Monday, June 17, 2024

The "SCRIPTED" CNN Debate Between Biden and Trump.


REMEMBER this June 27th ! The day of the "scripted" Debate Between Trump and Biden . The  early debate has opened up a can of worms of speculation . FIRST , Trump is scheduled for sentencing July 11th, he might (1)>>BE IN JAIL .Judge Juan Merchan has set former President Trump's sentencing for July 11 after he was found guilty on all 34 counts in his New York hush money trial.  (1.2)>>That's SPECULATION too ! . Secondly , the Deep State NEO-CONS will probably have Joe Biden step down as President before November ! CHAOS IS LOOMING. So here are some TEED BITS ! Biden essentially had no choice but to agree to a debate, and it seems to me he goaded Trump into the best possible circumstances for it.Mic cutoffs, no audience (that Trump can stack with MAGA plants or traps for Biden a la Tara Reade), and a short delay (while Trump's trial is still going on or perhaps will have just ended in his conviction) is about the best possible world for Biden.Trump reflexively accepted (and set the bar super low by saying Biden sucks at debating), so Biden has flipped the script and Trump allowed himself to be positioned as the candidate likely to look scared if he tries to get out of it. 👉This whole debate is staged for some reason .In a flurry of exchanges and social media posts, the president and the former president agreed to two debates: June 27 on CNN and Sept. 10 on ABC. Also, the Biden campaign said it would not participate in the Commission on Presidential Debates’ proposed events. One big reason: early voting.“The Commission’s schedule has debates that begin after the American people have a chance to cast their vote early,” the campaign told the commission.“The Commission’s failure, yet again, to schedule debates that will be meaningful to all voters … underscores the serious limitations of its outdated approach.”Recent polling from the New York Times/Siena College/Philadelphia Inquirer shows the former president leading Biden in five of six swing states among registered voters. While the polling has set off alarm bells among some Democrats, others have noted the inconsistency in the president’s performance in the polls. Maybe I’m nihilistic but many of the people that were on the fence/leaning to vote for Trump won’t change gears over a debate. They’ve been shown continually Trump’s stacked list of threats and incompetencies yet it wasn’t a deal breaker for them. So I doubt a debate with Trump delivering elementary insults will amount to much benefit for Biden.If anything Biden has everything to lose if he stumbles his words or shows any cognitive decline, it will just re-emphasize the enlightened centrist arguement of “Biden is too old and senile” so they will stick with the redundant opinion of the tangerine convicted fraud being the lesser of two “evils” or the more competent. BIDEN FUMBLING and Falling of the STAGE is NO JOKE ! This debate was a trap set by Biden  DEEP STATE and Trump fell right into it.The idea isn't to win Trump fanatics or anyone firmly decided, it's to convince undecided independents and moderates. Trump doesn't prepare for his debates as a rule, but Biden does. Thus Trump always comes off emotional, unprepared, and off the cuff, which moderates dislike. Muting his microphone after 2 minutes means his rambling is kept to a bare minimum .Which is exactly why Biden needs to agree to a debate through an online medium with a 3rd party moderator who will ACTUALLY turn trump's mic off when he goes on a tirade for 15 minutes. That will toast his ass more than anything Biden could actually say.

June 27th is the first debate and it isn’t on a Wednesday, so why would the judge scheduling a court date on 5/22 1 month before the debate help Biden or hurt trump?This will be especially true is Trump loses badly in the popular vote, but manages, once again, to eke out an Electoral College victory.Biden is far from winning and the threat to victory isn't from Trump its from Biden himself. If not for his stupid and short-sighted support for Netanyahu's campaign in Gaza he'd be polling way ahead and it's his own fault for mishandling this debacle. His reelection depends on this issue, in my opinion, and it's not clear to me he can get this anchor off of him fast enough. If and when Trump is back in office, it is easy to imagine street protests turning violent, especially if a newly installed Trump tries to use the Insurrection Act and supportive military and police to quell city protests.While WAR TIME POWERS don't give the BIDEN ADMIN the right to CANCEL ELECTIONS, it does give them the power to RESCHEDULE THEM.Trump is already laying the seeds for claiming voter fraud in the 2024 elections should he lose, positing without evidence that Democrats are allowing illegal immigration into the United States so that these new arrivals can vote for Biden in the 2024 elections. Well it’s a wake up call … he didn’t say it’s definitely going to happen that’s of course what the WEO wants they want to win because they are losing the battle… so yes their going to try something huge but God won’t allow it !!! If CNN bars Kennedy from the June 27th debate, they will be disenfranchising millions of Americans and therefore undermining democracy. Joe said one of the conditions for the debate was no RFK. Trump posted Joe is afraid to include RFK because he is much more polished and can put sentences together compared to Joe. It would make Joe lose votes to him. Sold course in addition to having the Trump hating moderator who will feed Joe the questions beforehand and the closed stage to fix earpieces and a hidden teleprompter, Joe or his handlers demand no to RFK. They will also be revealing the cowardice of Joe Biden and Donald Trump.MOST LIKELY that the whole crazy debate was being staged by who ever is CONTROLLING the election . But we must stay alert !! That's fantastic that CNN is framing them both as having accepted the terms (no audience, mic cutoff). As the hosting network that's absolutely the right thing to do from a business perspective, too; makes it harder for Trump to back out without looking like a coward.In poll after poll, Trump scores the highest when Republicans are asked who they believe is most likely to defeat President Biden. For months, the theory was that though they might love Trump, eventually their desire to defeat Biden would lead them to a more electable candidate. I mean is they want to get Trump in Jail before November , probably they are hoping Biden get's sick enough that he will step down by November .All of what you said are reasons he SHOULD. Show America what their two choices really look like. A blumbering idiot who can't go 30 seconds without demeaning someone or something, or a man who has the worst record of inflation in a 4 year term and lacks the mental faculties to run his own show anymore and has lied about as many times as Trump.Show the American people that the government isn't theirs anymore, and that it's time for a new system. Because the one we have has betrayed us.We need a new word for Conspiracy Theories, they've gone mainstream now and are hardly even theories anymore just mindless group think, this is probably by design

NOTES AND COMMENTS :(1)>>BE IN JAIL Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon said former President Donald Trump will be sentenced to "multiple years in prison" in his Manhattan hush money trial.In a speech at Turning Point USA's Detroit conference, Bannon bashed the legal cases against the former president and predicted, with certainty, that Trump will be sentenced to years in prison on July 11."They've turned the legal system. They've turned the legal system, whether it's bankruptcy, whether it is taking away somebody's law license, whether it's de-banking, and they have the greatest president this nation's head since Abraham Lincoln, and they're, they're about to put him, by the way, you know ... on the 11th of July, they're going to sentence him for multiple years in prison. You understand that, right..." (1.2)>>That's SPECULATION too ! .Larry Sharpe goes nuclear on CNN for refusing to let RFK Jr. on the debate stage:“The only person who actually does actually fit their criteria is Bobby Kennedy Jr.”“Trump and Biden, are not on the ballot in any states. They are the presumed or presumptive candidates, and that's something that CNN decided to just make up.”“Their own reporting said that, ‘if they do it this way, it might weed out some third party candidates.’”“These parties are private companies. Bernie Sanders found that out the hard way back in 2016 when he tried to sue the DNC and a court case there. Again, federal judges said, ‘we can't touch this, it's a private organization.’”“We have a great system where two private companies run all our elections.”The FEC has ruled it would be against the law to keep RFK off the debate stage if he meets all the set criteria, yet there is no confirmation whether they will be allowing him to be there in 2 weeks even though he has officially met all the criteria.This is something that goes beyond party lines, and everyone should be upset about. Important political figures, such as Bernie Sanders, who have went through a similar process should be calling out the political parties for this clear collusion with CNN. The fact that Biden/Trump may pull out because one extra person will be on the debate stage to give a perspective outside of “this other guy sucks and is going to end Democracy, so you have to vote for me,” shows you all you need to know about the current state of American politics.