Saturday, June 15, 2024


The NEWS SO FAR......
🇷🇺🇨🇺 Russian warships and nuclear submarines have arrived in Cuba Russia will hold military exercises on the borders of the United States, and the construction of a Russian military and naval base is not excluded. AS ASININE AS what am about to say ..... The American Government deserves a SECOND CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS . We now have HOSTILE Russian forces in Cuba for the first time since the Cuban missile crisis. Way to go Joe. Way to go.🖕   Hmmm. Weird how no one seems to be talking about the 2nd Cuban Missile Crisis that happened this week. LIKE WHAT?! On NATIONAL MAINSTREAM NEWS of coarse , " The Biden Administration is plying this down ...". WTF BLOKES !!! Paging Dr. Strangelove: A US attack submarine has arrived at Gitmo in Cuba in response to the worrying arrival of a Russian fleet in Havana. It’s gallows humor indeed, but there is a dark hilarity in the fact that what could be the last major foreign policy disaster of Joe Biden’s term (though who knows?) is looking like a rerun of the Cuban Missile Crisis. US along with their Nato friends are currently having drills on the Russian border just off Finland. You will never hear these American commentators say that this might be in response to that and then they are the same people that wonder why everything is falling apart as it is in the world at the moment. Everyone except the boogeyman is the boogeyman in the eyes of this people.REMEMBER MY READERS WE ARE DEALING WITH A BUNCH OF MORONS IN WASHINGTON D.C. RIGHT NOW . And Secretary of State Antony Blinken ain’t exactly Dean Rusk, either. How did we get to the point where Vladimir Putin feels comfortable sailing a state-of-the-art warfleet into the Atlantic to menace America? REMEMBER too that the Biden Deep State has been pushing War against Russia Using UKRAINE !! to be exact .Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the Biden administration has 100% given up on the idea of deterrence. American missiles in Turkey. This confrontation later became known as the "Caribbean Crisis". "This time, the Russian side has started deployment in Cuba."
NOT THE SAME CRISIS of 1962 , but WORSE !!!
We wonder if the crisis will break out again? I hope is that after 5 days the Russian officials make it clear to the US that they love it so much in Cuba and Venezuela that they won't be leaving and will actually be bringing more vessels. How many nuclear missiles does the US and NATO have facing Russia, China, Iran, Syria, North Korea and many other countries around the world. Yet when one of this missiles carrier is within range of the US you are scared shirtless. Imagine how the populations of these other countries being threatened by the US must feel considering that your country is the only one in history to use such a weapon on innocent people. The excuse that the US population is not responsible for the actions of your Government will also not fly anymore considering that your country goes around the world bombing civilians for the actions of their government officials. In '62 there was the 'Cuban missile crisis'. By the time the US realised that Russia was moving nukes to Cuba, they were already there! Also, there were 4 Russian nuclear subs off the US coast. The navy found 3 but not the 4th. 2 broke down and had to go back to friendly waters, the third was depth charged with practice bombs and forced to retreat. None of these subs were in contact with their base and were authorised to launch if the captain thought nuclear war had broken out. US fighter/bomber pilots were also authorised to launch their nukes for the same reason. Finally about one third of the US nuclear missile silos could launch without authorisation, if they believed that Russia had launched then they could too. Curtis LeMay, the military chief of staff at the time wanted to invade Cuba with marines, Kennedy asked if that could trigger a nclear war, LeMay said 'Yes' he believed the US would win.
We came far closer to nuclear war by accident than any other reason.The upshot was the hotline between the US and Russia. FLASHBACK: Biden warning in 2020 that he was worried Trump would get the U.S. into a war with Iran... Now we're close to World War Three. What is @JoeBiden doing to avoid The Cuban Missile Crisis, Part 2?It is because of Biden's policies on Ukraine that this is happening. Not to mention the fact that we have border that is open more than a prostitutes legs.Unfortunately, Ukraine’s challenges go beyond mere resources. The recent fight over the aid package strikes at the heart of the strategic paradox plaguing Biden’s strategy toward Ukraine. On the one hand, Biden has pledged that “our commitment to Ukraine will not weaken” and that U.S. support will be there “for as long as it takes.” At the same time, however, the Biden administration has been steadfastly concerned about escalation and the prospect of a direct confrontation with a nuclear-armed Russia. Judged independently, both are laudable goals—but put together, these objectives are increasingly working at cross purposes. Ultimately, Biden’s balancing will become untenable. Yet an increase in tensions between Moscow and Washington over U.S. support for Ukraine, and Russia’s decision to deploy naval combat vessels within 30 miles of U.S. shores, has contributed to the sense that these movements may be different.  This has been obvious since the fall of 2022, around the time of the counteroffensive around Karkhiv...and I am not an overpaid-card-carrying-smart-guy at Rand.The Biden administration, and the major powers of Central and Western Europe, are all willing to bleed Russia up to the last Ukranian fighter left standing."Here, I'll give you ATACMS but you can't shoot them at {a laundry list of targets}.""Here, I'll give you helmets but no bullets" (Spoken with a German accent)."This is as inane as the restrictions in the air over Viet Nam. Same mistakes, different decade. A day after Mr Biden gave Ukraine the go-ahead to use American munitions to strike inside Russia for the limited purpose of defending Kharkiv, numerous ministers, including those from the Netherlands, Finland, Poland and Germany, expressed approval of the decision, saying that Ukraine has the absolute right to defend itself from attacks originating on Russian soil. NATO is supposed to be a purely defensive alliance protecting its constituent parts under article 5. Getting involved in a foreign proxy war is one thing, but then supplighing and advocating the use of advanced weaponry to use inside Russia is upping the the ante to a very dangerous level. The equivalent of NATO weapons being used in Russia is the equivalent of Russia firing Iranian and Chinese supplied missiles into Poland. This is a dangerous game and could go anywhere now. These are your elected officials and they represent you so either hold them more accountable for their actions, chose better representatives or face the consequences of their idiotic decisions.