Saturday, October 15, 2022


Mad and desperate Zelensky called for 
 NATO preemptive strikes inside Russia .
Insane our government has given billions to this madman.
Ukraine gone Insane !

UKRAINE IS INSANE ! thanks to the  (1)>>Puppet Zelensky , who has called for preemptive NATO strikes on Russian soil . In a speech on Oct. 6, President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that NATO’s goal was to make it impossible for Russia to use nuclear weapons. He made a broad appeal, stating: “I once again appeal to the international community, as it was before February 24: preemptive strikes so that they [Russians] know what will happen to them and not vice versa.” 
 (2)>>SO AS I have said about Zelensky before , YOU CAN'T Trust this guy , he is NUTS and he's leading Europe and NATO into a Nuclear war with Russia . Now AS CONTROVERSIAL , as to what he said , the Lefties all over are trying to backtrack on his speech saying that it was a misinterpretation of exactly WHAT HE SAID .It is pretty obvious he meant military strikes. The fact that a Ukrainian government spokesperson had to clarify that he ''didn't mean nuclear strikes'' would indicate that he meant military strikes of some description. How the hell are you getting sanctions from this? And how the hell is this the top comment? So Zelensky DOES speak of strikes. And I’ll be frank here : I am not a fan of unadulterated worship.  (3)>>Of Zelensky or anyone for that matter. Read about any “great man”. And you eventually always find the same old things you find with everyone else : pride, bias, insecurity and sometimes sheer incompetence. There are only human beings down there. Just because someone did something great or is exceedingly good at something doesn’t mean he doesn’t plain suck sometimes. But I don’t like everything he says. Bitching about the planes, the no fly zone, NATO,. Give me this and give me that and how can you refuse me that ? Sometimes it’s like he doesn’t fully realize the risks and meaning of what he asks. And an overall underlying direction I find in his communication is he really seems to want the West to go balls to the wall and practically engage in full war with Russia without any real strategy… besides “balls to the wall”.And here preemptive strikes ? Seriously what possible good could come out of it ?? Putin can’t afford to be beat by Ukraine. That’s why he delayed the mobilization right up the last possible moment. In all his communication lately you clearly see he reframed everything as a war against the West.  (4)>>I strongly doubt Preemptive strikes would neutralize all Russian capacities when Russia has been training specifically against a US attack for decades . If it was THAT fucking easy the Soviet Union and later Russia would have been carpet bombed way before when they acted out . So what ? Zelensky thinks Putin will suddenly be terrified by those strikes ?That Putin immediately surrender when this sociopath keeps doubling down again and again, even “suiciding” about 15 oligarch since the conflict started ? The West will not neutralize every single offensive capacity of Russia and Putin won’t surrender just because we striked.


Instead of talking Peace & ending the 
war , Biden is taking us to
doomsday .
I wonder if the  (5)>>US stock market is going to tank. With Biden's Armageddon ? Every single country is equally as evil as the next. They've all committed unspeakable acts. Of course we're scared, same as you and your family. We're all the same behind the screens.The president’s grim assessment ,  (6)>>YES his fault for the proxy war against Russia rippled around the globe and appeared to edge beyond the boundaries of current U.S. intelligence assessments..Besides (7)>>INSANE ZELENSKY we have to deal with a frail senile U.S. President Biden who has gone nuclear as well . The US president issued his warning
 at a private fundraising event in New York on Thursday evening, in his most outspoken remarks yet on the threat of wartime nuclear weapons being used for the first time since 1945. So what the HELL is he telling us .  (8)>>Did we HEED ELON MUSK TO END THE WAR????    (9)>>Between Zelensky and Biden is SOMETHING COMING ??? Doesn't help  fears that the US just purchased $290 million worth of radiation sickness drugs  in weeks prior to Biden coming out with this statement . Putin's approach is escalate to de escalate, he'll nuke a whole city in  (9.1)>> Ukraine just to try and force a surrender of Ukraine, and from there it'll only get worse. We should've never put our hands in the cookie jar, now the US and the rest of europe is in deep shit. Thanks to the  BIDEN ADMINISTRATION for this screw up . I don't know if we have a month or a matter of weeks till we get radiated ? But we have fucking insane leaders in Washington D.C. right now , it's not much PUTIN own doings to worry about . This is an attempt to stop it from happening. By saying that Armageddon might happen, the implication is that the US could consider a response in case of a nuclear strike on theirs Allies (Armageddon only happens if nukes are fired back/other parts of the world are involved). By even raising an implication of a US response, what Biden is trying to stay Putin’s hand, as he probably wouldn’t launch a nuke if he had a shadow of a doubt the US might literally wipe his country off the map and trigger an apocalypse. The people not worried are the ignorant of the true scale of the of the threat people. anyone downplaying the use of nukes has no business reassuring anyone about how "tactical" or "small yield" they will be. they don't know, no one who is not in putlers circle know. keep that in mind and pray for the people of Ukraine,  (10)>>YES KICK ZELENSKY OUT !!! & they are the ones in most imminent danger.There are not enough narcotics in the world to shut it off. The thing is we can do nothing different. In the face of war and occupation Threats of nukes means nothing. You just can't cave.


(11)>>Blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline ... is a "pipe dream" of the U.S. to sabotage Russian natural gas to Europe .Biden in February: "If Russia invades...then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it." Reporter: "But how will you do that, exactly, since...the project is in Germany's control?" Biden: "I promise you, we will be able to do that." Right it makes sense ??? If the CIA is saying Russia blew up the Nord Stream pipelines, then there is a 99.9% chance it was the Biden administration or Zelensky .Why would Russia blow it up when the could just shut it down?How much do you think Burisma paid Biden to blow up the Nord Stream pipeline?Why is it the Biden administration is hysterical about EVERY environmental catastrophe EXCEPT the Nord Stream 2 disaster? World leaders, technical experts and engineers are nearly unanimous that the pipelines were attacked by a planned powerful underwater explosion of a highly complex nature.Such industrial sabotage will impact millions of people, raise prices and seriously undermine Germany and other EU countries’ industrial capacity. NEXT ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰ (12)>>NOW the Kerch bridge. WHO BLEW IT UP?? Russia's Federal Security Service arrested eight men alleged to have taken part in an elaborate scheme to destroy the Crimean bridge. Investigators said Ukrainians, Russians and an Armenian camouflaged tons of explosives and shipped them to several countries before the attack. Russia says a driver with no previous connections to terrorism drove a truck bomb onto the bridge at a time to maximize damage. So far the war is now descendinging into terrorism .

(12)>>People in America and Europe are just starting to wake up to the mess our government(s) officials had created . Right now we have massive protests in Europe against the sanctions on Russia .  (13)>>Hoping to see any anti war protests in America with the likes of the BLM -Floyd riots of 2020 should be forthcoming . I mean knowing that your elected leaders are funding a proxy war against Russia that might end up nuclear is the worst thing fostered on the American people and the world . Example , recently  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was heckled anti war activists who accused her during a town hall event of “voting to start a nuclear war.” “Congresswoman! None of this matters unless there’s a nuclear war, which you voted to send arms and weapons to Ukraine,” one protester shouted, according to a video posted on Twitter. The heckler began yelling at Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) during the Q&A portion of the event, criticizing the Democrat’s support for sending military aid to Ukraine as it attempts to ward off a Russian invasion. Tulsi Gabbard, she’s left the Democratic Party because they’re a bunch of war hawks,” the heckler continued. “You ran as an outsider, yet you’ve been voting to start this war in Ukraine. You’re voting to start a third nuclear war with Russia and China. Why are you playing with the lives of American citizens?”For myself I do not want the US to be over there and helping in anyway[ USING UKRAINE TO FIGHT RUSSIA ]  because I'm sick and tired of foreign interests constantly guiding our country right and left over the decades and the only thing that seems to come from it are the Dems milking tons of money by passing a ton of shit because no one is paying attention to anything they are doing because "we're in conflict!"For all their shortcomings, Kennedy and  Khrushchev were reasonable enough to take a step back and avoid a nuclear war. I am far from being confident that the current leaders on both sides can do the same.


(1)>>Puppet Zelensky , who has called for preemptive NATO strikes on Russian soil .  In the beginning, I asked, why it is happening and who is Mr. Zelensky. The next part is only my personal opinion that is based on facts, events that happened during the last 10 years. So, as for me, no one is responsible. It’s funny, isn’t it? I’m sure you didn’t expect me to say this. But it’s true, and that’s why. Therefore, I can state with complete confidence that Mr. Zelensky is a f*cking puppet in the US hands. He has no authority here! He’s just a comic and nothing more. A comic, that was good for the US.  Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday called for the international community to take "Preventive action" to deter the potential use of nuclear weapons by Russia in the ongoing war in Ukraine.In an address to the Lowy Institute, a nonpartisan international policy think tank in Australia, Zelensky underscored the importance of "Preventive strikes, preventive action" so that Russia can get a better picture of the potential consequences if they move to use nuclear weapons.In his address Thursday, Zelensky repeated his concerns about Russian military presence at Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe.    (2)>>SO AS I have said about Zelensky before , YOU CAN'T Trust this guy . The only way to really blackmail someone or the entire world as this guy is saying with nuclear destruction is to actually use nuclear weapons, being the first country to do so since WW2, that will result in the immediate surrender of Ukraine. But I guess the defense industry needs to spend all the old missiles so they can profit off of newly built missiles and arty. Also getting rid of old stock of weapons so new ones can be ordered is what nations all across the world are doing. There is actually so much money to be made here its unbelievable the fat stacks of cash some people will have.Using a nuclear bomb is not only unethical but dangerous and threatens the safety of the globe. Someone like Vladimir Putin clearly doesn’t have respect for human lives and scoffs at the idea of deescalation. That being said, if he drops one we all gunna drop em right guys! Cats outta the bag! One nuke which is devastating means we just all gunna end the globe right yalllllll woooooooooooo mutually assured destruction!!! Oh and don’t worry guys me and all my friends will be running to a fortified nuclear bunker with provisions to outlast the fallout, we’re politicians, when we say mutually assured destruction only applies to the people we swore to protect! Yeahhhhh!!!! (3)>>Of Zelensky or anyone for that matter. Read about any “great man”. .......Zalensky the puppet was installed by US and NATO operatives when he was elected . AS far as being a Comedian , he's taken Ukraine into a dark path . If NATO went along with it, a war would start like none we've ever seen: Endless troops, streams of tanks, a sky blotted out by warplanes.It's far more likely that there would be little left of humanity after war was joined between the United States/NATO and Russia. And would China pick a side? Or simply see an opportunity?And there is funny business going on in Kyiv. On July 17, Zelensky fired his country’s prosecutor general and the leader of its domestic intelligence agency — the most significant shake-up in his government since the Russian invasion in February. It would be the equivalent of Biden firing Merrick Garland and Bill Burns on the same day. But I have still not seen any reporting that convincingly explains what that was all about. It is as if we don’t want to look too closely under the hood in Kyiv for fear of what corruption or antics we might see, when we have invested so much there. (4)>>I strongly doubt Preemptive strikes would neutralize all Russian capacities when Russia has been training specifically against a US attack for decades .  What do you think a preemptive strike to warn someone against the use of nuclear weapons looks like and what do you think he means when he said NATO need to rethink the order of pressure in a nuclear conflict. It's clear what he meant  Zelensky, in his speech on Oct. 6   He appealed to the international community ,to do preemptive strikes, so they know what will happen to them if they use it, and not vice versa - to wait for nuclear strikes by Russia. What an insane take.  Any preemptive nuclear strike is just dumb.  May I remind you that there are little children in Russia too. Zelensky calling for a first strike is one of the craziest things a modern politician has ever advocated for.   (5)>>US stock market is going to tank.  This Proxy War is going to shake up the U.S. Stock market in a few months .  Trump predicted everything what we are experiencing right now: inflation, market crash, wasteful government spending, etc. In terms of strengths of Trump, it was economy. At the time of his administration country we had positive GDP. He did not start wars. We did not have skyrocketing inflation. Current administration has no strengths only failures in every single aspect.  Unsurprisingly, inflation remains the tail that wags the dog in markets. Russia's war in Ukraine has fueled further economic uncertainty. For example, the turmoil has caused a supply shock that has helped drive up oil and other commodity prices, while also triggering particular concerns about Europe's economy.The war is a big factor to the market downdraw. The sanctions, even bigger.But the elephant in the room is a tightening monetary policy, quantitative tightening, and an aggressive Fed.We'll see a bounce, but I don't expect all time highs and in fact am preparing for more downside in 2022 even if the war ends. (6)>>YES his fault for the proxy war against Russia .  The Biden Administration and its NATO partners have decided, from a comfortable distance away from the fight, that millions of Ukrainian lives are a price worth paying to make sure the band stays together, with the side benefit of chipping away at Russia’s military.  So, straight up - let's get to the meat of this post. Are they loans or not? Does the USA lose the money if Ukraine loses the war? 30 years of expansion east to Russia's borders. This war has been provoked over 30 years and especially since 2014. If you don't see that, you have no idea what's been going on.I don;t think you understand the chain of events that led us here.The war is horrible and a tragedy in the 21st century to see trench warfare in Europe.Why do you think Putin invaded? Most people don;t really have any sort of answer to that that makes any sense. Russia's reasons make perfect sense (from their perspective) though if you're willing to listen to them. (7)>>INSANE ZELENSKY.  Zelensky increasingly reveals his true nature.  If Putin is a madman , then Zelensky tops insanity ,But now, the reality of his rule in Ukraine is becoming undeniable.COMEDIAN ZELENSKY IS BOASTING TOO MUCH....HAVING WEST AS BACK UP ๐Ÿคฃ He even threatened World War 3 if his demands were not met . Yes, Zelensky is not afraid to hide his motives in regards to the war . Zelensky said on  it was “hard to say” whether the risk of nuclear war had increased with his military’s territorial gains, but he remains confident his Russian counterpart would not survive such an escalation in hostilities. As it is, weapons will wash around the region for decades, being used in all kinds of conflicts including criminal; and Ukraine will lose. Inevitably. The West is now prosecuting a proxy war without regard for civilian deaths. Funny NO PEACE talks to end the war ...(8)>>Did we HEED ELON MUSK TO END THE WAR????.Elon Musk is branded insane for suggesting peace talks?  The Tesla titan took to Twitter and proposed a string of ideas to solve the eight-month conflict, asking his followers to vote “yes” or “no” on his proposals, which included formally allowing Russia to annex Crimea.And the stunt went down badly with the country’s leader who took to Twitter with a poll of his own.Mr Zelensky, who has become a social media star in his own right in the course of the war, asked his 6.6m Twitter followers to choose which Elon Musk they “liked more.”   that Elon is a Putin sympathizer to even suggest peace. I will tell you what's insane, Zelensky recently made LAW that Ukraine will never seek peace talks, Now That's insane. Given that Zelensky has arrested all political opposition, shut down opposition press and arrested their owners and reporters, has a kill list for anyone critical of his government that extends to US politicians, actors, media personalities and even children I highly doubt that he has any intention of bringing anything like freedom of expression or freedom in general to Ukraine.(9)>>Between Zelensky and Biden is SOMETHING COMING ??? I’m gonna say this, there are nuclear power plants in the United States and they’re only stockpiling this drug they’re not distributing it to anybody it’s quite likely that it’s in case of a nuclear meltdown, and one of the power plants in the United States. We don’t know we can only really speculate what It could be.  The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on Tuesday the significant procurement of ☢️ sickness ๐Ÿ’Šs.The HHS press release revealed the purchase was part of “ongoing efforts to be better prepared to save lives following radiological and nuclear emergencies.”The announcement comes after warnings of “the prospect of Armageddon” being instigated by Russian president Vladimir Putin, [reported NY P๐Ÿ™€st].The drug is sold under the brand name Nplate manufactured by California-based Amgen. It encourages the production of platelets and is used to minimize bleeding caused by acute radiation syndrome (ARS). The capsules can be used by ๐Ÿ‘จ‍๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍๐Ÿ‘ง.So how much diplomacy could $290 million buy? Let alone the dozens of billions being pumped into feed a needless war with a nuclear armed country?  (9.1)>> Ukraine just to try and force a surrender of Ukraine, and from there it'll only get worse. At the end of the Soviet Union the then leader Gorbachov made a gentleman agreement with the USA, EU and NATO agreeing that NATO would never expand towards the East - to Russia...(who violated that agreement?). So.. what is the history of this dispute? We must go back to the fall of the Soviet Union after which the Ukraine became an independent Country. The people of the Ukraine organized democratic held elections in which Viktor Yanukovych became President. These elections were observed by EU representatives and they concluded no wrong doings. The voters voting for Yanukovych wished for their Country to stay neutral and to do trade with both the EU and Russia. But the WEF Globalist controlled EU told Yanukovych to only trade with them and he also had to make the Ukraine a member of NATO, or their would be no deal at all. Yanukovych refused. Biden, the CIA and the EU then did everything to remove Yanukovych from power - in which they succeeded in the year 2014 - to replace him by a corrupt Ukraine Oligarch by the name of Poroshenko. As soon as Poroshenko was installed is when he asked Obama ruled America and the EU / NATO for "protection" against Russia, and so the US and the EU promised to protect Poroshenko. Now feeling secure Poroshenko started to discriminate the Russian speaking Ukrainians (!) living in the east of Ukraine because they didn't want to become part of the EU or NATO as they were promised to stay neutral. So the Russian speaking Ukrainian citizens in Ukraine got randomly bombarded by the Poroshenko regime and his successor Zelensky for 8 years straight to which they finally called Putin for help. See how this works? Putin doesn't want Ukraine to become a NATO member. What would the USA do if Putin was to place troops and rockets along the south or northern US border.. would the USA say : "O please, go ahead " ? The truth is: WEF / EU Globalists want Putin be removed and replaced by some Russian corrupt traitor doing the wishes of the WEF Globalists. Make no mistake (and we see it clearly now in Canada) - the WEF Globalists want to rule the whole world; Communist style with Chinese style "social credit score". The Ukraine people should have decided to stay a neutral Country... works VERY well for Switzerland. If Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine would have formed a neutral zone situated between de EU / NATO and Russia there would never be war again. They should together be able to trade with the EU and with Russia too, and they should be allowed to have their own form of defense (industry). But this is made impossible because of evil people who love to hate, kill and destroy, and because of their love for power over others and their love for money, rather than to live in peace with each other. God said through Jesus to love our neighbor as we love ourselves – meaning everyone.   (10)>>YES KICK ZELENSKY OUT !!! Zelensky is hell bent on more war , its more than defending the so called liberty of  Ukraine  from the big bad Russians ,   its more about doomsday. A long - horrible war with loads more deaths at the very least. For certain other Putanesca-esque regimes would be galvanized against the west and their world police force. More despots might feel entitled to take similar aggressive tactics during a time when the west is otherwise engaged. More fighting, more death.This end game would certainly be different than the current end game. Zelensky proves why Ukraine should not be allowed into NATO any time soon. Support them by all means but let’s not run away with the fact that Ukraine was a stable state before Russia invaded. You’re not gambling with the the lives of my grandchildren on this war.  Remember this guy Zalinsky is a actor first and foremost .hes playing a part in this show just get ya head down and go for peace ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง✌Let's say NATO did a preemptive strike, what is the end game? Perhaps then he can drive towards Moscow? Absolutely insane.(11)>>Blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline ...  This is the BIG WHO DONE IT ? We all should guess Ukrainian agents via NATO via the U.S. What am I missing?Sabotaging one pipeline for the purpose of turning another back on seems like a lot of work for a neutral outcome.We are talking about 3 out 4 pipelines. There are 4 baltic pipelines, 3 of them simultaneously failed shortly after seismic monitors detected a series of explosions. Come now , why would Russia do it ? when the U.S. wants the EU to stop using Russian gas .Construction of NS pipelines was the biggest geopolitical failure for Poland and the Baltic States in this century, it was also a huge blow to Ukraine. It was the base for future Russian German cooperation that excluded the rest of Central European countries, throwing them to the wolfs basically. Whoever blew this pipe up, we are very grateful for that.US does benefit from the pipeline shutting down. But it would be catastrophically insane to sabotage the pipelines. Explosives leave traces. (12)>>NOW the Kerch bridge. WHO BLEW IT UP??  Give or take a few NATO supplied the weapons to Ukraine to blow up the bridge .To me it looks as though the truck is ahead of the explosion. Really looks like there were pre placed explosives under the bridge and the fact that there was a truck driving over that area is a coincidence.Thinking that its a fair bit less embarrassing than Ukrainian commandos swimming around in Crimea rising a question if the russian trained dolphins were drunk or what they were doing. Just to put this in perspective on how big of a deal this is, the Russians paid upwards of 3.7 BILLION DOLLARS to build that bridge from 2014 to 2016 after they invaded Crimea and the Ukrainians are now able to destroy it from distance. There are 3 parts of the bridge, 2 roadways and the railway part of the bridge which now has a full fuel train burning on the tracks and it looks as if at least one of the roadways is now collapsed as well.This is such a monumental strategic victory that any attempt by Russia to hit back in kind is a very scary prospect, because I can't see how they do so strategically against a logistical target, they can surely only do so by attacking civilians.(12)>>People in America and Europe are just starting to wake up .  It's TIME for anti- war protests against any prolonged war in Ukraine . joe biden pledges to support Ukraine for “as long as it takes”. His administration has spent about $80bn on military aid alone. The price tag of this crazy war keeps going up & Zelensky keeps making demands on the U.S. Congress . But nearly six months into the fight, with the prospect of a long war to come, even Mr Biden’s closest allies are asking whether America might soon tire of the burden. The president is more unpopular. People [ American] have to wake up sooner or later . In Europe now protests are showing up in Germany , most of the EU . The only side who has talked about peace are the Russian's, not one leader from the West has mentioned de-escalation only war, every chance for peace for the last 8 years has been destroyed by the West and in particular the US, Germany/France are spineless. Should tell everyone what their leader thinks of how little their life is valued by them, and expendable resource is how they see you.(13)>>Hoping to see any anti war protests in America . First off AMERICANS have to stop rallying in support for Ukraine and START protesting in order to force the U.S. government to end the war , begin to negotiate with Russia . AT LEAST IN RUSSIA there were ANTI-WAR protests , but here in the brainwashed land of the free , there are none? WHY , even with the threat of nuclear war , the American people have been taken in , the population has become numb . In Russia people took to the streets . Here again nothing ? Now that silence you heard when all of the cannon fodder was coming ? All NATO countries with red in their flags started to make anti-war flags for support the anti-war protests against Russia since so many people started to realize how much the Russo-Ukrainian war was more like a Russo-NATO war and both sides were doing war crimes . Make no mistake if there’s a nuclear war and if America is pulled in, all the non-NATO allies. will be pulled in too. Please discourage warmongering rhetoric wherever you see it. The world owes Ukraine nothing in terms of protection of their territorial integrity.