Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Deep STATE the thin Blur this election YEAR.

The 2024 Election has the Deep State Split into
two Camps . The Trump Camp and the Harris 

Time TO PUT YOUR TIN FOIL: HAT ON ! The events of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump was just not a fluke , the lone gun man theory . But what we are seeing is a DEEP STATE in Panic , besides trying to kill Trump , and kicking to the curb Joe Biden . They have plans to JUST IN CASE TRUMP wins again to infiltrate his administration as THEY DID in his first term. If that don't work probably try to kill Trump again !   Trump is still picking DEEP STATE shills . Let's begin with Trump's choice for VP ,J.D. Vance was planted - and bankrolled - by billionaire Peter Thiel to perpetuate the Deep State into a new generation. Let's be honest... the machine is getting old. There aren't many options for voters after 2024 who are under the age of 80. Young people are leaving the two-party system in droves... mostly because we're fed up with constant war and corporate profit off it .The parties are desperately in need of fresh blood. Right now, we're seeing rising young political stars getting "chosen." Anointed by the deep-state gods, sent off to be trained at Mar-a-Lago, and primed for their release into the swamp. Think I'm exaggerating? Peter Thiel’s ‘big data’ company Palantir has won over $1 BILLION in U.S. Government contracts over the last several years. The more lives are lost in Palestine, the more Peter Thiel profits. Obviously, the propaganda around warfare must continue past Trump. We need a new generation to take up the mantle of war-making. The corporatocracy demands it. So Peter Thiel backed J.D. Vance to the tune of $15,000,000, flew him to Mar-a-Lago to "make up" with Trump. Suddenly, we have exactly what the deep state wanted. Bought, paid for, and delivered: a young, fresh candidate, ready for war. Literally. In the months leading up to this VP announcement, Vance has consistently made shocking and tone-deaf statements about our nation's foreign policy - implying we should war with Iran (a major win for Thiel) - while, of course, radically reversing his "Never Trump" stance. This gives me no pleasure to write; Vance's childhood, beautifully written book, and personal anecdotes hint at a purity of heart that would've served our country well. But money has a way of completely changing your convictions.I don't think this VP pick will ultimately fool young Americans into perpetuating old, win-loss foreign policy and constant war-making.Anyone with political foresight will see: without fresh blood, the RNC is a sinking ship with out Vance. It ends with Trump's last-term, and this is their attempt to plug the holes.The threat is not the Democrats. Who are a Deep State of insomnia .The threat is that Independents - now the largest voting block in our country - are awake, and at odds with the Military Industrial Complex.I do think there is a deep state beyond maybe the vague "bureaucratic state". But honestly I don't really care about that. People who work at department x within a particular agency are by and large not trying to push an agenda.   We want to see it END. NOT be elevated to the White House.
Kamala the Trojan Horse !?
IT SEEMS that KAMALA HARRIS is like a TROJAN HORSE .Her polling as a hypothetical candidate doesn’t tell us much. The argument for her is that she has the opportunity to campaign and grow her share into a lead whereas Biden is incapable of improving his numbers, which I strongly believe. In this highly polarized environment where record numbers of voters dislike both candidates, the value of a fresh face is priceless. BUT NOT KAMALA HARRIS. My theory is that fox news has been beating up on her for 5 years, they might not be able to convince 100% of their viewers that Whitmer or somebody is Satan in 3 months. It's too easy for the Rogan crowd to convince their listeners that kamala was complicit in hiding Joe's dementia. I just want the freshest face possible, I honestly think it could just be you or me and we'd win ha, people don't like Trump, don't give them someone they can justify a trump vote with.I have been skeptical, but open-minded about the whole "Biden should step down" conversation since Rumors started addressing the issue last spring. May main concern has been that many of the people who are for Biden stepping down (1) don't want Harris at the top of the ticket, and (2) have too many ideas for who should be at the top of the ticket, and no clear plan for how to decide who it should be, other than a knock-down, drag-drag out fight on the convention floor. CNN published an exhaustive report about Harris and her team’s complaints after interviewing “nearly three dozen former and current Harris aides, administration officials, Democratic operatives, donors and outside advisers.” They blame several things, from Biden handing her unpopular issues to the administration leaving her out to dry to, of course, racism and sexism and unfair expectations. But racism and sexism are the only reason Harris is where she is now. Biden limited himself first to pick a woman as his running mate and then to pick a black woman after the death of George Floyd. Were it not for those self-imposed quotas, we would not be talking about Harris as a future presidential candidate at all.I don't see any indication that Kamala Harris is a competent legislator/leader. She has spent her Vice Presidency giving speeches with no substance and giggling and dancing at press events. If she was a man I would hold the same reservations. Kamala is absolutely a DEI hire. She had to sleep around to get her positions in California, polled terribly, dropped out of the race after losing her home state, and was selected as VP because Biden specifically wanted a black woman. She comes from an extraordinarily privileged background as well with super wealthy parents. She has a horrible track record in her position as AG, putting people away for minor drug offenses and obscuring evidence when people were on death row.So why would Biden pick her? DEI hire, he said it in plain english. The problem is, no one likes her, and now the Dems have to lie in the bed they made with Biden’s potential exit from the race. They need to keep Kamala far away from the office of the president if they want half a chance of maintaining the presidency. She has made zero impact as VP, mostly coming off as an incoherent, drug-addled, focus-group-tested slogan spitter. Democrats need to win back the independent voters, on-the-fence voters who think Kamala is a "DEI hire" and that is not you. Letting Kamala run would be the MOST IDIOTIC thing the democrats have ever done next to letting an 81 year old senile man run a second term.By wheeling Joe, or Kamala, out there, Democrats surrender the 'democracy is on the line' argument. If this election is truly so dire, the party would run a better candidate. It's really that simple. If the party 'centrists' insist that the senile grandpa was good enough up until he got exposed during the debate; or that the drunk prosecutor with the political acumen of a pear is good enough; then the party loses. If these are the best you guys can come up with, it will be painfully obvious why Trump wins, when he wins.A decent analysis isn't absolution. An occluded accusation of racism isn't really an argument. Both these politicians are fucken train wrecks.

Saturday, August 17, 2024


Social Media exploded in the UK and the world,
Possible Civil War in the United Kingdom?

With THE LAST FEW WEEKS ALL HELL BROKE LOSE in the United KINGDOM ! England at the verge of a Civil war !!!!The UK Metropolitan Police Chief is threatening to extradite Americans who post what they consider hate speech or videos of UK riots on social media! Yeah... bring it because I'll post whatever the heck I choose to from the USA!! The British Government Is Lying To The World: If you're outside of The UK and want to know the truth about the "riots"How it all began , followed a stabbing attack that left three young girls dead. A 17-year-old suspect appeared in court to face three counts of murder and 10 of attempted murder.The attack on children at a Taylor Swift-themed summer holiday dance class shocked a country where knife crime is a long-standing and vexing problem. The deaths have also been used by far-right activists to stoke anger at immigrants and Muslims - though the suspect isn't an immigrant and his religion hasn't been disclosed. I find it really disturbing that the police are openly supporting last night’s protests,There is now a strong sense that the country’s institutions and authorities demand you have a certain view. It’s terrifying. So I’ve had a thought after stepping back from seeing what’s going on, and to see if there’s a bigger picture. These past few months, I find it odd that the Manchester airport footage came out. (British vs Muslim).. then riots in Leeds (Muslim vs British) and now the final straw of a stabbing at a nursery, but even though the 17 year old at hand was not considered a Muslim, plenty of media outlets stated he was an immigrant and was under MI6 watch, which of course is a means to make people angry at the government and Muslims/anyone that might be an immigrant. I mean how do they get that so wrong and post it out there? Is this all part of a plan to create division? Is it also a plan to bring in stricter laws? Another lockdown? An insensitive to take rights away?Could all be coincidence.. but I’ve never seen so many events to split division between 2 sets of people in such a short space of time..The British government and “Sir” Mark Rowley , threatened to arrest and extradite US citizens for free speech, exposing the UK riots and government censorship and arrest of citizens. The UK gov also threatened to arrest an extradite Elon.People in the UK, genuinely, do not want to rock the boat. In videos uploaded to social media many of the protesters can be heard chanting “stop the boats”, a reference to crossings made from the European continent by migrants attempting to get to Britain.They don’t like mass immigration, or immigration as the issue it’s played up to be, but they just don’t want to be bothered by riots and shit. It’s why “Tough on crime” rhetoric works a lot, here, despite “Stop and Search” being unpopular - people just don’t want to be bothered.The truth is, the Left here in the UK are excited by the recent riots.We are seeing the emergence of a "two tier illiberalism", where sharing misinformation about the identity of the Southport attacker can have you arrested, but promoting a hoax about 100 far-right riots sees you lauded. They can hardly contain their joy as they call for media censorship, digital ID cards, and Covid style lockdowns. UK officials are discussing whether to revisit part of the Online Safety Act, according to the people familiar with the efforts. The bill was watered down by the last government, which removed language that would have regulated “legal but harmful” content in order to allay concerns of free speech campaigners. 'Legal but harmful', such a chilling phrase.Politicians are keen to blame it on social media to distract from the fact the dissatisfaction is ultimately their fault for ignoring the repeatedly expressed wishes of the public. Their solution is to criminalise the symptoms rather than treat the cause.The online safety act is already unworkable garbage, and it will get even worse. It’s an excuse to make all their authoritarian dreams come true!

Monday, August 12, 2024


Kamala Picked Gov. Tim Walz , probably
the most Controversial  Governor 
of any State in America . Minus California 
Gov . Newsom .

Tim Walz is a terrible pick for Kamala. Kamala needed a moderate candidate that would appeal to moderate voters in swing states. A centrist like Shapiro would’ve been my pick.Instead, she picked a leftist governor who is basically the poster boy for the most infamous riots of the 21st century.might find it hard to believe, but the riots were viewed negatively by many moderate and independent voters. I’ll bet my left nut that tomorrow republicans will start rolling ads of the twin cities burning. These ads will elicit a much stronger emotional response from voters than the sick couch burns.However, I think you're probably incorrect about what the overall strategy needs to be. There are incredibly few true swing voters. It's much more a matter of getting the people on your side motivated to actually cast their ballots. And I think the calculation here was that they have more to gain by motivating progressive than centrists.That said, he's also not just the George Floyd guy, no matter how much Republicans will try to paint that picture. He does have a good deal on his resume that could appeal to those centrists. None of the three finalists would have been perfect, and ultimately I don't think he's really any better or worse than the other two. The guy has too much political baggage at the moment and it's liable to detract from the campaign.He did his part in covering up the murder of Ellen Greenberg, which was initially ruled a suicide (she was stabbed 20 times, including in the back of her neck). The case is now being reviewed by the PA Supreme Court. With this circulating through the news cycle, it would absolutely detract from the Harris campaign and be its own drama.He also mishandled/excused/covered up (take your pick of describing his actions) sexual harassment by one of his long time aides...this also is circulating the news at the moment. When will the Democrat party get rid of its socialists such as Harris, waltz, sanders, etc? Today’s radical Democrat party is a threat to democracy and a danger to the country. They want to impose their extreme agenda on the country and change it at it’s core.   So you consider Cackling Kammie and Tampon Tim (very weird) having real conservative values? Let's hope the rest of BUCKS County isn't as stupid . So this story is breaking now. In 1999, a complaint was made against teacher Tim Walz for actively recruiting students into a gay club that was labeled as an anti-bullying club. However, what the story did not tell you is that two students made allegations against Walz that they were being recruited into the club even thought they were stated straight males.Several Parents made complaints with the School District. One student, an 18-year-old male, claimed unwanted advances against Walz. Upon calling the school district to confirm the story, I was given a "No Comment" on all questions. For the record, I have no issues with how people live their lives, I have issues with Teachers taking advantage of kids and trying to tell them what their sexual preference is. Yeah, he is creepy.  Harris is not bright and Waltz lies all the time. He was never in combat. He let blm and others burn his city down. IF you think the last four year was bad elect Harris. She will take care of the illegals. Jokes on the democrats. Stupid people vote for crackles and a liar. You tipped your hand at weird: The new Talking point for the left wing lunatic media

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Kamala Harris & The DEEP STATE .

Kamala is a bait and switch 
tactic of the Deep State .
 So, the "proof of life" was Biden "phoning" into Harris' address? Truly, this coup in the US gets an A+ for entertainment value. These people truly believe that their citizens are absolute morons, which is probably for a good reason. LMAO 🤣🤣🤣Today is August 10th, 2024 and Kamala Harris lead a successful coup against Biden and Democrat voters 20 DAYS AGO and still does not have a SINGLE hint of a policy platform on her website .Assume the worst.I wrote so many posts on the SILENT COUP , How Biden was ousted and " replaced" what certainly looks worse than Biden  as a PUPPET of the Deep State .The Deep State & Their Fake News Say Kamala Harris “Is Ready To Serve”. The global elites aren’t looking for a candidate who thinks they are in charge like Hillary. They are looking for another sock puppet like the one they’ve had for the last three and a half years. Hillary might actually assert herself on certain things like the border, China, and Ukraine…even if it is mostly symbolic. They want none of that. Kamala is their perfect rube. She is as far left as they come and her vacuousness makes her easy to manipulate.Remember she is the least qualified person , it has nothing to do WITH HER RACE . Kamala Harris is the new candidate proposed by the Democrat party. She’s a deep state puppet, endorsed by the deep state himself Barack Obama. She’s been endorsed by most of the elites and billionaires like Melinda Gates.IT'S VARY STRANGE .People wonder why Kamala Harris is dodging the press and not facing the American people. They expect candidates to do so and answer questions. The reason is that Kamala isn’t expecting to be selected by the American people. She is expecting to be installed by the NWO/deep state cabal that is running this country. Don't you at least thing that that was the "plan all a long " ? AM Sure that America has been put up to the level that there needs to be a woman as President , this was a long time notion in the political fields . It's now a abrasion. It's not about having a woman as President , but using Kamala as a puppet of the Deep State , she is being propped up in a way that is vary suspicious . It Mirrors the election platform that Hillary Clinton ran on in 2016 , and remember she lost to Donald Trump . Kamala Harris has deep connections to Obama , Nancy Pelosi of California & they have some hidden agenda perhaps to continue the status quo of JOE BIDEN as the SHADOW PRESIDENT behind her . You can't TRUST the DEMOCRAT PARTY . The whole thing by forcing Biden out was to basically extend Biden to a second term through Kamala , like Biden was a extension of Obama .The bigger problem is that Harris has no campaign infrastructure of her own. She last ran for office 5 years ago and most of those people are gone(it was reported that the campaign was a toxic environment and a bit of a mess).Whitmer and a number of governors have the infrastructure and staff in place already to ramp up a campaign a lot easier than Harris, unless Harris decided to literally let the people that are currently knifing her behind closed doors to prop up Biden run her campaign.  Recently Democrats pushed Joe Biden out as the candidate the voters chose as their nominee, in favor of the heir apparent, Kamala Harris. Simply because Joe’s polling numbers were bad. Now they’re trying to walk back nearly everything Kamala said over the last 4 years and even trying to hide the fact that Joe Biden made her the Border Czar, which was the only significant job she was given, and which was a job she failed at miserably. Democrats claim that the switch was necessary because they only became aware of Joe's mental state a few weeks ago after the debate with Donald Trump.In reality there are only two reasons that Democrats chose Kamala. The first one is that she is a woman and she has brown skin. This makes it clear that Democrats think women and minorities are stupid. Democrats really believe that people will change their vote in favor of her simply because of her skin color, and because she has a vagina, and that they’ll ignore the fact that she supports the same radical leftist agenda of Joe Biden’s administration.The second reason they chose her is because they know they can control her. Unless you’re living in fantasy land, everyone knows that Joe Biden has been a cognitive mess since day one of his term in office. He hasn’t been running anything. The DNC tells him what to do and what to say, then they give him cards with written instructions on them and put him in front of a camera, while someone shoves a pen into his hand and they tell him to sign a piece of paper he’s never read, and wouldn’t understand even if he did. They wouldn’t be putting this much effort into Kamala if they didn’t think they could get the same thing from her.A Kamala Harris presidency will give us four more years of what we just got with even more fiscal insanity. Outrageously high inflation. A 400% tax increase and an army of armed IRS agents to take it from you by force. Criminals will roam the streets stealing, raping, and murdering with no repercussions, and you will be disarmed so you can’t defend yourself. Our border will be wide open so that military age men from enemy countries, terrorists, and criminals can flood in, and be given free healthcare, and free housing using your tax dollars. Your sons and daughters will be sent to die in a war with Russia so that Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and the DNC elite’s money laundering operation in Ukraine can continue. Meanwhile Israel will be left to fend for itself. You won’t be allowed to own a gasoline powered car. You will own nothing, so the Democrat Oligarchy can be protected.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The STOCK MARKET CRASH of 2024 and 2025 AD.

Between NOW and the November election and January 2025 , the US STOCK MARKET will CRASH because of WARS .Remember what I said about the markets this morning? How it’s a recipe for the war lovers to declare war on Iran… this admin will be happy to send our sons & daughters to war to distract you from their continued failure and line their pockets.
2024 is the year of both our new all time highs and the start of our heading back to COVID lows.
In all seriousness, my gut tells me the vaginal fortitudes in DC will use a horrible economy to push us into war with Iran. It’s a well worn path used by elected boys with no other skill set. Be it 2024 achieves those lows or 2025, they will certainly be revisited. But we can't just magically get there because things *look* bad. Something has to actually go wrong before we see any real fireworks.July 26th 2023, the fed achieved its final rate hike. There will not be anymore rate hikes. Rate cuts are the real threat to the markets.Trump said today he does not want a war with Iran. That's fine. The truth is the war started a year ago. It's a non-kinetic financial war. We are making good progress toward regime change.I think Netanyahu is just a weak leader trying to use these hawk mode to consolidate his grip on power.Iran government is hated by many of its people so they rattle up warmongering to keep the masses quiet.IMO, Russia wanted something to happen to distract from Ukraine war and that's how that October attack came into being. But Israel and Iran are not crazy to take it any further, it's mostly drama to get attention and get their opposition to shut up. Welcome to the twenty-first-century. There is a current narrative out there along the lines of the market expecting rate cuts this year. we have been trying to go to war with Iran since the 1970's..... This is a long game... We finally got Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, .... still nothing on N Korea ... But Iran will not be easy...Do y'all remember the April 13th selloff? Iran launched missiles at Israel and the markets nuked.Then, right out of that drop, while every other asset was in the dumps, $USA painted a +500% 1H candle.What I recall is that Iran seemed to be playing down previous Israel attack just before they launched 350 projectiles to Israel.US government is saying we were "informed" of this attack at the last minute and will not assist Israel on any offensive actions. If Iran launches another barrage of attacks in retaliation, will US defend Israel as vigorously as last time? If not, and if substantial damage is inflicted on israel, a large scale war/conflict is a near certainty at that point. I know what I want to hold if a war breaks out... They have been talking about going to war with Iran for a while, used the assassination attempt to blame Iran, all the talking heads in congress go on faux news to blame Iran to shift public opinion on going to war with Iran! Do people realize the recent Iran escalations, like the other instruments the political/military complex is using to keep stock prices up, is a way of delaying the imminent economic crash? This country is hanging on with borrowed time, partly bought by desperate war campaigns.These people are evil sick MOFOs! Pray for our soldiers & their families, these people will sacrifice them for profits!History has shown that when the markets are suffering a new war will be bestowed upon us. We’re headed back to the Middle East and the Iranians are the insurgents. Pray for Peace, Prepare for War🙏🏾✝️.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

NEXT 100 DAYS of American Political CHAOS !

Global unrest casts uncertainties over the 2024 US elections. Prior to the election, it was hard to imagine that this kind of post-election pandemonium, usually seen only in countries where the democratic systems are underdeveloped, could occur in the US – the world’s most powerful country.
Less than 100 days until the US election
I predict mayhem on Election Day. 🤞) there is going to be CHAOS like you never seen in American HISTORY . If Biden wins, Trump and his allies will try a bigger, bloodier January 6. If Trump wins, he will invoke the Insurrection Act when in office and mobilize the national guard against protesters.In either case, we can expect to see sporadic violence at polls. Trump has called for tens of thousands of poll watchers to intimidate the wrong type of voter from voting. Last election cycle, we saw armed stooges standing nearby mail-in ballot drop off points. This is what’s going to happen in the United States in less than 100 days. Kamala’s KHIVE is who stolen 2020. RINOs will let it happen, won’t do anything. Stolen elections have consequences! If Biden wins, there will probably be another Charlottesville-esque series of protests in major cities.  If Trump wins, there will be a Ferguson-esque series of protests in major cities.  I THINK 1000% expect major political violence this year. As the United States approaches its November election, the risks of violence will thus rise. This should not be surprising. Historically, violence is actually quite common in the United States, especially during election seasons. During the Reconstruction era, much of white supremacist violence directed against freed Black men and women was intended to intimidate would-be voters, ensuring that segregationist Democrats maintained their grip on power in the Deep South. 
As N.Y. Times columnist Nick Kristof presciently put it this weekend, this "feels like August 1914, a fulcrum in the sweep of events. These days may have moved the arc of America and the world, with history lurching in competing directions in ways that may shape our course for decades."  Presuming this is yet again a close election, we're going to be in another situation where the final clear result isn't available election night and things could drag out a little bit. The far right's going to lose their minds if this happens "again".Harris will be almost impossible to beat for the nomination, thanks to endorsements, money, optics and 2028 politics. Given the Democratic base, are you really going to take down the first Black American, the first South Asian American and the first woman to be elected vice president? Trump officials know there's danger for him in debating a woman with historic status. "When women confront Trump, he can be impolitic and imprudent, and say politically dangerous things," one GOP insider told us. So Trump could alienate women and many other non-MAGA voters the campaign is eyeing. Plus Harris could look better-versed on reproductive rights, and more evocative of the future than the past.They aren't going to run with Kamala Harris. They didn't just stage a coup to have someone run who has the same approval rating as Biden. They are GOING DEEP ! Was she praised as a heavy hitter when she was in Congress on the Intelligence Oversight Committee? I think that’s one of the primary things that got her heavy recognition as a potential VP candidate. Of course they’d praise her if she was doing their bidding. They probably groomed her the whole time. They've already openly expressed support for a dictatorship.

They no longer care about democracy and only care about winning. They've added so many people in several States to help put their thumb on the scale of elections and if that doesn't work - It's just going to confirm their belief that the election system is never going to give them the result they demand anymore.
They will be moving to "the fourth box of freedom" - the bullet box. THERE will be death threats across the board for everyone involved in swing states, Trump trials, etc.I would expect more things like the kidnapping of governors, violence against state election officials, etc. it's not going to be well organized but you are going to have bombing and mass shooting style events at Federal buildings and left/liberal locations like gay nightclubs.Truth social, Signal and telegram will be implicated in violent events as locations where events were planned / coordinated. I would expect some items in December- January but the real ugly would probably be around April. That's when you have the anniversary of Ruby ridge, Waco Branch dividians, income tax day. All these things that swirl together in a close proximity that light up all of the Anti-Federal government rabid right-wing side. I'll put it this way. I will not be anywhere near a federal location or a leftist large gathering of any sort at this time. America became 'the laughing stock of the world' due to election mess - Fox Even amid instability in the world and numerous internal problems, the most important issue for America now is ensuring fair elections, which are threatened by the authorities' attempts to prevent Donald Trump from running, channel host Rachel Campos-Duffy said on Fox News.In her opinion, this has become such a serious challenge for the American government that it has begun to be noticed abroad - and the United States is now becoming “a laughing stock for the whole world.” As Campos-Duffy recalled, the crisis of democracy in the States was also noted by the President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, who had just been re-elected with a record result: in his victory speech, he walked around America, noting that Washington politicians who constantly criticize the Salvadoran leader for violating the rights of criminals , they themselves cannot ensure democracy in their own country and are making things worse for opposition candidates.

(opens in a new tab) fund-raised US$200 million and 170,000 volunteers signed up to help her campaignBut what can we expect in the now 100 days leading up to Election Day?We should not naively assume this will play out like 2020. Trump is more desperate, the GOP has purged the ranks of non-believers, and not a single GOP politician saw even mild punishment for January 6 (except for those kicked out of the party for not supporting it). Through banal passitivity, we've created a much more volatile situation heading into the 2024.