Sunday, July 28, 2024

Bibi Netanyahu Just Made an INSANE Speech !

 Dictator Bibi Netanyahu address to the US
CONGRESS is nothing more than a Lobbyist Stunt .
to demand more American Tax payer Money
to fund another endless war  

Bibi Netanyahu Just Made an INSANE Speech in America's Congress. His speech was not only cringe -worthy but it coincide with US President Biden's speech to the nation why he is out of the race & so on . He’s still Genocide Joe: what Biden has allowed Netanyahu to do to Gaza is still his legacy and it will never go away. But this is a good move: giving a major speech on the same day at Bibi’s address Congress is a sure way to steal the spotlight from the war criminal.PECULIAR .Benjamin Netanyahu, the man responsible for the largest massacre since World War II, in which more than 13k children were massacred, got standing ovations . BY FAR it was just as bad as speech that Ukraine's Dictator gave to Congress . Now Bibi the dictator comes begging the American CONGRESS for more weapons and MONEY .Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged in a scathing speech to Congress on Wednesday to achieve “total victory” against Hamas and denounced American opponents of the war in Gaza as “idiots,” taking a combative stance in a visit the Biden administration has hoped will yield progress in negotiations to end the fighting.  Bibi claimed multiple times during the speech that Israel hasn't been receiving regular weapons shipments from the U.S., while the U.S. claims they have been making regular deliveries as promised. BIG TIME LIES!!Biden must pause all weapons shipments until we can find out where they are ending up! It could be going to Hamas if what Bibi says is true! Nothing Bibi says is true. He is an arrogant psychopath who lies to no end like daddy Trump- Biden -Kamala. Truth and Bibi are not compatible.The USA supplies them with protection and weapons and they just spit in the face of the nation, it's a disgrace, they take and take and take and still complain, let them fight this out on their own. Did you know that Mike Johnson is going to arrest anyone that interrupts Bibi Netanjahu's speech in Congress next week? Did you know Johnson received $95K from AIPAC, that the [zionists] own to control reps as they do dems? The last time Bibi Netanyahu addressed Congress in 2015, Congress interrupted his speech 39 times to applaud.  Bibi more than likely knew about the attack on Oct 7th. The IDF intelligence knew and alerted their higher ups, who would have likely told Bibi (Not to mention Egypt alerted Israel 2 weeks prior to the event). Bibi wasn't doing so hot politically, he had really low ratings, so what would boost his ratings? An unexpected and terrifying event... queue Oct 7th. Bibi's approval ratings shoot up as he calls for war. Many in Israel want blood, so Bibi gives it to them (as he has wanted blood for a long ass time). Now that he is engaged, he has no intention of pulling out. He has ways to get all the hostages home sooner, and he refuses to utilize those ways. Instead he has the IDF figure out where the hostages are, and records them rescuing those hostages in daring rescues.The IDF also has a long history of cruelty towards Palestinians. It is no wonder you hear every now and then of an Israeli who joins the IDF (because mandatory service) and then sees the truth of the IDF, and leaves, not wanting to partake in it any longer.   Biden actually believes in the state of Israel as a concept and was willing to take a political hit for standing by them because he believed it was the right thing to do. Netanyahu of course doesn't care one bit about destroying Israel's standing in the world and isolating it from its only close ally. Just like Trump, Netanyahu can't even comprehend that people have morals and principles that they put before self aggrandizement and partisan politics. Netanyahu has essentially weaponized Americans' bipartisan sympathy for Israel against us for his own selfish political gain. Bibi's main goal in coming here was to try to shore up support back in Israel. Israeli's are pissed he is doing such a piss poor job getting the hostages home. So far, the only thing that has actually worked to get hostages back is diplomacy, but he's still bombing babies as if that's going to work. So he comes to the US to try to show Israelis "see, I'm still the only guy you have that can command this kind of attention in Washington." Given the responses he's getting from US lawmakers, he clearly failed, and if anything this will accelerate his decline in popularity at home. EVEN Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who boycotted the speech, called Netanyahu’s speech “the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress.”The only thing keeping him in power is this war. If he ends the war his own party will kick him out. It also has prevented a lot of actions that could lead to his ousting or an early election (although there are lots of hurdles there even with no war).In the end he is insanely unpopular and so is his party. It could fall apart now but with the war it doesn't seem that it will happen without massive unrest. Besides that we have to wait until 2026. UNLESS A BIGGER WIDER WAR ENGLUFS THE MIDDLE -EAST , thank Bibi . One of the biggest pieces of shit in contemporary history.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kamala Harris AWOL. PART 2.

Kamala Harris proves that the 2020 election 
was stolen from Donald Trump  ,she
was just waiting for Joe Biden 
to Drop out .

Even among democrats, Harris scores a lot worse than Biden.Well, her approval rating was is in the toilet, which isn't surprising since she comes across as phony and was BIDEN  first Democratic presidential candidate to drop out of the race with similar stories of discord in Harris office. BUT the Deep State had lined up to "succeed " Biden . WE knew that was going to happen .This a MAJOR UPDATE TO A ARTICLE I wrote about Kamala Harris in  December 2021 .[ see ] .   At present she’s been like every other vice-President: largely forgettable. So, she’s been average. It's I think if the Democrats run her in 2024 If you are still undecided, here is everything you need to know about Kamala Harris:- She is a globalist puppet- She is responsible for the open borders and illegal invasion - She withheld evidence and kept an innocent man on death row- She raised bail money for Antifa (which they probably will) they are asking to get walloped BY DONALD TRUMP during the DEBATES !!!! Running Harris in 2024 would be like begging for a repeat of the Trump/Clinton matchup. And we all know how that one ended for Democrats... Joe Biden and the Democrats have many more priorities to deal with today than already thinking about the 2024 presidential election. If Joe Biden cannot get his agenda back on track, then there will be no point in talking about 2024, because the Republicans will be in an ideal position. Joe Biden's priority is therefore to keep his promises. BIDEN COULD RESIGN BEFORE NOVEMBER is the ONLY WAY KAMALA could WIN . My biggest concern about this election is that the Democrats will cheat again. Hopefully, less people will be willing to cheat as they have all had to suffer, high gas prices, sky high food prices, inflation etc.
Kamala is the worst Choice for the Democratic Nomination .
🇺🇸 Elon Musk called Kamala Harris the “next puppet” of Alex Soros, the son of billionaire George Soros.The businessman thanked him on social network X for “not making anyone doubt” this. Soros Jr. himself previously announced his support for Harris’s candidacy for the presidency of the United States and published a joint photo.Musk also noted that the Democrats “simply want a doll that will work better,” and the current political machine remains intact.- Ostashko reports. She has the lowest approval rating of a VP in the history of America - an amazing 28 percent - she was behind Yang in her home state, and then she dropped out of the primaries polling single digits. The question is who will stop Kamala. I think the answer is Biden simply by running again. But in the unlikely event that he doesn't run, who would it be? The consensus seems to be Mayor Pete which I think is just insane.  SHE PROBABLY WILL PICK Pete or Shapiro as her VP CHOICE . This poll shows his support among black voters right where it was in 2020. The argument has always been that once black voters get to know Pete, this would change. Well he's been one of the most visible members of the Biden administration and the support hasn't gone up at all. So who could challenge Harris... some names come to mind: Corey Booker, Eric Adams, and if, she were to full of an upset in Georgia, Stacey Abrams. Warnock too. Obviously they are all black but I could see also see someone like Osoff playing that RFK role and leading a mutli-racial colaition. Point is black voters are key. No one had Biden as their first choice. The support for him was very apathetic, as opposed to anti-Trump sentiment which was very motivating. He was just the only one palatable to enough. However, you make the first debate more like the second and Trump doesn't get covid? I don't think Biden wins.I'd say if Biden doesn't run, Harris is the most likely nominee. Say Biden runs in 2024 though (and I think he will). He has a good shot to be re-elected but even there, I think 2028 will be tough for Harris. So many people could run at that point fine for the country, but not so much for her political brand or hopes of being a future president. The polls show here in approval ratings like  Biden blow the 30 % percentage .The narrative has turned against Harris, the first woman and the first not so Black- Indian married to a Jewish white man to be vice-president. In the U.S., it is always about the narrative, the contemporary cant, the conventional wisdom — even when the cant is no longer contemporary and the wisdom is no longer conventional.Harris’s problems are real. A closely reported piece on CNN on Nov. 14, based on some 30 interviews with staff and insiders, described “exasperation and dysfunction” in the vice-president’s circle. I think this is reversing cause and effect; people don't like her, for various reasons, and that is why she performed so poorly. She was getting dumpstered in her own state and would have certainly lost it by several places if she hadn't dropped out beforehand.Those reasons she did poorly are all still true. That is lower than her four predecessors in their first years. >It’s also lower than the approval rating for President Joe Biden, who sits at 38%, and former President Donald Trump as he was leaving office in January, when he was polling around 41%.
Kamala Harris not fit to be the President .
There's certainly time to rehab her image, but she is starting from a deficit, and thus far seems to have gone down further rather than up. I've had my issues with her since the primaries. But putting all of that aside; she's terribly uncharismatic. She has the same charisma issues as Hillary Clinton, with none of the political allies to make up for it. Her laughter and deflection of questions make her incredibly unlikable on camera. Where I've been disappointed is in her political ability. She's shown a lot of the same difficulty navigating political situations that she did in the primary. Take the issue of her going to the border. Folks asked her about visiting the border. She gave a very reasonable answer that there isn't much value in visiting the border, but the media found a way to criticize it anyway. She ran ineffective damage control, then as it continued to be an issue, reversed course and went to visit the border, but now it looked like she was going just because she caved to pressure, not because it was actually a good policy move.Personally,I also suspect this. A sure way to tip the good USA folk over the edge. But, a Trump win could also bring about a massive right swing and all that will go with that, equally a chaotic future. Kamala Harris.But her candidacy would face nearly insurmountable odds of troubles, if American history and recent voter polls are any indication.  If they wanted to instigate a civil war in the US, they stage an attempt on Trump's life, making his election win virtually guaranteed, then they have Kamala Harris or another demented puppet swoop in and steal it from right under his nose.It couldn't happen...could it? 🤔

Monday, July 22, 2024

Biden DROPS OUT , and the Democrats are in TROUBLE !

This is true. Biden was at his worst and Trump was at his best. I actually think the muted mic greatly benefited Trump. It forced him to behave. Biden is always shaky and his sinus/cold issue really wrecked any chance of a good showing.For all the jokes about horrible politicians, it's stunning that our country has decayed to these options. There is no time in modern history where the options were so embarrassing terrible. MY READERS we live  in VARY VARY STRANGE DAYS ! With in a week of the attempted assassination of Donald J TRUMP coincidentally Biden under pressure in a soft coup dropped out of the race . HE may even RESIGN the PRESIDENCY . Already he has endorsed Kamala Harris to run for the office of the PRESIDENCY . The Democrats [ DEEP STATE DEMOCRATS ] have betrayed Biden , it obvious , they are going to loose the election . BIDEN  MIGHT RESIGN AS PRESIDENT BEFORE NOVEMBER . HE WILL LEAVE KAMALA HARRIS as INTERIM PRESIDENT . But I’m a little taken aback at how many Democratic Party sources are openly talking about finding a new nominee, and how many legacy publications are openly demanding Biden drop out of the race. If I saw a clear path to victory through a different candidate, I’d be happy to go down that path. But honestly, I don’t.For better or worse, Biden has significant name recognition, perhaps second only to Trump himself. It seems foolish to swap in anybody with a significantly lesser degree of name recognition than the current candidate with just over 5 months to go. That leaves only 5 months to completely build a brand and household name around a completely new candidate. This particular applies to the governors, a la Whitmer, Newsom, etc.And the other consideration is, even if the nomination process at the convention runs relatively smoothly, there is no way that some faction of the base doesn’t feel burned or passed over.And third, are we 100% sure that a new candidate could get all of the ballot access they would need in each of the must-win states? Because if they can’t, it’s a nonstarter.I hate being in this position, but to me the risks of ditching Biden now seem to far outweigh the rewards.  Instead they have crated political Chaos within their party.If sitting Members of Congress are concerned we’re watching a bloodless coup right here in America, what do our allies and enemies think? Where is Joe? The sum of the Biden Presidency as “Satanic,” because behind a studiously constructed façade of identity politics, “Team Biden” is pursuing an overtly warlike, imperialist agenda that was accurately characterized by writer Henry Miller in his novel Tropic of Cancer: “America is the very incarnation of doom, and she will lead the rest of the world into the Bottomless Pit.” The Biden team for the last 3 and a half years has pushed a Proxy War between Ukraine and Russia that has cost American Tax payers over 200 billion dollars . The Insanity of the Biden Administration is mind boggling . Again a total facade . Biden was never the COMMANDER in Chief but a puppet . Sadly he was being used , deposed of akin to ELDER ABUSE. The DNC will have to swiftly rally behind a new candidate. I’ve gotten a few messages about how this is clear sign of Armageddon.This is it folks! Can’t you feel it?!? Can’t you see we’re in the tippy tips of the toenails of the toes of the iron and clay feet?!!?!This is clearly a sign we are in the last days! At least that’s what I’ve been told. “Goodbye Biden, hello Armageddon!” was one of the messages I have received.I was literally telling people: "If Republicans want Biden to drop out, its not to help the democrats" But it seems like they were trying some kind of reverse psychology lol?The funny thing is, primaries aren't a government thing, their a party by-law thing. The convention is when the nomination becomes official, which hasn't happened for the Dems yet. They've normalized campaigning months/years ahead of the election (because fundraising) so much that they're hoping people forgot what normal elections looked like. Not that an incumbent declining the nod is 'normal', but this is totally in bounds for candidate selection.This is why things went so poorly for Hillary. She was saddled with over 20 years of hateful propaganda stretching back to Bill, and including her time as Secretary of State. Benghazi, the buttery males, being tied to Obama, it was already going for years.Legacy publications are saying he should drop out because they see a clear path to defeat, quite rightly. The Biden we saw in this debate will not be the same Biden we see in 2 or 3 months. As we age, the rate of decay increases. If you thought that was bad, wait till September's debate.Biden was behind before the debate. He was a known, deteriorating quantity. His numbers cannot reasonably be expected to improve. After his abysmal performance, which will generate a million memes, we can expect them to worsen significantly. Is anyone here disgusted by the Dems betraying Biden? Chuck Schumer telling him to drop out, rumors that Obama and Pelosi want him out. Biden has been compared to FDR and this is how they repay him? He’s the only person who’s successfully beaten 45. with the HELP OF 2000 MULES  & When I turn on The View I hear nothing but progress that Biden makes. They’re all scared because he had a little stumble at the debate. It’s not loyal at all.  They can't just switch out Biden's name for Kamala when attacking on age and dementia. It might not be perfect, but I suspect we won't be forced to see 2-4+ bots on every single thread about politics.

Monday, July 15, 2024

The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump ?

The Second shot herd around the World ?
A Deep State Attempt to 
get Rid of Trump?
When I first saw the BREAKING NEWS , my first reaction was while watching FOX "Trump Injured". Maybe the stage had collapsed under his feet when he was giving his speech at the rally .I just want Anonymous back to investigate this situ. Not buying it. I would not be that triumphant and expose myself to ‘celebrate’ the way he did after just being shot not knowing if there were any more shooters waiting to finish him off…. Even if I was a narcissistic TV personality turned ‘president’. BUT , then later it was obvious someone was trying to kill Trump .  The people who like to pretend Trump has no enemies and everything is fake absolutely must pretend this is fake as well. , the Deep State was probably trying to take out Trump .  From a political standpoint it boosted Trump's ratings , it made President Joe Biden at his worst possible poll numbers .The shot that grazed his head was done by CIA. The guy in the crowd shooting was planted. Reasons could be to make Trump a more compelling candidate because they are scared of Robert Kennedy winning or undermining the two party system. This keeps the focus back on Trump and Biden but especially on Trump. Have they figured out how he got on the roof of a nearby building? I expected it to be someone from closer to the Butler area because it seems like the person would have had to have been pretty familiar with the area in order to carry this out.From the eye witness reports that I saw, these people who saw the shooter on the roof, saw it within moments before the shooting started.So I don't think there would've been enough time to clear the area or do much more in a timely manner other than alert the snipers. Which the snipers do seem to have responded fairly quickly.Don't BE FOOLED BY THIS It OPENS THE DOOR FOR ALL OUT ASSASSINATION , even Biden is in Danger !!! So, a 20 year old just loads up his rifle and explosives in his car with no prior training, and expects to get to an elevated vantage point with a straight path 150 yards away without anybody stopping him? Then, with rifle in hand is able to climb on top of a building, shimming into position, focus his sights in, and fire multiple shots? Yeah, something doesn’t add up.People flip out. The left cheers for a murder, the right begins to arm themselves. The nation is now split, people start actively shooting Liberals deeming them the cause, manhunts begin for answers. Multiple assassinations happen over night as it's now open season on all government officials.Did Biden put out a hit on Trump? “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” They couldn’t get him during the bogus impeachments, the bogus show trials, the BS cognitive ability, so Biden takes his shot at an official act of assassinating his political rival! “Biden can assassinate Trump if it’s an official act,” Every person that put that assassination nonsense out there this is on you. Do these people just throw any insane conspiracy out there in the off chance it actually happens so they can say "Look! Look! I told you it would happen! Biden had Trump killed!" And then they find out it was actually some method out Trump supporter who finally saw through the grift and decided in their haze to take matters into his own hands.Just reiterated my point....political affiliations . Remember too that this STRANGELY COINCIDES with the Push to have  Joe Biden to STEP DOWN .  All this was about trying to eliminate Trump and also to change the narrative from Biden's bad debate debacle. The Leftists always control the narrative with their propaganda medias to echo. Unless there is solid evidence that the shooter wanted to die (*), as he knew shooting Trump was guaranteed to be a suicide mission, then the lone wolf thing falls flat... ...and the only explanation that makes sense is that he was brainwashed, possibly drugged into doing that...kind of like Oswald and then quickly eliminated so he could not tell who was behind this. ASIDE, violence is not the answer and if people can get behind that regardless of what their political beliefs are and at LEAST unite to not condone violence, we might stay strong as a society. If it's all about name calling and blame, it will only promote more violent responses, more blame, more division....

Saturday, July 6, 2024


Biden was set up by the media , and looks
like a soft coup is being attempted ?
The 81-year-old President's performance in Thursday's debate has led to widespread criticism and calls for his withdrawal from the presidential race.President Joe Biden was set up in a 'soft coup' to oust him, a top Democratic insider claimed. Yes, the Leftist Media like CNN has turned against BIDEN.The New York Times editorial board and a host of other non-partisan voices have called for Biden to announce that he will no longer run for president. But in this particular race, it is not enough. Biden’s departure from the race this summer would kick-off a tumultuous, bitter fight for the nomination in an open convention that is already in jeopardy of crippling protests. The infighting would leave bruises or wounds among the likely Democratic contenders and the constituencies that have been loosely united behind the incumbent until his unfortunate debate performance. Biden’s remaining in the race would most probably ensure a return of Donald Trump to the White House. Most of you are probably aware, but for those who are not, in the US election cycle, there is usually a debate between both of the favored candidates before election time comes around.Many were also looking for the debate to finally dispel the far right consensus that Biden was 'too old' or had otherwise lost his marbles. { Biden setting off World War III should worry every American , but people are being gas-lit & distracted } The debate was the perfect opportunity to put rumors away for good. Presenting a confident, clear-spoken and passionate Biden that and existed in former debates and speeches would have made everything alright.This did not occur.The performance given was an unmitigated disaster to the general public and political pundits alike who were shocked to see two things. One, Trump basically saying nothing but lies going unopposed, and Biden sometimes struggling to form coherent sentences. It was arguably the worst political debate in history. Trump may have not 'won' in the traditional sense, but to an outsider, he came across as more coherent, well-spoken and passionate (even if his statements are mostly bullshit).If people were concerned about Biden's age affecting his ability to govern, the debates only elevated it from a right-wing talking point to a mainstream political view. While Biden has a stutter, his bizarre facial expresses, sentence mix-ups and occasional visible confusion on stage left many thinking what on earth was going on. Arguably the only time in the debate we got coherent discussion or passion from both candidates is when discussing golf (this is not an SNL skit or made up). { debate would never truly change the allegiance of hard Biden or Trump fans, BIDEN IS UNDER SCRUTINY Biden has not taken a cognitive test during his presidency and dismissed calls to take one arguing during his recent ABC News interview that leading the country amounts to a daily test. Trump has bragged about passing a short screening test in 2018, and his personal physician said last year that his cognitive exams were“exceptional” but did not explain what those exams entailed and when they were conducted.Since the debate, the entire discussion has been about Joe Biden’s mental state currently, leading to growing calls for him to be replaced as a candidate. Why is no one, media or otherwise, talking about the years leading up to now? Biden’s cognitive decline has surely been obvious to those in his inner circle. Does it not trouble anyone that not one person within his cabinet or administration spoke up? It seems as though all of his administration put politics and optics above the well-being of the United States. The final cherry on top was that Biden had to helped off stage, while Trump casually turned to walk away afterwards. While the  debates are important for the undecided voters who haven't picked a side.Publicly, Democratic leaders have been backing Biden, but privately, there have been ongoing discussions about his fitness to beat Donald Trump in the upcoming election. SENDING TRUMP TO PRISON . Yes, a COUP within a COUP !? Trump was scheduled to be sentenced on July 11. Judge Juan Merchan said the former president will now be sentenced on September 18, “if such is still necessary." }  Well, the Republicans don't have anyone who could possibly replace Trump, so they're kind of stuck with him. The Democrats have plenty of viable options, unfortunately they're too lib to consider actually utilizing Bernie or anyone from the squad.There’s no doubt that Joe Biden is the democratically selected presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, but also little doubt that his condition was hidden from the public and that, if he had to run in a free and fair nomination contest today, he would lose handily. An increasingly feeble President Biden was a crisis waiting to happen, and now that the crisis is upon us, there’s no easy way out. Biden won't step aside because he legitimately thinks he is the only one who can do it.I would say that at this point it's too late for the DNC to run anyone else but, for the sake of argument, if Biden got replaced as a candidate with, say AOC, I wonder if the sheer excitement of the truly left wing base would be enough to make up for lost time. Not like this would ever happen. It barely happened in my hypothetical. An anonymous source commented: "The whole thing doesn't pass the smell test.For gods sake make the man retire. He is knackered. He doesn't need to be up there when he is clearly in declining health. I don't personally believe he wanted to run again in the first place and this just confirms it. Even if he did want to run again, the process has been very clearly detrimental to him. He's burnt out which is no use to America.The Democrats need to find a replacement ASAP. And sadly it can't be the personality void that is Harris.This means the electorate will be, in effect, voting in November to make Kamala Harris president of the United States sometime in the next term, without her being at the top of the ticket and withstanding all the scrutiny and bearing all the responsibility that come with that.Her accession will be constitutionally legitimate, since this is how the system works. But it will be doing Harris and the country no favors to have her take the presidency without winning the office directly herself. The centrists who might have been swayed over by a good debate will now be leaning right. The never-trumpers will now be Trumpers. And some demos that might have voted will be disillusioned and may not bother at all. Apathy is huge. Trump is gonna take this whole thing without even trying if the dems don't find someone to actually energise the base. There were whispers for weeks that 'Joe's going down at the debate'."Biden should never have been elected. But Hollywood and Wall Street wanted Biden because they could then continue to rule America.