Sunday, June 23, 2024


In 2025 AD . America is heading for an economic crash,
As many nations dump the Dollar , move away from
western sanctions by American government .
Biden’s reckless spending will not only bring down the dollar, but also will destroy US. He should be defeated this November.

IS THE AMERICAN DOLLAR DOMINANCE ENDING ?  The question is what replaces the dollar. The threatened BRICS currency has enormous logistics and control issues, as does any "currency by committee" such as the Euro. The Euro is as prone to the weakness of fiat integrity as the dollar. Bitcoin could play a role if acceptance continues to grow, but since there is no controlling agency, its hegemony would have to slowly emerge, unlike the dollar's power which came instantly from Bretton-Woods. Precious metals could play a role, but are very clumsy if physical exchange is required. Could it be we will descend into a chaos of complicated treaties and competitions?  This whole thing has been strange as I can’t find extensive coverage on the topic outside of some self proclaimed “experts” who seem to have different takes. I’m truly ignorant in this matter and really looking for good sources/insights to inform myself. Let me know if you have a go-to you’d recommend. What I’m hoping to understand is will this truly cause a major, sudden collapse of the US economy? Is there a way to protect against it (gold, silver, other)? Will we see hyperinflation on a lesser scale, but similar to Venezuela?  It now seems clear that these reports of an alleged formal petrodollar “contract” did indeed get several key facts wrong. First of all, the Saudis’ turn toward embracing currencies other than dollars is not new. Moreover, there is no known formal treaty or contract between the US and Saudi Arabia—least of all one with an expiration date. One could reasonably argue, however, that these reports of the decline of the petrodollar are only wrong in their particulars. The reports do reflect a real-world trend, however, and that’s likely why the stories about the end of petrodollar may seem plausible to many. The Kingdom of Saudi Araba (KSA) has been increasingly moving further away from the US orbit in recent years, and this is reflected in an increased willingness to settle oil deals in non-dollar currencies. However, this past Sunday, the Saudi Arabian prince announced that he would not renew the contract, signaling a major change in the global financial landscape. This agreement, initiated after World War II, allowed the US to control the world's energy, and its impact on the standard of living for Americans is substantial. The Petro dollar system replaced gold as the standard of value and enabled the US to maintain dominance over international trade. The reasons behind Saudi Arabia's decision not to renew the contract are part of a larger story, and its implications for us and future generations are yet to be fully understood.There are also other indications that the Saudis are more and more willing to embrace Washington’s adversaries—such as China and Iran and Russia—in spite of Washington’s objections. While short run changes may seem minor, the current trend in US-Saudi relations points to an overall and significant decline in US global influence. For instance, Saudi Arabia is among potential BRICS candidates, an economic bloc that has become one of the leading voices against the dollar. It's also linked with China to help establish Bridge, a cross-border payments system that uses central bank digital currencies Saudi Arabia is moving away from the US dollar in the oil trade as it looks at alternative markets.The end of a long-standing "petrodollar" agreement would dent dollar dominance, the Atlantic Council wrote.  Nations ranging from Brazil and Argentina to India and Bangladesh are exploring the use of backup currencies and assets, such as the Chinese yuan and bitcoin, for trade and payments. Several governments have blasted the excessive influence of US monetary policy on other economies and currencies, the dollar's strength for pricing out poor countries from imports, and the diminishing need for a petrodollar now the US has achieved energy independence through domestic shale oil and green energy production. The move would be a sign that Saudi Arabia is instead seeking to diversify its trade. The role of the dollar in the global economy has been in focus recently due to the strong US economy, tighter monetary policy and increased geopolitical risks, all of which have boosted the currency’s value.But economic fragmentation and the potential shift of global economic and financial activities into separate blocs have led some countries to use and hold other international and reserve currencies. Concerned with America's frequent use of sanctions as a foreign policy tool, some states have explored using alternative currencies or payment systems. The potential end of a watershed trading agreement between the US and Saudi Arabia would be a hit to the dollar's oil-market supremacy, and offer a symbolic win for de-dollarization, Trump would have stopped this but Biden, the senile old hurried it.  For all intents and purposes the dollar is dead and unless Trump returns and the US gets rid of the Democrats, vso is the US. Bidens sole mission for Obama, has been the demise of America. They precipitated this and caused its restriction. There has been talk of a Bricks Bank and Saudi funding and underwriting it and abandoning the dollar to set up a BRICS currency since 2022.This is a chicken or the egg problem. The dollar dominance is ending because of the outsourcing of manufacturing, yes but the outsourcing was inevitable due to the dollar as the world's only trade and reserve currency. This is because when the US has sole power to print the only world currency, it is only a matter of time before it gave up manufacturing. No nations can resist the temptation to simply print money to finance their expensive lifestyle rather than working hard for it. Would you work a 10 hour day job in the factory if you can sit home and let other people work for you because you are the only one who can create money out of nothing? This country has had very weak leadership for many decades. USD dominance was never guaranteed. I would like to think this country has a plan to address Brics but our political system has become a dog and pony show with spending policies that are nothing short of absurd. This country will likely start a downward financial trend which will be quite painful for many citizens here at home.