Saturday, July 6, 2024


Biden was set up by the media , and looks
like a soft coup is being attempted ?
The 81-year-old President's performance in Thursday's debate has led to widespread criticism and calls for his withdrawal from the presidential race.President Joe Biden was set up in a 'soft coup' to oust him, a top Democratic insider claimed. Yes, the Leftist Media like CNN has turned against BIDEN.The New York Times editorial board and a host of other non-partisan voices have called for Biden to announce that he will no longer run for president. But in this particular race, it is not enough. Biden’s departure from the race this summer would kick-off a tumultuous, bitter fight for the nomination in an open convention that is already in jeopardy of crippling protests. The infighting would leave bruises or wounds among the likely Democratic contenders and the constituencies that have been loosely united behind the incumbent until his unfortunate debate performance. Biden’s remaining in the race would most probably ensure a return of Donald Trump to the White House. Most of you are probably aware, but for those who are not, in the US election cycle, there is usually a debate between both of the favored candidates before election time comes around.Many were also looking for the debate to finally dispel the far right consensus that Biden was 'too old' or had otherwise lost his marbles. { Biden setting off World War III should worry every American , but people are being gas-lit & distracted } The debate was the perfect opportunity to put rumors away for good. Presenting a confident, clear-spoken and passionate Biden that and existed in former debates and speeches would have made everything alright.This did not occur.The performance given was an unmitigated disaster to the general public and political pundits alike who were shocked to see two things. One, Trump basically saying nothing but lies going unopposed, and Biden sometimes struggling to form coherent sentences. It was arguably the worst political debate in history. Trump may have not 'won' in the traditional sense, but to an outsider, he came across as more coherent, well-spoken and passionate (even if his statements are mostly bullshit).If people were concerned about Biden's age affecting his ability to govern, the debates only elevated it from a right-wing talking point to a mainstream political view. While Biden has a stutter, his bizarre facial expresses, sentence mix-ups and occasional visible confusion on stage left many thinking what on earth was going on. Arguably the only time in the debate we got coherent discussion or passion from both candidates is when discussing golf (this is not an SNL skit or made up). { debate would never truly change the allegiance of hard Biden or Trump fans, BIDEN IS UNDER SCRUTINY Biden has not taken a cognitive test during his presidency and dismissed calls to take one arguing during his recent ABC News interview that leading the country amounts to a daily test. Trump has bragged about passing a short screening test in 2018, and his personal physician said last year that his cognitive exams were“exceptional” but did not explain what those exams entailed and when they were conducted.Since the debate, the entire discussion has been about Joe Biden’s mental state currently, leading to growing calls for him to be replaced as a candidate. Why is no one, media or otherwise, talking about the years leading up to now? Biden’s cognitive decline has surely been obvious to those in his inner circle. Does it not trouble anyone that not one person within his cabinet or administration spoke up? It seems as though all of his administration put politics and optics above the well-being of the United States. The final cherry on top was that Biden had to helped off stage, while Trump casually turned to walk away afterwards. While the  debates are important for the undecided voters who haven't picked a side.Publicly, Democratic leaders have been backing Biden, but privately, there have been ongoing discussions about his fitness to beat Donald Trump in the upcoming election. SENDING TRUMP TO PRISON . Yes, a COUP within a COUP !? Trump was scheduled to be sentenced on July 11. Judge Juan Merchan said the former president will now be sentenced on September 18, “if such is still necessary." }  Well, the Republicans don't have anyone who could possibly replace Trump, so they're kind of stuck with him. The Democrats have plenty of viable options, unfortunately they're too lib to consider actually utilizing Bernie or anyone from the squad.There’s no doubt that Joe Biden is the democratically selected presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, but also little doubt that his condition was hidden from the public and that, if he had to run in a free and fair nomination contest today, he would lose handily. An increasingly feeble President Biden was a crisis waiting to happen, and now that the crisis is upon us, there’s no easy way out. Biden won't step aside because he legitimately thinks he is the only one who can do it.I would say that at this point it's too late for the DNC to run anyone else but, for the sake of argument, if Biden got replaced as a candidate with, say AOC, I wonder if the sheer excitement of the truly left wing base would be enough to make up for lost time. Not like this would ever happen. It barely happened in my hypothetical. An anonymous source commented: "The whole thing doesn't pass the smell test.For gods sake make the man retire. He is knackered. He doesn't need to be up there when he is clearly in declining health. I don't personally believe he wanted to run again in the first place and this just confirms it. Even if he did want to run again, the process has been very clearly detrimental to him. He's burnt out which is no use to America.The Democrats need to find a replacement ASAP. And sadly it can't be the personality void that is Harris.This means the electorate will be, in effect, voting in November to make Kamala Harris president of the United States sometime in the next term, without her being at the top of the ticket and withstanding all the scrutiny and bearing all the responsibility that come with that.Her accession will be constitutionally legitimate, since this is how the system works. But it will be doing Harris and the country no favors to have her take the presidency without winning the office directly herself. The centrists who might have been swayed over by a good debate will now be leaning right. The never-trumpers will now be Trumpers. And some demos that might have voted will be disillusioned and may not bother at all. Apathy is huge. Trump is gonna take this whole thing without even trying if the dems don't find someone to actually energise the base. There were whispers for weeks that 'Joe's going down at the debate'."Biden should never have been elected. But Hollywood and Wall Street wanted Biden because they could then continue to rule America.