Monday, July 22, 2024

Biden DROPS OUT , and the Democrats are in TROUBLE !

This is true. Biden was at his worst and Trump was at his best. I actually think the muted mic greatly benefited Trump. It forced him to behave. Biden is always shaky and his sinus/cold issue really wrecked any chance of a good showing.For all the jokes about horrible politicians, it's stunning that our country has decayed to these options. There is no time in modern history where the options were so embarrassing terrible. MY READERS we live  in VARY VARY STRANGE DAYS ! With in a week of the attempted assassination of Donald J TRUMP coincidentally Biden under pressure in a soft coup dropped out of the race . HE may even RESIGN the PRESIDENCY . Already he has endorsed Kamala Harris to run for the office of the PRESIDENCY . The Democrats [ DEEP STATE DEMOCRATS ] have betrayed Biden , it obvious , they are going to loose the election . BIDEN  MIGHT RESIGN AS PRESIDENT BEFORE NOVEMBER . HE WILL LEAVE KAMALA HARRIS as INTERIM PRESIDENT . But I’m a little taken aback at how many Democratic Party sources are openly talking about finding a new nominee, and how many legacy publications are openly demanding Biden drop out of the race. If I saw a clear path to victory through a different candidate, I’d be happy to go down that path. But honestly, I don’t.For better or worse, Biden has significant name recognition, perhaps second only to Trump himself. It seems foolish to swap in anybody with a significantly lesser degree of name recognition than the current candidate with just over 5 months to go. That leaves only 5 months to completely build a brand and household name around a completely new candidate. This particular applies to the governors, a la Whitmer, Newsom, etc.And the other consideration is, even if the nomination process at the convention runs relatively smoothly, there is no way that some faction of the base doesn’t feel burned or passed over.And third, are we 100% sure that a new candidate could get all of the ballot access they would need in each of the must-win states? Because if they can’t, it’s a nonstarter.I hate being in this position, but to me the risks of ditching Biden now seem to far outweigh the rewards.  Instead they have crated political Chaos within their party.If sitting Members of Congress are concerned we’re watching a bloodless coup right here in America, what do our allies and enemies think? Where is Joe? The sum of the Biden Presidency as “Satanic,” because behind a studiously constructed façade of identity politics, “Team Biden” is pursuing an overtly warlike, imperialist agenda that was accurately characterized by writer Henry Miller in his novel Tropic of Cancer: “America is the very incarnation of doom, and she will lead the rest of the world into the Bottomless Pit.” The Biden team for the last 3 and a half years has pushed a Proxy War between Ukraine and Russia that has cost American Tax payers over 200 billion dollars . The Insanity of the Biden Administration is mind boggling . Again a total facade . Biden was never the COMMANDER in Chief but a puppet . Sadly he was being used , deposed of akin to ELDER ABUSE. The DNC will have to swiftly rally behind a new candidate. I’ve gotten a few messages about how this is clear sign of Armageddon.This is it folks! Can’t you feel it?!? Can’t you see we’re in the tippy tips of the toenails of the toes of the iron and clay feet?!!?!This is clearly a sign we are in the last days! At least that’s what I’ve been told. “Goodbye Biden, hello Armageddon!” was one of the messages I have received.I was literally telling people: "If Republicans want Biden to drop out, its not to help the democrats" But it seems like they were trying some kind of reverse psychology lol?The funny thing is, primaries aren't a government thing, their a party by-law thing. The convention is when the nomination becomes official, which hasn't happened for the Dems yet. They've normalized campaigning months/years ahead of the election (because fundraising) so much that they're hoping people forgot what normal elections looked like. Not that an incumbent declining the nod is 'normal', but this is totally in bounds for candidate selection.This is why things went so poorly for Hillary. She was saddled with over 20 years of hateful propaganda stretching back to Bill, and including her time as Secretary of State. Benghazi, the buttery males, being tied to Obama, it was already going for years.Legacy publications are saying he should drop out because they see a clear path to defeat, quite rightly. The Biden we saw in this debate will not be the same Biden we see in 2 or 3 months. As we age, the rate of decay increases. If you thought that was bad, wait till September's debate.Biden was behind before the debate. He was a known, deteriorating quantity. His numbers cannot reasonably be expected to improve. After his abysmal performance, which will generate a million memes, we can expect them to worsen significantly. Is anyone here disgusted by the Dems betraying Biden? Chuck Schumer telling him to drop out, rumors that Obama and Pelosi want him out. Biden has been compared to FDR and this is how they repay him? He’s the only person who’s successfully beaten 45. with the HELP OF 2000 MULES  & When I turn on The View I hear nothing but progress that Biden makes. They’re all scared because he had a little stumble at the debate. It’s not loyal at all.  They can't just switch out Biden's name for Kamala when attacking on age and dementia. It might not be perfect, but I suspect we won't be forced to see 2-4+ bots on every single thread about politics.