Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kamala Harris AWOL. PART 2.

Kamala Harris proves that the 2020 election 
was stolen from Donald Trump  ,she
was just waiting for Joe Biden 
to Drop out .

Even among democrats, Harris scores a lot worse than Biden.Well, her approval rating was is in the toilet, which isn't surprising since she comes across as phony and was BIDEN  first Democratic presidential candidate to drop out of the race with similar stories of discord in Harris office. BUT the Deep State had lined up to "succeed " Biden . WE knew that was going to happen .This a MAJOR UPDATE TO A ARTICLE I wrote about Kamala Harris in  December 2021 .[ see ] .   At present she’s been like every other vice-President: largely forgettable. So, she’s been average. It's I think if the Democrats run her in 2024 If you are still undecided, here is everything you need to know about Kamala Harris:- She is a globalist puppet- She is responsible for the open borders and illegal invasion - She withheld evidence and kept an innocent man on death row- She raised bail money for Antifa (which they probably will) they are asking to get walloped BY DONALD TRUMP during the DEBATES !!!! Running Harris in 2024 would be like begging for a repeat of the Trump/Clinton matchup. And we all know how that one ended for Democrats... Joe Biden and the Democrats have many more priorities to deal with today than already thinking about the 2024 presidential election. If Joe Biden cannot get his agenda back on track, then there will be no point in talking about 2024, because the Republicans will be in an ideal position. Joe Biden's priority is therefore to keep his promises. BIDEN COULD RESIGN BEFORE NOVEMBER is the ONLY WAY KAMALA could WIN . My biggest concern about this election is that the Democrats will cheat again. Hopefully, less people will be willing to cheat as they have all had to suffer, high gas prices, sky high food prices, inflation etc.
Kamala is the worst Choice for the Democratic Nomination .
🇺🇸 Elon Musk called Kamala Harris the “next puppet” of Alex Soros, the son of billionaire George Soros.The businessman thanked him on social network X for “not making anyone doubt” this. Soros Jr. himself previously announced his support for Harris’s candidacy for the presidency of the United States and published a joint photo.Musk also noted that the Democrats “simply want a doll that will work better,” and the current political machine remains intact.- Ostashko reports. She has the lowest approval rating of a VP in the history of America - an amazing 28 percent - she was behind Yang in her home state, and then she dropped out of the primaries polling single digits. The question is who will stop Kamala. I think the answer is Biden simply by running again. But in the unlikely event that he doesn't run, who would it be? The consensus seems to be Mayor Pete which I think is just insane.  SHE PROBABLY WILL PICK Pete or Shapiro as her VP CHOICE . This poll shows his support among black voters right where it was in 2020. The argument has always been that once black voters get to know Pete, this would change. Well he's been one of the most visible members of the Biden administration and the support hasn't gone up at all. So who could challenge Harris... some names come to mind: Corey Booker, Eric Adams, and if, she were to full of an upset in Georgia, Stacey Abrams. Warnock too. Obviously they are all black but I could see also see someone like Osoff playing that RFK role and leading a mutli-racial colaition. Point is black voters are key. No one had Biden as their first choice. The support for him was very apathetic, as opposed to anti-Trump sentiment which was very motivating. He was just the only one palatable to enough. However, you make the first debate more like the second and Trump doesn't get covid? I don't think Biden wins.I'd say if Biden doesn't run, Harris is the most likely nominee. Say Biden runs in 2024 though (and I think he will). He has a good shot to be re-elected but even there, I think 2028 will be tough for Harris. So many people could run at that point fine for the country, but not so much for her political brand or hopes of being a future president. The polls show here in approval ratings like  Biden blow the 30 % percentage .The narrative has turned against Harris, the first woman and the first not so Black- Indian married to a Jewish white man to be vice-president. In the U.S., it is always about the narrative, the contemporary cant, the conventional wisdom — even when the cant is no longer contemporary and the wisdom is no longer conventional.Harris’s problems are real. A closely reported piece on CNN on Nov. 14, based on some 30 interviews with staff and insiders, described “exasperation and dysfunction” in the vice-president’s circle. I think this is reversing cause and effect; people don't like her, for various reasons, and that is why she performed so poorly. She was getting dumpstered in her own state and would have certainly lost it by several places if she hadn't dropped out beforehand.Those reasons she did poorly are all still true. That is lower than her four predecessors in their first years. >It’s also lower than the approval rating for President Joe Biden, who sits at 38%, and former President Donald Trump as he was leaving office in January, when he was polling around 41%.
Kamala Harris not fit to be the President .
There's certainly time to rehab her image, but she is starting from a deficit, and thus far seems to have gone down further rather than up. I've had my issues with her since the primaries. But putting all of that aside; she's terribly uncharismatic. She has the same charisma issues as Hillary Clinton, with none of the political allies to make up for it. Her laughter and deflection of questions make her incredibly unlikable on camera. Where I've been disappointed is in her political ability. She's shown a lot of the same difficulty navigating political situations that she did in the primary. Take the issue of her going to the border. Folks asked her about visiting the border. She gave a very reasonable answer that there isn't much value in visiting the border, but the media found a way to criticize it anyway. She ran ineffective damage control, then as it continued to be an issue, reversed course and went to visit the border, but now it looked like she was going just because she caved to pressure, not because it was actually a good policy move.Personally,I also suspect this. A sure way to tip the good USA folk over the edge. But, a Trump win could also bring about a massive right swing and all that will go with that, equally a chaotic future. Kamala Harris.But her candidacy would face nearly insurmountable odds of troubles, if American history and recent voter polls are any indication.  If they wanted to instigate a civil war in the US, they stage an attempt on Trump's life, making his election win virtually guaranteed, then they have Kamala Harris or another demented puppet swoop in and steal it from right under his nose.It couldn't happen...could it? 🤔