Saturday, February 11, 2023

Biden's STATE OF THE UNION 2023 !?


 (1 )>>WELL another STATE of THE UNION by another President of the United States . LOL 😂President Biden said  that he’d “work like the devil” NOW  Enter Joe Biden , between this one and the one last year , NOTHING HAS CHANGED . If not has gotten much worse than ever before .Biden did okay. Didn't really inspire. His poll numbers are still going to be in the gutter. Definitely crafted some political chokepoints for the GOP though. The Truth is Biden is failing the American people like Obama did . It's all smoke and mirrors , big promises , nothing gets done . (2)>>IT'S PRETTY MUCH ALL OF CONGRESS both Republicans and Democrats .... Seriously? Airlines are the worst they've been in my lifetime, he's also issued the least fines to said airlines in the same period. Rail unions were crushed on his watch. Again, what has he actually done that's positive in that position? I don't care about his credentials, I don't care how well he can be a media darling, what has he actually done? Because all I've heard about is him failing and having no interest in doing the job he was appointed to. He raised that some Republicans supporting cutting Medicare and Social Security, then when they boo'ed him and heckled him as a liar...he said "ok, so we agree then, no one is cutting Medicare and Social Security, yes?" and made them clap along.  (3)>>Inflation is something people feel, you know, in a different way than they do other economic indicators. The price of gas is reflected every time you get a tank of gas.  Current gas prices are not primarily due to US foreign policy in general.Biden’s reckless embrace of expensive, ineffective “green-energy” initiatives will hurt all Americans financially and could also damage the president politically. You can be mad about inflation + price instability, or (in an alternate universe) be mad about a US-wide recession, jobs shortage, and the utter collapse of small businesses, across the US. Fed policy that helped "cause" inflation (ie. cheap loans / interest rates) is also responsible for staving off much, if not all of that.Working class will get screwed regardless (see how price + COL increases incidentally happened immediately after real + de facto minimum wage increases – and are in general caused by a decades-long price correction, that happened all at once when covid hit), but things are in general not anywhere near as bad now as they could've been. Compared to all that, we're doing f---ing great, but Americans will always find something to complain about Controversial statement, but the only Americans that are actually getting shafted atm, by inflation + COL, are middle class jobs and/or work fields with fixed, non-inflation-pegged incomes that are getting screwed by their employer. And maybe retirees (who'll generally get shafted by economic policy, period – if you think the US has it bad see Russia / Eastern Europe, or for that matter China), and some small businesses / business owners that got completely f---ed by covid, in general Everything else is just incremental inflation, and all of this would've happened w/out covid anyways, just over a slightly longer time period And yes, we want inflationary Fed policy, b/c the alternative is much worse.I blame him, the worse it is in the corner, thanks to the sanctions to Russia that led to the invasion of Ukraine (Semiconductors Industry) and even more sanctions because of it, the USD is in trouble, Russia replaced it by the Chinese Yuan and now China and Russia are creating a new currency for trading minerals. Then how about if India and Arabia join to stripe out the dollar? That's what I say the worst is about to happen.


 (1 )>>WELL another STATE of THE UNION by another President of the United States.  I have had 30 years worth of State of the Unions , they sound to me like a bunch of gaslighting on the American people , more promises that never have any positive effect on the lives of Americans who pay taxes .President Biden’s State of the Union address was full of lies and mistruths. They betray the desperation of a president with 38 percent job approval on the economy, 16 percent of the population better off than before he took office, and most of his own party wanting a different White House nominee in 2024. Don’t expect the mainstream media “fact-checkers” to call Biden out on these lies. These are left-wing opinion journalists masquerading as independent truth arbiters to help advance the Democrats’ agenda. For example, the Democratic Party broadsheet known as the New York Times claimed, “Mr. Biden’s speech contained no outright falsehoods.” Though he reportedly spent weeks rehearsing, President Joe Biden made a number of clumsy, strange, or outright ridiculous claims during his State of the Union address Tuesday night.  Biden lies from time to time, he's an old school politician. (2)>>IT'S PRETTY MUCH ALL OF CONGRESS both Republicans and Democrats .... Seriously?  Republicans  and Democrats , both parties can't get anything done . Both sides fight over , never put anything that would help Americans . This is because the House—whether controlled by Democrats or Republicans—now acts as if it were a unicameral legislature in a parliamentary system, rather than acknowledging that it is only one of two legislative chambers in a presidential system. It routinely passes partisan legislation that cannot pass in the Senate, because it is too far out of the American ideological center. The result is a House of Representatives that now serves only to either block or—in the case of “must pass” legislation—rubber-stamp Senate bills on major issues. Members of the House have largely given up their power, and thus their constituents’ power, to create legislation that addresses our nation’s biggest problems.In this era of high inflation and political dysfunction, confidence in most of America’s largest institutions is at the lowest point ever, according to a recent Gallup survey. (3)>>Inflation is something people feel, you know, in a different way than they do other economic indicators. Biden has yet to admit the connection between spending and price inflation. In his speech, he again passed the buck, saying, “Inflation has been a global problem because the pandemic disrupted our supply chains and Putin’s unfair and brutal war in Ukraine disrupted energy supplies as well as food supplies, blocking all that grain in Ukraine.”And yet, voters connect those dots, and blame Biden’s blowout budgets for the decades-high hit to middle class real incomes. Consequently, the president dishonestly brags about bringing our deficits down even though the decline is from emergency levels to still elevated totals. We are nowhere near back to “normal.” In his speech, Biden promised his coming economic plan “is going to cut the deficit by another $2 trillion.” And yet, his address was peppered with expensive new promises.  But there are pressing economic issues, most notably the need to lift a statutory debt limit that, in the extreme, could cause the U.S. government to stop paying its bills.