Thursday, November 25, 2021

American Lawlessness .

A wave of smash and grab crimes hit Blue States
and California as well.

 Now we have another menace to American society , Between the riots last year , the burning . Smash and Grab crimes have made it on the nation wide news networks lately . What they MSM news don't tell with particular to California is , as as reported by the  (1)>>Hoover Institution : Because state law holds that stealing merchandise worth $950 or less is just a misdemeanor, which means that law enforcement probably won’t bother to investigate, and if they do, prosecutors will let it go" So how the HELL did this law get signed ? Well let's look at Proposition Proposition 47 was passed in California in 2014 and reclassified felony theft offenses as misdemeanors. While some state sources "claim" that shoplifting and petty theft to go unprosecuted. Now what made it complicated is when State Gov. Newsom last year started furloughing prisoners aka non violent offenders , setting them free because of Covid . Now California is seeing  (2)>>CRIME WAVES like the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE These brazen acts of petty theft and shoplifting are a dangerous and all-too-common consequence of  (3)>>Proposition 47, a referendum passed five years ago that critics say effectively gives shoplifters and addicts the green light to commit crimes as long as the merchandise they steal or the drugs they take are less than $950 in value.However, police agencies in California will have to contend with local prosecutors, who decide whether to charge an offender with a misdemeanor or felony, if at all. Progressive district attorneys such as those in San Francisco and Los Angeles have pledged to avoid stiff penalties, sentencing enhancements and incarceration for certain crimes. A free and open society is predicated on people not acting like douchebags. While it sucks that these thefts are happening, the real harm they cause is the resulting crackdowns on all our civic and private-space liberties. Accordingly, of all people, liberals should be the most pissed off about this shit. BUT right the Liberal mindset can't tell right from wrong as of now.  (4)>>California Gov. Newsom said organized retail theft is more than just simple, low-level shoplifting and that the California Highway Patrol has not seen a lack of support from liberal prosecutors.“I'm not willing to throw up my hands and suggest that somehow we're going to see a huge impediment to our collective effort to address these organized efforts,” the governor said.

Crime after Crime : Defund the Police .
The effort to  (5)>>blame Democrats for crime may offer a preview of Republicans' strategy for upcoming elections: a new twist on an old "law and order" argument from the party's past, hearkening back to President Richard Nixon. On social media and in political speeches, some Republicans and pro-police groups say last year's calls to slash spending on law enforcement have led to a dramatic rise in killings in cities overseen by Democrats. (6)>>Oakland California is becoming the Chicago Illinois of the west with an equal amount of gun violence and killing sprees .Violent crime is on the rise in urban areas across the country.Many small cities that typically have relatively few murders are seeing significant increases over last year. Killings in Albuquerque, N.M., Austin, Texas, and Pittsburgh, for example, have about doubled so far in 2021, while Portland, Ore., has had five times as many murders compared to last year, according to data compiled by Jeff Asher, a crime data analyst and co-founder of AH Datalytics.Most cities in the United States, including each of those named above, have a Democratic mayor. After protests last year over police violence against Black Americans — notably the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis — (7)>>there has been a push from the left to "defund" police departments. Big blue states aren’t only fiscal train wrecks but often lead the country in faddish thinking about crime and safety. Levels of vagrancy in progressive redoubts like New York City and San Francisco have reached levels that are too high to ignore. In Frisco, which is run by liberals who like to lecture the country about the treatment of low-income minorities, the homeless population numbers 18,000, more than a third of whom are black.The idea that crime is ultimately the fault of law enforcement (and not criminals) may be head-scratching to most people, but it’s become an article of faith among liberals who believe that fewer cops and prosecutions are the key to safer communities.
Lawless California .

The bigger issue though was there is a certain $ threshold for offenders such that the offense is a  (8)>>misdemeanor rather than a felony as laid out by prop 47. This had to do with overcrowding I believe in the prisons and they theorized the state would save a bunch of money on prisons. So if you shoplift, grand theft, forge a check, fraud, etc. under $950 this is now a misdemeanor rather than a felony so those committing these crimes would not get you sent to prison. The big issue is, now people who are committing these crimes (i.e. breaking a window of a car and stealing under $950) are not being prosecuted and just being let out onto the streets to commit more crimes. It also reduces the incentive to arrest these people now since they will likely just be let out. Essentially due to not seeing California's growth (which naturally will increase crime) and not building up our prison system, the state now has to let criminals go out on to the street in order to save space for the worse criminals... and are marketing it as saving money on people who "shouldn't" be there aka the people stealing your iPhone which isn't above the $950 threshold.So because of prop 47 there isn't as much police/supervisors can do other than arrest thugs, get them on record, and then let them go. Or it would drastically reduce the amount of time these criminals will spend in jail.  (9)>>The Louis Vuitton snatch-grab happened simultaneously in Chicago, so clearly there must be some kind of organized network. I just googled to see if I could find out more about it, and oddly I found this site that appears to be selling Louis Vuitton bags at a significant discount: knpqtotes. com . If this is related at all to the topic at hand, how come I can find this stuff and legal and governing authorities can't?

(1)>>Hoover Institution .California’s Proposition 47 raises interesting questions in terms of how much certain crimes will cost law-abiding citizens, vs. how much those crimes financially burden our prison system. If approved by voters, some crimes that were once considered felonies will then be reduced to misdemeanors.Those who oppose Prop 47 tend to align with law enforcement groups. The opposition includes the California Police Chiefs Association, the state District Attorneys Association, and the California Correctional Supervisors Association. Add the California Chamber of Commerce; the state Republican Party; Senator Dianne Feinstein and media groups like the Sacramento, Fresno and Modesto Bees to those that do not endorse this proposal. See From The Hoover Institution article   (2)>>CRIME WAVES like the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE . The viral video was quasi-farcical: A thief in a San Francisco Walgreens  a thug balanced on his bike as he skimmed it down the aisles, filling his black garbage bag with merchandise, looking like a larcenous Santa Claus as he then coasted past the store’s guard out into the California sunshine.But there was nothing funny about the social crisis on display. The scene captured in that video puts paid to the lie that “progressive” policies that excuse crime and weaken law enforcement are about a deep and fundamental respect for people. But, with so many Californians leaving their messed-up state, they inevitably bringing their messed-up attitudes with them, like wanting to ban guns for personal protection. Note to Californians fleeing that state: leaving your America-h a t i n g, pro-criminal politics in Cali, or just stay there.Want the blue states to come back? Want law and order? Vote the Democrats out of office. Sad to say, the people in these states who can't or won't move to red states are too stupid to think otherwise. Just look at Philadelphia, whose Democrat primary was won by a DA who opposes law and order. Ridiculous. Ditto for NY and CA.(3)>>Proposition 47. Some misdemeanors can result in jail time (I think up to 12 months) which depends on the severity. The penalties are way less intense than what comes with a felony i.e. stronger probation, restitution for victim, longer jail times.From what the police chief told me, and I'm no law expert at all, is a lot of these cases of theft/etc under 950 and protected by prop 47 from becoming felonies was resulting in the offender being let go back onto the streets with no jail time from the court systems.I'm sure there is something for habitual defenders or habitual misdemeanor offenders that eventually leads to jail time, but I think it would be jail time according to the misdemeanor limits so 1 year. You wouldn't be punished by felony rules. So a multiple DUI w/out injury (a misdemeanor crime) person can be sent to jail up to a year.(4)>>California Gov. Newsom said . And when asked about the spate of group-attack robberies seen in Union SquareWalnut Creek, Hayward and elsewhere over the weekend, as KPIX reports, Newsom said, "We want real accountability. We want people prosecuted and we want people to feel safe this holiday season." He and Brown before him and their party were behind the Prop 47 , 3 strikes law repeal and many others soft on crime laws and policies that all contributed to the lawlessness we have all over the state now!Newsom saying mayors should be tough on crime is like the NRA chief saying people should lay surrender their weapons. But you have to love Newsom. And the DA with finally not supporting crime for once. Repeal the foolish $950 misdemeanor law. Police, prosecutors, and judges need to stop coddling criminals. May need to recall some stupid judges.(5)>>blame Democrats for crime .The left blames Covid-19, but the trend predates the pandemic. Violent crime, which more or less had been steadily declining since the early 1990s, began reversing course in 2015, not 2020. “Violent crime and homicide rates rose in the U.S. in 2016 for the second consecutive year, driven in part by a spike in murders in large cities,” the Journal reported in 2017, citing FBI data.Apparently Democrats are a bigger problem than the criminals who are a bigger problem than the police. Then there's the woke DOJ and the woke FBI and woke Federal Bureaucracies of any stripe.For some unknown reason, the Left seems to identify more with the criminals than law abiding citizens. They continually favor the criminal element, making excuses for their behavior.They refuse to prosecute the criminals and when the police respond to a violent situation they seemed shocked that it results in further violence. Other than the continued destruction of our societal norms, I cannot possibly imagine why seems like a good idea to the Left. The possible explanation is this strategy further panders to the criminal and low socio-economic minorities in order to garner more votes. Since our politicians are too busy creating safety nets for criminals, good citizens need to learn to be street smart and prepared to take care of themselves.  (6)>>Oakland California is becoming the Chicago Illinois of the west with an equal amount of gun violence and killing sprees . AS EXAMPLES most Democrat Controlled states and cities with the strongest gun laws have the worst gun violence .And all those gun control measures that just got passed won't do a dime on this statistic if poverty, inequality, drug and gang violence are present in Oakland. Seriously. I'm all for gun control that has a rational approach to mitigating gun violence in statistically significant way. However, since both sides of the issue act like emotional children, you get gun control laws that have more to do with extremely rare, black swan mass shootings that do next to nothing to actually reduce gun violence. Things like restrictions on removable mags, mage size, AR15 accessories, etc may feel good but have no effect at all on 99% of gun deaths.Then you get 99% of gun owners that are law abiding feeling that any gun control is more about controlling them than reducing crime so they just resort to equally childish whining about misinterpretations of the second amendment and tree of liberty shit. We need grownups in this country.Oakland will never get anywhere without working on its poverty conditions. There’s so much work to be done in Oakland on all fronts. You can lock up criminals all you want but poverty conditions will just produce more. the rise in violence and shootings is an urgent problem that needs to be addressed, but it bears repeating that this rise is coming up from a long downward trend and historical lows of violence. We know what works, the pandemic and it's effects have thrown a wrench in that so we need to adapt to the new world we're living in, but we do have a framework for what works.On the scale of decades crime is way down but there is a recent uptick. It's a serious problem that needs attention but it hasn't completely undone the decades of improvement. (7)>>there has been a push from the left to "defund" police departments. Democrats acknowledged could be laid at the feet of the "defund the police" movement that some within the party embraced last summer. This "defunding"  of the now police has jeopardized law enforcement to take action on fighting crime .Even as Trump and Republicans were working to make "defund the police" a national issue (Joe Biden had made clear he did not favor defunding), the Minnesota politicians who were at the forefront of the "defund" movement were beginning to back off in the face of rising crime in the city. I mean, can we just say that maybe the police have a legitimate purpose in society, but we shouldn’t rely on them for mental health care and substance abuse? They’re not the answer for every problem in society, but I think they’re absolutely necessary. The problem is that we underfund vital services and have a tiny social safety net, and we rely on the police to make it all ok. Which is unfair to everyone involved.(8)>>misdemeanor rather than a felony as laid out by prop 47. These changes, a marked departure from California’s harsh Three Strikes sentencing era, were motivated by the goal of “ensur[ing] that prison spending is focused on violent and serious offenses”—a proposition that would save taxpayer funds by reining in a sprawling state prison system populated by low-risk inmates and refocus those resources towards evidence based rehabilitative programs aimed at reducing recidivism. Possession of methamphetamine .Possession of controlled substance.Possession of concentrated cannabis.  .Petty theft of property worth less than $950 .Grand theft of property worth less than $950 .Shoplifting of property worth less than $950 Forging or writing a bad check worth less than $950. Receipt of stolen property under $950. Under the new law, people currently charged with these crimes will only face misdemeanor charges and penalties. All future charges for these crimes will be misdemeanors. I can't understand why people in California voted yes for "thefts"law , but prop 47 was sneaky,  if you look close , it was attached on decriminalizing cannabis possession rather than allowing for changing definition of what constitutes a serious crime of grand theft to having a half ounce of cannabis .(9)>>The Louis Vuitton snatch-grab happened simultaneously in Chicago.  There could be some connection to organized crime that sized the opportunity because of the Democrat lefts weak defund police policy  nation wide . Crime is hitting blue states more than red states . NOW that’s about $600 worth of raw materials total that they stole. the value placed on these useless luxury items doesn’t exist and is manipulated by the designer cabal thru marketing and illusion of exclusivity. Those are the dumbest criminals in the world. Risking prison for what? You can buy counterfeit LV at any flea market and no one can tell the difference. What are they going to do with those real ones? No one’s going to believe they’re real. Smash and grabs are criminal fencing operations, in other words these are crime rings. They sell the goods to people even higher up on the chain usually the stuff is then sold internationally. These youths are no different than a dealer on the corner. These are the ones you see but there are people higher up on the chain running the operations. Looting during a protest is usually a heat of the moment thing. Most people involved are unlikely to repeat their actions while smash and grabbers are. In fact, another suburb also had a smash and grab similar to this, they might even be the same people. I don’t know about other areas of the country but smash and grabs have been in the news in Chicago since about 2015. At first people thought they were some type of flash mob but they’re actually crime rings.