is out of the race & so on . He’s still Genocide Joe: what Biden has allowed Netanyahu to do to Gaza is still his legacy and it will never go away. But this is a good move: giving a major speech on the same day at Bibi’s address Congress is a sure way to steal the spotlight from the war criminal.PECULIAR .Benjamin Netanyahu, the man responsible for the largest massacre since World War II, in which more than 13k children were massacred, got standing ovations . BY FAR it was just as bad as speech that Ukraine's Dictator gave to Congress . Now Bibi the dictator comes begging the American CONGRESS for more weapons and MONEY .Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged in a scathing speech to Congress on Wednesday to achieve “total victory” against Hamas and denounced American opponents of the war in Gaza as “idiots,” taking a combative stance in a visit the Biden administration has hoped will yield progress in negotiations to end the fighting.  Bibi claimed multiple times during the speech that Israel hasn't been receiving regular weapons shipments from the U.S., while the U.S. claims they have been making regular deliveries as promised. BIG TIME LIES!!Biden must pause all weapons shipments until we can find out where they are ending up! It could be going to Hamas if what Bibi says is true! Nothing Bibi says is true. He is an arrogant psychopath who lies to no end like daddy Trump- Biden -Kamala. Truth and Bibi are not compatible.The USA supplies them with protection and weapons and they just spit in the face of the nation, it's a disgrace, they take and take and take and still complain, let them fight this out on their own. Did you know that Mike Johnson is going to arrest anyone that interrupts Bibi Netanjahu's speech in Congress next week? Did you know Johnson received $95K from AIPAC, that the [zionists] own to control reps as they do dems? The last time Bibi Netanyahu addressed Congress in 2015, Congress interrupted his speech 39 times to applaud.  Bibi more than likely knew about the attack on Oct 7th. The IDF intelligence knew and alerted their higher ups, who would have likely told Bibi (Not to mention Egypt alerted Israel 2 weeks prior to the event). Bibi wasn't doing so hot politically, he had really low ratings, so what would boost his ratings? An unexpected and terrifying event... queue Oct 7th. Bibi's approval ratings shoot up as he calls for war. Many in Israel want blood, so Bibi gives it to them (as he has wanted blood for a long ass time). Now that he is engaged, he has no intention of pulling out. He has ways to get all the hostages home sooner, and he refuses to utilize those ways. Instead he has the IDF figure out where the hostages are, and records them rescuing those hostages in daring rescues.The IDF also has a long history of cruelty towards Palestinians. It is no wonder you hear every now and then of an Israeli who joins the IDF (because mandatory service) and then sees the truth of the IDF, and leaves, not wanting to partake in it any longer.   Biden actually believes in the state of Israel as a concept and was willing to take a political hit for standing by them because he believed it was the right thing to do. Netanyahu of course doesn't care one bit about destroying Israel's standing in the world and isolating it from its only close ally. Just like Trump, Netanyahu can't even comprehend that people have morals and principles that they put before self aggrandizement and partisan politics. Netanyahu has essentially weaponized Americans' bipartisan sympathy for Israel against us for his own selfish political gain. Bibi's main goal in coming here was to try to shore up support back in Israel. Israeli's are pissed he is doing such a piss poor job getting the hostages home. So far, the only thing that has actually worked to get hostages back is diplomacy, but he's still bombing babies as if that's going to work. So he comes to the US to try to show Israelis "see, I'm still the only guy you have that can command this kind of attention in Washington." Given the responses he's getting from US lawmakers, he clearly failed, and if anything this will accelerate his decline in popularity at home. EVEN Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who boycotted the speech, called Netanyahu’s speech “the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress.”The only thing keeping him in power is this war. If he ends the war his own party will kick him out. It also has prevented a lot of actions that could lead to his ousting or an early election (although there are lots of hurdles there even with no war).In the end he is insanely unpopular and so is his party. It could fall apart now but with the war it doesn't seem that it will happen without massive unrest. Besides that we have to wait until 2026. UNLESS A BIGGER WIDER WAR ENGLUFS THE MIDDLE -EAST , thank Bibi . One of the biggest pieces of shit in contemporary history.