Monday, September 16, 2024

The WARNING SIGNS of Something BIG is Coming!


AS I write THIS . Donald J Trump almost got assassinated by another Deep State actor connected to Ukraine . We know little so far, but w alleged Trump shooter's personal and public participation in military activity in Ukraine, it is hard to imagine this White House's agencies can claim zero contact—"clean hands." Something of an Oswald vibe, here. The Ukrainian government has swiftly denied any links with a suspected gunman who was accused of attempting to assassinate Trump on Sunday. The details surrounding the latest assassination attempt, however, contain all the ingredients for a disinformation powder keg that Russia could try to exploit, current and former U.S. officials and other security experts say. Remember we are in an election year . A ripe time for a terrorist attack or something worse.I feel like I am standing on a powder keg that's about to blow. I feel like something is about to happen. I can't explain this feeling, but it's like how you feel when you just know someone is watching you but you haven't turned around to catch them yet. A pot of water on too high a temperature; boiling high and foaming and about to spill over. That instant when you feel yourself tripping right before you fall.China and Russia and Belarus and Iran and North Korea (and maybe India and Turkey?? Hungary??) are the new axis, and war is erupting all over. No one can afford anything and the richest man in the world is an emotional eight year old bonehead. The US, still just barely leading the world, is in chaos. We may be electing the next Hitler in 11 months' time. I live in the northern midwest and it will be 50 degrees on Christmas day. People are constantly sick now; covid, flu, rsv, pneumonia, colds, lather rinse repeat. Cancer, heart attacks, long covid. The CDC warning hospitals may have to ration care.There is too much bad going on all at once everywhere all the time. Something big has to be coming, right? The pressure is just too high.Call me a paranoid conspiracy theorist but the fact that netflix dropped a movie priming us for collapse right before Christmas made me nauseous. And it was produced by the Obamas. Something big is going to happen in the US, a false flag, a civil war? that will ripple across the world. The child pneumonia that's been popping off in China right before the election is also super suss. I've been feeling it for years but something ain't right. Maybe next year we will see major crop failure due to climate, I'm seeing a lot of posts of spring flowers blooming prematurely.


I think the worst part is that Congressional members still get paid when the government shuts down but everyone else either gets furloughed or doesn't get paid and is forced to work How messed up is that? Their pay should be the first thing to be stopped the second the government shuts down then maybe they would do everything to prevent it  Ya, i genuinely believe USA is effed because of itself, not because of Russia or china.The political system that was once so useful for innovation and balance of power has been corrupted and it is incredibly hard to fix this because their perspective is to better keep a faulty system than to change it . The balance of power now makes it incredibly hard to have any party/person enough power to make actual genuine changes.The WARNING SIGNS of Something BIG is Coming!  I would LIKE to take a break from writing but I get a "psychic RED ALERTS" to the developing situations . Here are the ones , FIRST  " The Government SHUTDOWN of 2024 AD" . It's hanging like a bomb over Washington D.C.  . Right in the Middle of a serious election cycle . SECOND , the escalation of WAR between Russia and Ukraine.We've given billions. Don't you think we have problems of our own to take care of with that money instead? Why is this up to us to chip in? .. literally almost a gov shutdown and we're still printing and giving more money away. This new escalation is because the Biden Administration is allowing for LONG RANGE missiles to strike inside of Russia . WE have to weigh in the WARNING SIGNS of a possible " distraction " on American soil . The Year will go out in a bang under the Biden- Harris Administration . Kind of like when there’s a government shutdown and nobody really notices. Kind of like 90% of the federal government doesn’t do shit, and shouldn’t exist. The US has no functional president and has not had one for months, and it's barely noticeable and barely matters because there's a permanent unelected machine that runs the government. We will look back at the gaslighting of the American people about @JoeBidens fitness for office as one of the greatest scandals and most ridiculous periods in American history. BUT NOW under BIden ,  Behind closed doors, House Republicans have shifted from optimistically cautious to expecting a government shutdown, Axios has learned Why it matters: House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) will have to choose in coming weeks between a fight with Democrats that threatens a shutdown, or a deal with Democrats that threatens his job. "People are predicting a shutdown even if it's just for a few days," a GOP lawmaker recently told Axios. They're either "close to reaching a deal or it's about to blow up," one subcommittee chair recently told a fellow House Republican..Republicans have demonstrated their willingness to shut down the government before. They won this game of chicken by throwing their steering wheel out of the window and flooring the accelerator. They absolutely would’ve eaten shit to spite Democrats, and the Dems knew it. If anything, they were the ones over a barrel.Plus, they put this off to the very last second precisely because Reps were dragging their feet on a compromise, so they just didn’t have time to iron one out that would favor Democratic priorities to a greater extent. No time to edit when you only have a day left for your college thesis and you’ve been dicking around up until then.