Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Following the destruction in the enclave resulting from the war between Israel and Hamas, will cost an estimated $30-40 billion and require an effort on a scale unseen since World War II. Will take decades to rebuild , pretty much the American 
tax payer is stuck with the bill along with Ukraine ! 

If there is an "aftermath" of sorts , or an ending of the Israel -Hamas war . Just who IS GOING TO CLEAN UP AND REBUILD GAZA ? Gaza Crisis is so BIG that it has the potential to bring disaster  on the Israeli population .  The likely hood of the spread of disease out of Gaza and effecting the rest of Israel looks like a plague will be coming . The count of dead rotting bodies in Gaza in the buried rubble evokes images of rats , famine and refuges.  This war , aftermath COULD HAVE economic consequences for Israel . ALL this NIGHTMARE ! the American tax payer will be picking up the tab to pay for the Gaza Palestinians .
What about the land division of 1947? Almost 50% were dedicated for Palestinian. Why none of that exists anymore? Every time a war starts they occupy more and more land and make it their settlers. Who's going to pay to rebuild Gaza?Listen to the hypocrisy of the US Government trying HARD to save Israel from the responsibility. Historically the destruction would be less material and more psychological. Think of the Mongols defeating an entire city on their reputation alone. But in modern times war costs much more than peace. The US taxpayer-provided $320m Gaza pier is an ongoing terror finance violation by the Biden administration and administered by CENTCOM. We ship aid to Hamas that it "steals" and sells in Gaza to finance its terror war. There should be hearings.American politicians are generous with Americans’ money/taxes and could care less about accountability. UN official Richard Kozul-Wright has estimated that rebuilding Gaza will cost $20 billion a year. Biden has stated that the port being constructed by the US in Gaza will assist these efforts .Mast condemned the use of taxpayer funds to complete the project. He noted the use of civilian infrastructure used by Hamas for terrorist purposes, including the UN Relief and Works Agency. The USA spent $130b on WWII but only $13b on the Marshall Plan.U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, the consulate in Jerusalem and USAID personnel on these initiatives. A key motivation driving all of us was the responsibility of the U.S. to reinforce the economic, social and cultural rights of the Palestinian people as part of its moral and legal commitment to regional peace and security'. As of late January, most of what was produced with the help of development and relief assistance in Gaza has been destroyed. Ambulance drivers and medical technicians in Gaza’s hospitals were trained, only now to be killed where they work, which human rights groups say violates international humanitarian law. As affordability has plummeted and Americans struggle to afford basics like shelter, food, utilities and emergencies, hundreds of billions of dollars that lawmakers have dedicated to U.S. militarism went toward increasing surveillance and police repression of Americans. It also went toward fueling economic, environmental and political instability across the world, helping to create one of the most volatile moments for the Middle East in modern times.  American taxpayers have invested more than $7 billion to finance hundreds of projects in humanitarian relief and development in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, all under the banner of “peacebuilding.” But the Biden administration is currently providing the weaponry that is killing the very people the government set out to help and is failing to protect the life-giving projects that American money created. In addition, the administration has now suspended funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, the largest humanitarian group in Gaza, as 2 million Palestinians there face mass homelessnessfamine and disease. For an Israeli, he sure sounds British. That aside, it's a complete lie, that Gaza not being prosperous based on Israel. If Israel wanted a prosperous Gaza they wouldn't gave bombed it, destroyed the airport, restricted imports, controlled the water etc.So here’s the thing, he’s a spokesperson. His job is to communicate the policy stance of the Israeli government. They have no problem saying shit like “yeah we’re going to bomb this place until Hamas is gone.” So saying “no we’re not going to rebuild Gaza” isn’t really that awful to them.What’s happening here is this subject hasn’t even been fucking discussed within the foreign policy department of the Israeli government with the governments spokesperson because they just don’t fucking care enough to have a stance. It’s not a question they’ve thought about because who rebuilds isn’t something they even considered being up for debate. Their plan is to just bomb the shit out of the gazans then walk away and let NGOs and the UN pick up the pieces.  Using data from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, the report estimated it would take 16 years to rebuild the homes destroyed in Gaza as Israel's military action in Palestine continues, following the 7 October 2023 assault on Israel by Hamas militants. "Even under optimistic scenarios for the pace of physical reconstruction, the scale of destruction in Gaza has been such that, simply from the narrow perspective of moving in building materials, it would still take until 2040 and probably longer to restore the housing units destroyed since the start of the war," said the researchers, reported the GuardianA United Nations agency said  that rebuilding the Gaza Strip, following the destruction in the enclave resulting from the war between Israel and Hamas, will cost an estimated $30-40 billion and require an effort on a scale unseen since World War II.“The scale of the destruction is huge and unprecedented… This is a mission that the global community has not dealt with since World War II,” Dardari, who previously served as deputy prime minister under Syrian President Bashar Assad, told a press conference in the Jordanian capital Amman.The report sets 2040 as the most optimistic scenario – basing the date on if the war were to end immediately, however, this estimation only accounts for destroyed homes and does not factor in the repair of all damaged buildings.In most famines people have at least some ability to farm, forage, or to move elsewhere. The light of the United States’ continued financial support for Israel amid its ongoing genocide in Gaza, antiwar organizations say they’ve received a surge of interest from U.S. taxpayers considering tax resistance as a form of protest. There is also, generally, an expectation that international relief will be able to come in (perhaps after overcoming a temporary logistical challenge like collapsed bridges or flooded roads).In this case the Israelis have destroyed the crops, bulldozed the farms, shelled the mills, wrecked the water supply, shoot people attempting to fish offshore, and are actively barricading the borders preventing international relief.Whatever timeline other food insecurity crises have been on, this one will move faster. It's not "might happen" it's "is happening". The Lancet has estimated there will be 80k excess deaths over the next few months, and that was before today's announcement of a blanket ban on food deliveries to all of northern Gaza by the Israelis. There’s no coming back from this level of destruction and misery. The entire population has been displaced, it’s infrastructure and civil society is in ruins, and it appears that the second phase of this war may roughly be as intensive as the first, especially given the objective of destroying the Hamas leadership. Leaflets with QR codes do nothing for a population without working smartphones.There’s no strategy, only tactics.An absence of basic infrastructure—electricity, clean water, sewage treatment, and waste management—has blighted the daily lives of Gaza’s 1.9 million citizens. Theoretically Gaza with a demilitarized Hamas will make for a safer Israel, but the Palestinians of Gaza cannot be trusted to suddenly moderate and not rise up against Israel in the future. If the bombs stopped dropping now, the Gazan population will remain miserable for the foreseeable future.There will be no political willingness from the Israeli’s or the Arab World to help rebuild Gaza, and there are very few reasons for Gazans to stay in Gaza. It’s not contiguous with the West Bank, the entire population is severely traumatized, and it’s people have suffered from an occupation and blockade for almost 20 years.This is what Biden feared, according to Politico: That a ceasefire would enable the world to see the extent of the carnage in Gaza, paid for by US taxpayers."And there was some concern in the administration about an unintended consequence of the pause: that it would allow journalists broader access to Gaza and the opportunity to further illuminate the devastation there and turn public opinion on Israel." We are watching the ethnic cleansing of Gaza. And a dire refugee crisis .  It’s the only logical outcome of this war.