Friday, June 7, 2024

" WARS and RUMORS of Wars " 2024 AD . PART #2

" WARS and RUMORS of Wars " 2024 AD .. PART #2 .

Exactly this. Common Sense has gone out the window. We've got a mindless puppet at the helm. The US and Ukraine are treating one another like each other's lap dog. Joe Biden is not cut out for this. You so much as think about peace or compromise and you're immediately labeled a Putin lover. No, not at all, I'm just not ready to watch my family and loved ones suffer over a pissing contest. Very scary times.
Two People to KEEP on EYE on as they DRAG AMERICA into Hot wars . First , Benjamin Netanyahu. He should not be invited to address a joint meeting of Congress & Next on the list is Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy.  
Biden thinks a NUKE War will make him look strong and win reelection.  AS I said BEFORE . The fact is a whole lot of these "wars" are quagmires our elected politicians in Washington D.C. have chosen to start .I understand that  our government thinks they are helping is good but we do have many problems in our own backyard that 100+ billions dollars could be used for. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈThe U.S. loves lecturing the world about human rights.So love that it has to take over govts by coup, sponsor proxy wars, or bomb the place to smithereens. When, in a single breath, Biden calls for increased military aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, he is not listing territories at random, but delineating precisely the contours of the global proxy war the US is waging. In his younger years after the end of the Cold War, Joe Biden himself warned that NATO expansion would result in a ‘hostile reaction’ from RussiaπŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί. It's benefiting a few billionaires while hurting American people.It really confuses me. What is the point of not sending our troops to fight, but also sending hundreds of billions of dollars' worth of money and military equipment, which basically has the same effect? Why are we so willing to fight proxy wars, but not actual wars?My guess is that it's either 1) extremely strong anti-war sentiment in the US after the failed war on terror, or 2) deploying troops would be much worse than a proxy war in terms of escalating tensions , America is causing "wars and rumors of wars."Remember too, Zelensky is a madman he's been trying to pull NATO into a bigger "role" in fighting Russia , pushing for World War III . The US want the EU to pick up the tab. So the EU has to pay its gas energy twice as much as before, supply the necessary weapons and munitions, and support 40 millions people totally derelict , all in all probably around € 250 billion per year..And all of that without one single budget vote in any of the 27 EU countries...Where is EU Democracy ?Ukraine is nowhere near ready for EU membership, their politicians should stop creating these ridiculous expectations of Ukraine entering EU in 2 years because it's going to be very disappointing for everyone. The US was already tiring when Hamas invaded Israel, and Israel is a much more significant political priority to the US than Ukraine. President Biden might not have the political standing to win re-election, let alone while supporting both Ukraine and Israel. INSANE !!!, The Biden administration has quietly given Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia — solely near the area of Kharkiv — using U.S.-provided weapons, three U.S. officials and two other people familiar with the move . Deep State Joe Biden is pushing for a war with Russia to distract the American Election. The Kremlin on Monday said the U.S. could face “fatal consequences” if it ignores Moscow’s warnings that Ukraine should not use weapons provided by Washington to attack Russia. “I would like to warn American leaders against miscalculations that could have fatal consequences," Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said, Russian state news agency RIA reported. "For unknown reasons, they underestimate the seriousness of the rebuff they may receive.”We’ve been in a proxy war since this war started and we started arming the Ukrainians. You’re a little late coming to the realization that we’re involved in a proxy war. Do I think there are boots on the ground in Ukraine. Certainly. There probably has been since like day 2Yeah, I think I’m becoming convinced. Media is pretty hush hush of course as I have barely seen anything mention the level of US involvement, outside of sending $X billions in aid. I bet the public is completely unaware as well.Still, seems crazy that there might be troops there in this day and age of information and nothing official or semi official has come out yet as confirmation.


Will Zelensky's "immediate and forceful support for Israel" imperil the nearly two years of concerted US progressive support for the proxy war he's fighting on US neocons' behalf? Unlikely.Biden’s speech was not a serious attempt to convince anyone or rationally explain US foreign policy. It consisted of a series of non sequiturs strung one after the other, with no coherent argument binding them together. Biden drew a parallel between Hamas and Russian President Vladimir Putin that, objectively, did not make the slightest sense.But as he spoke, it became clear that the main aim of the speech was to utilize the war in Gaza to procure a massive spending bill for the war in Ukraine to prop up the Zelensky government following the failure of its summer offensive.Indeed, the New York Times has reported that $60 billion of the $100 billion spending bill Biden proposed in the speech will go to fight the war in Ukraine against Russia. This figure is more than twice Biden’s initial request of $24 billion in August. Some $14 billion will go to Israel.Despite its rambling and incoherent nature, the main import of the speech is clear: America is hurtling towards global war, and the president of the United States, the so-called “commander-in-chief,” is demanding $100 billion in additional funds, on top of the $1 trillion already proposed for all military spending, to finance this explosion of military aggression.Keep in mind that these budgets are funded by inflation. They are undermining the US Dollar in order to fund the current wars in Ukraine and Gaza as well as the near-future war over Taiwan.BUT THE BEAST BIBI Nathanyahu will not end the WAR after GAZA is obliterated . Their scheme has been laid out in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and their present [conduct] is the best proof of what is said there… Within the circle of the conflict with world Zionism, the Hamas regards itself the spear head and the avant-garde. It joins its efforts to all those who are active on the Palestinian scene, but more steps need to be taken by the Arab and Islamic peoples and Islamic associations through out the Arab and Islamic world in order to make possible the next round with the  Fake Jews, the merchants of war. So with starvation growing in Gaza, it appears that the Netanyahu government has adopted a strategy of using hunger to encourage the ‘voluntary’ mass relocation of the Gazan populace. Which is the kind of plan, at best, will result in the war crime of mass ethnic cleansing. But keep in mind that if it doesn’t work, the end result is still going to be the mass depopulation of Gaza in the form of dead starved Gazans. And this can only go on for so long before that physiological breaking point is reached across that population of 2 million people. We’re entering the  SIXTH month of this war.

The hesitation is so bizarre, like a bunch of engineers just watching a dam getting destroyed, pointing out break by break, maybe patching a hole…maybe…while Putin declares they will be next…and still dithering about…unbelievable and INSANE !!!! Forgive me if this isn't the right place to post this, or if this comes off as insensitive to the victims of this war. But this has really been bothering me for this entire Ukraine war, and I figured you all might be the only ones to understand In some cases, Zelensky is seen restraining the ambitions of his US subordinates; in several others, he is the one proposing risky military actions. Zelensky suggested Ukraine “conduct strikes in Russia” while moving Ukrainian ground troops into enemy territory to “occupy unspecified Russian border cities,” according to one document labeled “top secret.” The goal would be “to give Kyiv leverage in talks with Moscow,” the document said.If Zelenskyy was a true hero, he would put the lives of Ukrainian citizens above even the continued existence of the Ukrainian State itself, not treating the citizens like cannon fodder. A true hero would allow those citizens who want to leave the country to do so, and allow those citizens who want to stay and fight to do so, even if that reduction in soldiers ultimately reduces the odds that Ukraine will "win the war".  US government is just Wall Street, MIC and buncha Megacorp in a trenchcoat pretending to be a government.We have weapon manufacturer in charge of US policy regarding war and arms sales. Talk about conflict of interest, ffs. Imagine then, how absurd it is to be defacto ordered by a weapons manufacturer of another country to take suicidal maneuvers to boost 'hype' for war, and thus, weapon sales, your country's men and future be damned. It's Krazy Town. That's Ukraine for you. Other than that it looks like Ukraine is a proxy, private military country, and they are not even hiding it, there must be some ultra genius warmonger NAFOs right now, and they are actually getting excited. See it was all about a "permission" after all. Russia is a primitive gas station with nukes, (rusty nukes to be precise, they don't work so they're just a gas station), the only reason they didn't collapse and lose Crimea in the counter offensive is because Ukraine "didn't have permission to strike deep". Now they do though, and the NAFOs are going to live their fantasies of conquest and destruction. Ukrainians got permission to destroy the entire Russia, from the ultra advanced civilization with the wunderwaffen. Even the other bullshit with fascist republicans blocking weapons was bullshit after all, it turns out, there are enough weapons, it's a matter of requesting permission to destroy Russia by the neocons. I don't think Ukraine itself is seen as a threat to Russia. However I do have the capacity to imagine the shoe on the other foot, and when I do I see that to Russia, the prospect of Ukraine becoming a NATO missile and nuclear base is extremely threatening, compounding the issue are the types of people that are in positions of power in Ukraine, openly calling for the dismemberment of Russia and it's people. These are the people whos bank accounts we are funneling money into while being completely silent about the outrageous things they say.Remember that only years ago, the media was rife with articles about the issues in regards to Nazis in Ukraine being in key positions of power, and growing in numbers.Now that tune has suddenly disappeared and actually completely reversed, where media articles were saying months ago, oh there are no Nazis there. How did that change so quickly, and where did they go.I have a memory that lasts longer than the current news cycle but I'm not sure if many other people do.I wish people knew more about the history of Europe especially eastern Europe, they wouldn't be so easily fooled by those who seek to deceive us.