Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Immediately after The TRIAL of Joe Biden's SON.
President Biden address a lobby about GUN CONTROL .
While Hunter Biden was convicted for owning a
Gun while using Drugs . The hypocrisy that may come into play regarding gun control in America.

THE IRONY .....and scandal .....the hypocrisy ... idiocy of President Joe Biden. During a 2020 Presidential Debate Joe Biden claimed that his son’s laptop was Russian disinformation.He also said he knew nothing of his son Hunter's business dealings... He lied. It's who he is, a pathological liar...That laptop was just used as evidence to convict Hunter Biden.Joe Biden lied his ass off. The WHOLE HUNTER BIDEN TRIAL IS A SHAM !!!.The Laptop had so much evidence that the images it contained would have sent any normal criminal away for years in prison . The guilty on gun charges are nothing but a slap on the wrist . The trial was covered, with guilty verdict and President Biden's decision to pardon him have been published everywhere. This trial was much shorter and about a much simpler question. President Joe Biden will pardon his son Hunter and he said that in a interview. After weeks of nasty, marathon coverage of Trump's trial, the leftist media were overly sympathetic and gentle in their coverage of Hunter Biden's trial. The left media is making Hunter as a "victim of MAGA Republicans" .I was dumbfounded by the complete tonal shift from the coverage of the Biden crime family today and the ongoing brutal and malicious narrative framing of Trump Family during all the ongoing legal cases. The mainstream media has been working overtime tonight to basically minimize Hunter's actions and make every excuse in the book for them. All while appealing to the viewer's emotions, bringing up past family trauma and tragedy, blah blah blah. It's truly unbelievably shameless state propaganda. And it is wildly effective psychological manipulation and gaslighting. The difference between Hunter and Trump is that Hunter committed actual crimes, real crimes. And the real crimes of Hunter's global extortion and influence peddling schemes haven't even been touched on by the media. How did Hunter have millions in unpaid federal taxes? That means he grossed lots and lots of millions. Doing what exactly? What could he possibly do for Ukraine or China or any foreign country? He is a reckless degenerate and a morally bankrupt addict incapable of even being a father. How could he possibly advise anyone anywhere in the world? And he got paid millions and millions of dollars for this? Keep in mind, his tax evasion lawsuit hasn't even started yet. That is taking place in California and that will be brutally embarrassing for him and his family, especially "the Big Guy." All of Trump's "crimes" were victimless and highly fictious. They literally needed to "amend" laws to allow certain cases to even proceed past statute of limitations. And where things were clearly subjective and misdemeanors, every single prosecutorial trick imaginable was used to frame the least generous interpretation and maneuver shady legal logic to upgrade misdemeanor offenses outside of their statute of limitations to felonies through imagined secondary crimes of profoundly dubious logic. We'll see if any of that show trial nonsense holds up on appeal. I am profoundly skeptical any of it will.What a total disaster for America. So profoundly demoralizing. NOW just to set up the fact that The laptop from hell is real and can be used in felony court 100% as evidence . There are hundreds of crimes showcased on that laptop and not one points to Trump but many show clear evidence against Joe and the bidens. The media has covered it up. Big Tech has censored the story. But you can’t hide from the truth forever. LOL they haven't "ignored" it... they have been actively burying it thru their media!It’s really astonishing how this White House won’t comment on Hunter’s laptop because he’s “a private citizen,” but they didn’t hesitate for a SECOND to demonize private citizens like Joe Rogan for saying things they didn’t like. Hunter’s laptop is the COVER UP of the century!!Oh man this is great it’s MAIN STREAM NEWS ! On Earth One, those liberals deny that Hunter Biden’s own crimes — which, according to federal investigators, may include tax fraud and firearms violations — matter when voters consider whether his octogenarian father deserves a second shot at the Oval Office. But as House Republicans are currently unearthing, the Biden campaign may have tried to cover up Hunter’s malfeasance with the specific intention of winning the 2020 election.The crux of the original blockbuster New York Post story was that Biden, who claimed to “never” have spoken to Hunter about “his overseas business dealings,” actually had met an adviser to Burisma, the Ukrainian energy firm which paid Hunter $50,000 per month for nominally serving on its board. While obviously corrupt, Hunter’s influence peddling, which resulted in millions from Russia, China, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine, was not, on its face, criminal.But the Biden campaign’s actions to silence and discredit the reporting into that story and all associated with the laptop was rank corruption, not just of Biden’s association with his son, but of Biden’s campaign itself.  Can you just imagine the look on the pissed off screaming leftist faces right now ! U literally called people cultist and racist and every term in the book ! Just to find out that they were right the entire time !!!!!.