Thursday, November 11, 2021


Vaccine Mandates are here for School
Children , get the "jab" by next January 
or face Distance Learning .
but is all this Constitutional ?

Covid Vaccine for Children .
We are heading into uncharted territory on the Vaccine Mandates .  (1)>>We need to reexamine ALL the COVID DATA before pushing vaccine mandates . I want to discuss all the MANDATES, (1.2)>>the first and vary disturbing is the newly available shot for children . The push to have children vaccinated goes against what was said about children and covid last year . The flip flippy mandates we are experiencing now should be a red flag .You'll recall that last March they were debating whether or not to even attempt vaccinating children since they're "naturally resilient" or whatever. It's only being looked at presently to remove the loudest blocker to parents throwing themselves back into the work force.    (2)>>The BIG QUESTION is will parents take their children to the jabber ? I have a few thoughts on this .  First of all the children's version of the vaccine is half the dose of a normal one that would be given to a adult , but it's not a one shot deal . It's expected that children will be given two shots , perhaps boosters as well.  Now disregarding possible side effects to children has been pretty much silent , the risks swept under the rug . To understand this , we are told by CDC actors that this vaccine for children will prevent school shutdowns , return to normalcy . Now the idea that Children will not feel anything after the shot is ludicrous . I thought I might get muscle aches and a headache, but nothing but a little soreness on the arm that received the jab.  (3)>>BUT the RISKS for Myocarditis has a 20% mortality rate.  That alone is still risky , it may not happen after the shot , but later in life . It's literal insanity. When you read between the lines they are almost explicitly saying it's best that we risk our children for the safety of other people .  When it comes to COVID, public health officials have consistently downplayed and/or ignored natural immunity.Yet these public health experts and many doctors and scientists know that no vaccine can confer the type of robust, full, sterilizing and life-long immunity to COVID that { see πŸ‘‰natural-exposure immunity confers.  Now it seems that Public Education is jumping in ( California ) School Districts are becoming mass injection clinics . Are parents now aware that yes there are mild side effects , that after getting your child the jab that Side effects: Coughing Headache Burning eyes Weakness Pain when touched on the spot of vaccination.  (4)>> So how will education hold up? Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego and Oakland are the first large school districts in the nation to mandate Covid vaccines for older students, becoming a national test case for the logistical hurdles and possible lawsuits that lie ahead. Students there must get their first shot within weeks or leave classrooms in January.In California, however, some of the state's largest school districts say they have an obligation to protect students by increasing vaccination rates this winter. California has already moved aggressively by mandating teacher vaccines and indoor masks beyond other states.  (5)>>I think administrating the vaccine at a school site is risky , it could lead to litigation's .  Yet the recent FDA [ see πŸ‘‰ risk-benefit assessment ]  in connection with the Pfizer EUA application for children 5 to 11 described only relative risks in an older population and ignored absolute risk and NNT altogether. Pfizer’s 6-month  [ read this here πŸ‘‰clinical trial in adults ]  showed alarming increases in all-cause mortality in the vaccinated. On that basis, Pfizer’s initial EUA application should have been rejected and the Independent Review Board should have rejected Pfizer’s application to conduct clinical trials in children. WE HAVE TO REMEMBER too that the Vaccine effectiveness wears off after 6 to 8 months . That is being hidden from the public by the government . Why rush to jab all the Children , let us remember was said back LAST year that  Children ages 5 to 11 are at [ see πŸ‘‰extremely low risk ] of death from coronavirus. For instance, in a  [ see this πŸ‘‰meta-analysis ] combining data from five studies,  (6)>>Stanford researchers Cathrine Axfors and John Ioannidis found a median infection fatality rate (IFR) of 0.0027% in children ages 0-19. In children ages 5 to 11, the IFR is even lower. Depending on the study one looks at, COVID is slightly less dangerous or roughly equivalent to the flu in children. So how many children would need to be injected with Pfizer’s mRNA shot in order to prevent a single hospitalization, ICU admission, or death?
 It's your Job over the Mandate .
AS of THIS WRITING the  In the brief order, a three-judge panel on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals said that the petitioners in the case -- Republican-led states and private businesses -- "give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the Mandate."  (7)>>SO for now the Mandate Madness is slowed down , thanks to the Republican State coalition . The whole thought of "it's your job, unless you get your vaccine " is so unconstitutional , it makes no sense . About 4 million federal workers are to be vaccinated by Nov. 22 under the president's executive order. Some employees, like those at the White House, are nearly all vaccinated. But the rates are lower at other federal agencies, particularly those related to law enforcement and intelligence, according to the agencies and union leaders. And some resistant workers are digging in, filing lawsuits and protesting what they say is unfair overreach by the White House.  (8)>>Hilarious how the left calls Trump a dictator but the guy who's literally trying to force people to get a shot isn't. It's always (D)ifferent. Part of the myth of libertarianism is that government mandates don't need to exist. People will do things for the common good without being forced to do them. Supposedly this includes driving safely, keeping your car in good repair, following health guidance, not littering or polluting the environment. Covid has shown this is false. When asked to wear a mask, they refused. So masks became compulsory as a stopgap effort to slow a pandemic. When provided a vaccine, they refused and congregated in large unmasked unvaccinated groups with people that were showing symptoms. Now there are mandates on vaccines. And gathering in large crowds (or were). (9)>>And those that are being forced aren’t really being forced.BUT THEY ARE .  They could always find new lines of work or start their own business. That crowd has been saying it’s just as simple as that for everyone else for decades, I don’t see why we can’t hold them to that standard now.It is also implausible to claim that vaccination is “necessary” to protect employees who have acquired natural immunity from previous infection, or those who, for medical reasons, are likely to be injured by being vaccinated. Courts will note that the Biden administration’s appeal to an emergency in the workplace is pretextual. Biden’s White House Chief of Staff Ronald Klain re-tweeted that “OSHA doing this vaxx mandate as an emergency workplace safety rule is the ultimate work-around for the Federal govt to require vaccinations.” I doubt that the courts will readily lend themselves to this cynical “work-around.”Even if the vaccine mandate fell within the OSHA law, the Biden administration’s order would still violate fundamental constitutional principles. (10)>>The Constitution’s grant of limited, enumerated powers to the national government does not include the right to regulate public health. Under Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution, Congress enjoys the authority to “regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States.” Its other great grants of powers include the power to tax and spend for the general welfare, enforce constitutional rights, set foreign policy, and protect our borders and national security.
Nationwide Protests , workers leaving Work .
 (11)>>Protests against the mandates are world wide . I believe the protests in the US are going to expand like the BLM riots of last year .Protests in Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris, Zagreb, Madrid, Canada and several US states were noted in the media. Crowds ranged from hundreds of thousands to a few hundred turned out to decry the growing number of vaccination mandates by businesses, government and school districts. In Los Angeles, dozens of anti-vaxx protesters rallied outside of City Hall. There were no counter-demonstrations reported. The peaceful rally saw attendees carrying signs that read (11.1)>>“COVID 1984,” “Informed Dissent,” (11.2)>>“I’m Not A Lab Rat” and “Forced Penetrations Are Always Wrong.”  It's not just in the USA . It's important to note as I wrote above why the vaccine mandates are a slippery slope . People leaving work is another subject. Last year the waves of lockdowns forced people out of work , into the welfare system. The mandate, which is currently still under review, is estimated to cover roughly two-thirds of the private sector workforce once it’s implemented.  (12)>>The Kaiser survey only asked whether people have quit over a vaccine requirement, not a vaccine requirement with a testing option.More than a third of unvaccinated workers said they would quit rather than comply with a vaccine or testing mandate, the Kaiser survey shows, a share that jumps to 72% if no testing option is offered. But because the nationwide mandate has yet to be officially implemented by the Labor Department, it remains to be seen what share of workers will quit when a broader swath of the U.S. workforce is covered. (12.1)>>Now there is work place surveillance on COVID information going . While experts disagree on whether the federal mandate, which applies to the majority of the U.S. workforce, may lead to mass resignations, the rule will at the very least disrupt workplaces nationwide.Several labor unions, however, have forcefully condemned vaccine mandates, which they said stripped workers of their civil liberties.On a sheer policy level it's just another manifestation of a hopelessly floundering administration. They go "soft"on masks and "hard" on the NHS vaccine mandate. They've never been consistent, let alone logical. Many have warned of major consequences including potential mass resignations.The media propaganda machine will report the non-binary tantrum over Dave Chappelle as a reason for what they've dubbed,  (13)>>"The Great Resignation" - whilst maintaining a media blackout over the millions of people being fired & quitting as a result of vaccine mandates. -  (14)>>"Our 24x7 propaganda coverage will keep you up to date and in the know about what we want you to believe."The left wants to force what you to wear, what drugs to give against will, whether you should have the right to work, where you can go, who you can see, who can talk about it on social media, who can travel, where you can travel and whether you can have Christmas with family or not.The right wants to allow people the free will to choose for themselves.. One position above is radical, and if it’s not obvious to you then you’ll only need to wait until 2022 mid terms to have the answer handed to you.

(1)>>We need to reexamine ALL the COVID DATA before pushing vaccine mandates . It isn't just the Media... Have you seen the latest Italy revision?Of the 130,468 deaths registered as official COVID deaths since the start of the pandemic, only 3,783 are directly attributable to the virus alone. SEE https://www.zerohedge.Com/markets/italian-institute-health-drastically-reduces-its-official-covid-death-toll-number (1.2)>>the first and vary disturbing is the newly available shot for children .FIVE child deaths now reported in association with the Pfizer vaccine in Germany since September one died two days after administration - actually reported on a MSM news channel (for damage control, it had gone viral on social media) - links to story and many other videos from the vaccine injured may be viewed HERE:This is murder. Rounding it out and putting it in layman terms, we can pretty much say the vaccine might save 1 kid in a million doses from dying of Covid but kills 100 or more of those who received those million doses from adverse effects affecting their hearts, blood, etc. Who would want to do that?Well I guess it's the same distorted thinking that cause gamblers to gamble when the House always win. In this case, Pharma & Political Players in the White House are the ones winning. Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine creates circumstances indicating harm for the typical child. Thus, according to California Penal Code Section 11165.7 any official mandating the Pfizer COVID-19 for all children would be committing child abuse, “maltreatment of a child by a person responsible for the child’s welfare under circumstances indicating harm.    (2)>>The BIG QUESTION is will parents take their children to the jabber ?  Parents , there is a large percentage that will not have their children vaccinated . There are risks to the vaccine as already noted  as side effects . I'm very frustrated that they asked for six months of safety data rather than the standard two. I understand that they want to be extra careful with children, but what are the odds that the side-effects of the vaccine will be worse than those of actual covid? You are vaccinating your kids to stop the very tiny chance of them getting very sick, the reasonable chance of them getting somewhat ill (like a bad cold), and the undefined chance of them transmitting the virus if they catch it asymptomatically.  For about 6 months, then they MAY need a booster. Just remember, fully vaccinated takes 5 weeks from first does (3 weeks between doses + 2 weeks after 2nd dose). So your kid is extremely unlikely to be fully vaccinated before Christmas. That said, even 1 dose has some effectiveness right?. (3)>>BUT the RISKS for Myocarditis has a 20% mortality rate.  Among the side effects scientists have been studying is myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart. In rare cases, the vaccine has led to myocarditis in young people. But a large Israeli study, based on electronic health records of two million people aged 16 and older, also found that Covid was far more likely to cause these heart problems.On Sep 10 the FDA has said that they could evaluate with at least two months of monitoring after the last shot for side effects, the same monitoring period that they used for the adult and young adult emergency use authorization. The FDA had originally wanted a four to six months followup for the pediatric trials out of an abundance of caution, on top of asking for a larger trial cohort.(4)>> So how will education hold up? Your LOCAL SCHOOL might be a Covid vaccine clinic . This is to push  the mandate on parents . It's going weigh , so your child gets the jab or sent home to do distance learning.This one bothers me the most . Parents if they want to have their children get the vaccine , they should go to a hospital not a school . BUT the mad rush to jab the children  has to create legal problems . NOW Some district leaders say offering vaccine clinics on campus, with the involvement of trusted school staff, is key to improving access and helping overcome hesitancy . The Biden administration plans to send a letter to U.S. elementary schools in the next week asking them to host clinics. The Education Department is also urging schools to host town halls and webinars at which parents can talk to doctors about the vaccine. Since Newsom’s announcement, waves of parents have been showing up to local school board meetings to oppose the expected mandate. Some of them are concerned about the safety of the vaccine, its effectiveness and argue that children aren’t at high risk of the virus. (5)>>I think administrating the vaccine at a school site is risky , it could lead to litigation's .  Concerns are so high that some local parents said they’re considering pulling their kids out of school if the mandate goes into effect. Vaccine mandates for kids. More left wing fear mongering. Kids are so rarely severely impacted by Covid that a broad mandate is overkill. The impact to kids from Covid is on the scale of the flu. NOW the push is to vaccinate children at school campuses is vary risky . You know that you need at least a day so the body can adjust to the shot , in case of any adverse effects at a school site could open the door for parents suing their school districts . I can't imagine why would any school district would want to be a on site campus clinic to administer the vaccine ?   This specific vaccine is a logistical…uh…”challenge” with needing ultracold freezers, storage time of only weeks in the fridge, and ten doses per vial, which must be given within six hours of reconstituting the vaccine. So that’s a problem if you have, say, eleven kids who want a shot.Most vaccines come in single-dose packaging and can be stored at normal fridge or freezer temps for usually at least a year. So perhaps if Pfizer/BNT can at least offer these in single-dose packaging and allow for -20C storage, more pediatricians would be willing to carry it. Myocarditus, blood clots, and strokes just to name a few. More kids will end up getting sick and die from the jab than would have ever died of covid. (6)>>Stanford researchers Cathrine Axfors and John Ioannidis. If you post the latest Covid-19 Infection Fatality Rate estimates from Stanford's Catherine Axfors and John Ioannidis on Facebook, it flags the article as "false information."In a meta-analysis combining data from 11 countries, Stanford researchers Cathrine Axfors and John Ioannidis found a median infection fatality rate (IFR) of 0.0027% in children ages 0-19. Said differently, children infected with COVID have a 99.9973% survival rate. The IFR in children is so low that Pfizer’s clinical trials involving 2,300 kids did not detect any health benefit at all from their shots.(7)>>SO for now the Mandate Madness is slowed down , thanks to the Republican State coalition . A federal appeals court  temporarily halted the Biden administration's vaccine requirement for businesses with 100 or more workers.The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals granted an emergency stay of the requirement by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration that those workers be vaccinated by Jan. 4 or face mask requirements and weekly tests.Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said the action stops President Biden "from moving forward with his unlawful overreach."The communications debacle is Biden's biggest problem , now  comes as millions of Americans are seeking clarity about whether it’s safe to get a third shot, and whether doing so will help keep them safe from Covid. It has highlighted tensions between the White House, its scientific agencies, and their outside advisers. The White House  said businesses should move forward with President Joe Biden’s vaccine and testing requirements for private businesses, despite a federal appeals court ordering a temporary halt to the rules.(8)>>Hilarious how the left calls Trump a dictator but the guy who's literally trying to force people to get a shot isn't. It's always (D)ifferent. LOL , Biden's sneaky way of Mandates may have proved Trump less of a evil , the left for 4 years made Trump out to be a dictator . I don't remember Trump issuing any mandates for vaccines . Biden on the other hand said that his   'Patience wearing thin with unvaccinated Americans'.  This whole statement is like a loose screw as he addressed Americans on live TV . Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves and President Joe Biden are throwing punches over Biden's new COVID-19 vaccine mandate for some employers, with Reeves calling Biden's policy 'a tyrannical move' for a second time. Obviously the BIG  push regarding  the vaccine is coming from big pharma lobbyists. Their agenda  , the US government has already paid out billions for the covid vaccine while saying its "free" .So the vaccine mandate dictatorship is not likely to end as long as big pharma controls Biden . (9)>>And those that are being forced aren’t really being forced.BUT THEY ARE . The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has periodically updated its guidance in response to workplace vaccination questions. Significantly, the agency said that the federal anti-discrimination laws it enforces don't prohibit employers from requiring all employees who physically enter the workplace to be vaccinated for COVID-19. Employers that encourage or require vaccinations, however, must consider reasonable accommodations when employees refuse to get vaccinated for medical reasons, including pregnancy-related reasons, or based on sincerely held religious beliefs, unless an accommodation would cause undue hardship for the business. Additionally, if workers are covered by a collective bargaining agreement, employers may need to negotiate with the union before mandating vaccines, noted John Lomax, an attorney with Snell & Wilmer in Phoenix.Do labor unions have much say about such mandates? Does a 1905 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court affirming mandatory vaccination still have teeth? And should employers worry that workers might walk off in significant numbers if forced to get the vaccine? To address some of these issues, the Hub talked with Stacey Lee, an associate professor of practice at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and an expert in business law, health law, and negotiation.(10)>>The Constitution’s grant of limited, enumerated powers to the national government does not include the right to regulate public health. If rights are dependent on responsibilities, they are not rights, they are entitlements. Take your danger from infection analogy further, if your demand for someone to have a drug has the effect of that person dying, you have done harm. Why do you have a right to make such an unreasonable demand? However, re-conseptualisation this balancing excercise as a clash between rights vs responisibilities does not change the core question here. The question is the proportionality between rights of medical professionals vis-a-vis rights of the patients. The right of the medical professionals in this case is not absolute and they can be mandated to be vaccinated only if this rule will be proportionate to the benefit achieved.The constitution was written just for this purpose, to protect an individuals right to liberty! This includes liberty from any forced actions, like making a person work for free or forcing them to drink when that person does not want to. "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America..". Here by if the government mandates anything, they are thereby stating that we are free except for this mandate and that mandate. (11)>>Protests against the mandates are world wide . How to get people to never get the covid vaccine:Say the vaccine is effective and once vaccinated you don't need to worry, then at the same breath say vaccinated need to wear masks.when people are confused because you just contradicted yourself, don't clarify; silence them. after you confuse then agitate a large portion of the population, demand they get the vaccine you just confused them on. “President Biden calls his plan a ‘path out of the pandemic’ but this mandate on business is a path to confusion, vastly higher costs, new liabilities, and general workplace chaos for businesses,” Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council President Karen Kerrigan said. “The restrictive one-size-fits all requirement will hamstring the flexibility business owners need – and are using – to adapt to the ever-changing nature of the pandemic and its variants.”(11.1)>>“COVID 1984,” REMEMBER YOUR VACCINATION CARD AS PROOF !? They're not "vaccine passports," they're movement licenses. It's not a vaccine, it's experimental gene therapy. "Lockdown" is at best completely pointless universal medical isolation and at worst ubiquitous public incarceration.Call things what they are, not their euphemisms. The coronavirus pandemic has triggered debates about whether a correlation exists between political regime and efficacy of pandemic management, with particular concerns being raised for fragile democracies. Having that card in LA California for example get's YOU the privilege of going to a movie theater , but you have to have a mask on . BUT the DATA is Confusing . Vaccine MANDATES are illogical, unscientific & discriminatory:“Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the US" .S V Subramanian (Harvard) & Akhil Kumar   European Journal of Epidemiology (2021)  (11.2)>>“I’m Not A Lab Rat”. Your vaccine is only 66% effective and IT DOES NOT STOP THE SPREAD OF COVID. Despite what CNN is telling you all the evidence points to the vaccine not working to stop the spread of COVID so you want people who have little to no risk (young people) to vaccinate why? Because the media said so? Don’t be a drone do your research. Vaccination in young healthy persons is 100% unnecessary. PS Biden is a liar, he said he had no intention of mandating vaccines and said it wasn’t American. If the virus is so deadly and the experimental shots are so safe then why aren’t ALL hospital staff getting jabbed as opposed to 1000’s now getting sacked for refusing the shot? (12)>>The Kaiser survey only asked whether people have quit over a vaccine requirement, not a vaccine requirement with a testing option.  BUT THIS HAS TO effect the Job's Report that Biden claims that America is back on track. Surveys have shown that as many as half of unvaccinated workers say they will leave their jobs if they're forced to get the COVID-19 shot, but in reality few of them actually quit. That's according to an article in The Conversation, a nonprofit news organization that covers academic research.Across the country, employers are firing workers for refusing to comply with vaccine mandates. Some people are opting to quit their jobs rather than take the shot. We could have over a MILLION people quit their jobs in 2022 if the vaccine mandate is still not challenged by the Supreme Court .(12.1)>>Now there is work place surveillance on COVID information going . It’s not just governments ramping up surveillance. The same is true for corporations, which increasingly deploy high-tech systems to monitor the performance of their employees.Employers are now taking it to a whole new level, going for some of the most private information about their employees: health data.That’s according to Aida Ponce Del Castillo, a senior researcher at the European Trade Union Institute, the think tank of the European Trade Union Confederation.“Very soon after the pandemic started, I noted that some companies were transforming their technology that was already in place in the workplace to do COVID-related surveillance — which moves us toward what I call ‘hyper-surveillance,’” she told AI: Decoded.(13)>>"The Great Resignation". I hate the term "the great resignation", because it's actually "the great burnout". In the past several decades, with the help of technology, every ounce of productivity and capital has been squeezed out non-executive working individuals. Yet our wages and quality of life have. 55% of Americans are looking for a job switch as we speak. In August 2021, almost 4.3 million people in the US dropped their papers, while 1.3 million workers were laid off. They’re calling it “The Great Resignation.” So what on earth is going on? The pandemic brought with it massive pay cuts at jobs, and this has left workers wondering if their current pay is even worth the effort or not. Fear of COVID has made people averse to relocation. People are now saying that if it's not remote, it's not worth it.(14)>>"Our 24x7 propaganda coverage will keep you up to date and in the know about what we want you to believe." Main Stream Media is probably the biggest source of brainwashing of Americans today . It began in the 1990's during the FIRST GULF WAR and took full swing after SEPTEMBER 11th , 2001 AD . Today with COVID , the MSM is gas lighting everyone on mask mandates and the "safety" of the vaccine . It's pushing BIG PHARMA vaccination , U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, took to Twitter over the weekend to call Sesame Street's Big Bird "government propaganda" after the character said he got the COVID vaccine. Children in the U.S. ages 5 to 11 can now get the COVID vaccine from Pfizer.After "Sesame Street's" Big Bird character posted, "I got the COVID-19 vaccine today! My wing is feeling a little sore, but it'll give my body an extra protective boost that keeps me and others healthy" on Twitter Saturday, Cruz said "Government propaganda...for your 5 year old!" in response. There pushing for further "boosters" for Children ! It's not JUST ONE JAB its 2 , or 3 or 4. The madness will never END . If you’re following the bouncing ball, we’re at the point in the pandemic where, one by one, governments are beginning to roll out a “health pass,” requiring anyone wishing to access everyday venues such as restaurants, gyms, swimming pools, shopping centers, bars, movie theaters and even hospitals to either get the anti-Covid jab or take a nose swab test within 48 hours. The jab and the test generate a QR code that’s used as the health pass.The USA are administering that same vaccine to under 30’s-. Maybe big bird should leave it until the science is settled. NOW People are leaving the work place over the vaccine mandate, but we know its how Americans express themselves when they are unhappy with their government , its Just maybe .