Sunday, May 5, 2024


Christians in America are buzzing about for the
rebuilding of the Temple & the Sacrifice 
of the Red Heifer. BUT IS THIS
the RED HEIFER of DOOM !? 
Please NOTE this is a Scary type of Satire , but hopefully IT will
wake a lot of people up , in particular Christians & Jews alike. 

End Times Christians keep looking for signs and portents, wars and rumors of wars, and, by God, the Israel-Hamas horror is right up their millenarianist alley. Where many of us see the vicious killings by  (1)>>Hamas and the indiscriminate bombing by the Netanyahu government as atrocities fueled by 75 years of resentment, fear, rage, and oppression, as well as a radical Islamic refusal to accept the existence of Israel, evangelicals and the politicians beholden to them see the first quarter of the Second Coming. The irony that Trump is being hailed as Moses now, because you know, Caviezel is that Trump is symbolic of the red heifer to be burnt. Moses dealt with the golden calf and God instituted the red heifer because of it. These people are deceived. Don't be deceived . These tiny ass countries need to stop being able to drag the entire world into a global conflict over their regional wars.Israel is losing friends - around the world, not least in the Jewish diaspora - and internally, when hundreds of thousands took to the streets this week. It was the culmination of 29 continuous weeks of rolling protest against the latest government of Prime Minister Binyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, who has been in power in Israel for 16 of the last 27 years. Turning Israel into a police state dictatorship back by the United States .(2)>>AKA : Israeli Zionists .SOMEHOW religious influence told the neighboring white people worship pigs, and the brown people worship cows, two of the most eaten animals. They also told us to cut the tips of our kids' CIRCUMCISION  off. They said to wear really hot headgear in the hottest places in the word. They told us to hide the beauty of our women's faces. They told us to wear an impractically small hat that needs a clip to stay on our head.Maybe all of this just to run a psychological study of our species' temperament, logic solving and leadership capabilities so aliens can plan for how we interact with them as a space faring species someday.AND maybe we are still failing this "great test". Aliens, a God whispering in your ear, or coincidence, whatever it is we all look fucking stupid.Many people today are unaware of the significance of the red heifer in both Judaism and Christianity. This symbol of purification is deeply rooted in (3)>>Scripture, including in the book of Numbers (Num. 19:2-10) where God instructs Moses and Aaron about the ritual purification involving a red heifer.The Temple Institute operates a small museum in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City. A visitor steps down into a basement room that houses the collection and a bookstore; one of the books on display is "The Mystery of the Red Heifer: Divine Promise of Purity," by Rabbi Richman. Also on display is a scale model of the sacrificial altar and replicas of the decanters and lavers used in the Temple service. The flaxen robes of the priests have been carefully reproduced, along with the trumpets, harps, and lyres that the Levites are said to have played in the courtyard of the Temple. "You woke up in the morning to the sound of music from the Temple. (4)>>You went to bed to the sound of music from the Temple," a guide tells visitors. "Any beautiful building you ever saw cannot compare with the beauty of the Temple."The goal of the institute is not only to restore the Temple itself but to reinstate the priestly castes, clerical rule, and animal sacrifice that characterized the nation of Israel at the dawn of the Iron Age. (5)>>To secular Israelis, this sounds like a Jewish version of the Taliban. And yet the construction of a third Temple is essential to the view that many Orthodox Jews have of salvation and the coming of the Messiah. Without the Temple, there is no way to fulfill many of the religious obligations, such as ritual sacrifices, that the Torah requires. In Orthodox theology, that means that all Jews are stuck in a state of impurity, and are therefore unable to be in the presence of God. When a glass is broken at a Jewish wedding, it is done in memory of the destruction of the Temple. "The Holy Temple in Judaism is so important and primary that it can really be said that Judaism as it is practiced today is not the vehicle that God intended it to be," Richman says. "The Prophets of Israel emphasize the fact that the Temple is really much more than just a synagogue.... The Temple is actually the device through which God manifests His presence to mankind."

And now.. behold the world ending red cow.

(6)>>I personally believe the mosque will be destroyed as this is the mostly likely scenario to trigger global Muslim hatred and lead to or contribute to leading to Israel's Muslim neighbors attacking. The other event contributing to this is maybe the rapture as this seriously weakens the US and her military leaving Israel vulnerable to invasion. If you did not know about 3 years ago Jewish religious leaders acquired 5 Red cows (extremely rare 1 in 50,000 and there has this ceremony has taken place) as they could not have spot or blemish on them, never had calves or never been under yoke. For the purpose of offering them as a sacrifice then turning their ashes in to a ceremonial paste that'll be use to purify people and material to be used in the building of the third temple.This is a HUGE piece of bible prophesy as in the end time the Anti-Christ is said to desecrate the sacrificial alter-ably offering something unclean on it. But in 70AD the temple and alter were destroyed and there hasn't been a one since.Till now. Or rather in relatively short order as the 5 red heifers are said to be sacrificed sometime between now and Passover (end of April) You might say yeah yeah people been claiming this since Jesus left, but again till now there has been no way to full fill prophesy.Plus Hamas thinks this threat was real enough to attack Israel in oct 7 kicking off this war. (7)>>WHICH THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT KNEW OF THE ATTACK FOR ALMOST A YEAR.Here is what one of the leaders of Hamas said on the 100 day mark of their campaign: “We look back 100 days to remember the educated, the complicit, and the incapacitated among the world powers governed by the law of the jungle, reminding them of an aggression that reached its peak against our path (Al-Quds) and Al-Aqsa, with the start of its actual temporal and spatial division, and the “bringing of red cows as an application of a detestable religious myth designed for aggression against the feelings of an entire nation in the heart of its Arab identity, and the path of its prophet (the Night Journey) and Ascension to heaven.”

Joe BIDEN and Donald Trump " Beasts"?

BQQM! Donald Trump, the Number Seven, Seven Trumpets and the Prophecy of the Red Heifer! “Behold, I Make All Things New.”Biden didn't misspeak but they want you to think he did.'US President Joe Biden tells Israel not to attack Israel.'"don't move on Haifa". <> red heifer (sacrifice)<> Third Temple <> Aqsa Mosque. Biden 'don't' <> code for do it? BUT Right  (8)>>NOW WE HAVE TWO BEASTS in the American political system .  Both are "puppets", who ever wins the 2024 AD election will still slave for the system. I've discussed this idea a couple of times with religious folks, but it's usually met with a chuckle as if they don't REALLY believe in the Antichrist OR they're too proud to admit they have themselves been duped.With the Red Heifer drawing attention one of these men if either one wins will be at the "rebuilt " Temple to see that bloody Heifer sacrificed .Another major signs to warn us of the arrival of the Antichrist would be an election where someone won with fewer supporters, and where it was also proven that an evil outside power meddled with the process to specifically put that person in office.From what I understand,the Israeli government is completely against it happening any time soon considering the entire world is against them right now.I saw an interview with an Israeli official and he basically said the government is mainly focused on military strategy and not religious.Considering what would take place after the sacrifice,I personally don’t think they could even if they wanted to.Soon after the sacrifice they would have to tear down the Al-asque mosque,which would bring up a global war against Israel.The Christians think the Jews are summoning Christ. The Jews say there summoning their Messiah, they do not worship Christ, their Messiah is the Antichrist prove me wrong. (9)>>I CAN SEE TRUMP OR BIBI jumping to being a Messiah , even Joe Biden , as one of those "madmen".  I mean really look names and lineage at the head of everything and the owners of everything..Many Christians believe that these events will happen at some point in the future.Once the temple is rebuilt and animal sacrifice resumes someone will come upon the scene who claims to be the Messiah. The books of Daniel, John, and Revelation speak of such a person. The Bible calls him a ruler who will speak lies and the people will believe the lies.The people, both Jews and non Jews, who rejected Jesus as a messiah will accept this new Messiah. This event is also spoken of clearly in the Bible.However this new Messiah will in fact be a false Messiah, AKA the Antichrist. Once again Daniel, John, and Revelation speak of this person. And note, despite people all over the world pointing fingers and saying this person is the Antichrist and the other person is the Antichrist, there is no one alive today in the public eye that even remotely fits the description of the Antichrist. He will be an unknown that comes upon the scene so quickly as to be considered supernatural by many.


Juan O Savin “ Secret Puppet Masters Behind The War And The Coming Red Heifer Sacrifice This Week!” will be up today. The true funding of Iran came from Obama and Biden who gave hundreds of billions to them while also using our tax dollars for Israel. A prophecy will also be completed this week with the Red Heifers being sacrificed. Everything is happening on a schedule. I’m exploring all deep state options here.. Could Biden play hero and halt the war momentarily until election? I’m asking a lot of questions…"It belongs in the Middle East where it can be put to use by the US's strongest ally!"I didn't vote Trump and I didn't vote Biden so save it. You didn't lose one and I'm in California so my vote doesn't count on a national level anyway. Maybe if liberals spent as much time and energy holding Democrats/ Republicans accountable as they did blaming lefties for not voting Democrat, lefties might vote Democrat/ Republican . The problem with the whole argument is that the alternative to the lesser of two evils is the greater. Unless you can realistically create a third option and make it successful, you’re only making the problem worse. And you WILL be complicit in the genocide you so despise if you, by inaction or action cause Trump to be returned to power. His support for Netanyahu empowered the current situation.With this recent earthquake, upcoming eclipse, is there really 12 months in a year, the search for the red heifer, trump, Biden, chicken flu (or whatever it’s called) my little conspiracy heart is all over the place.


(1)>>Hamas and the indiscriminate bombing by the Netanyahu government as atrocities fueled by 75 years of resentment, fear, rage, and oppression. Months after Hamas’s attack on Israel, a strange video emerged, showing hamas’ spokesman Abu Obeidah speaking about their reasons for entering Israel. He mentioned something odd happening in Palestinian areas: red cows arriving. These were no regular cows; they seemed to carry a dark secret.Obeidah suggested a sinister plot by some Israeli groups. They believed sacrificing a red cow would let them destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque and build a new temple. I am fairly certain you'd be capable of doing a mental replacement of the offending term with "First Beast" or "Man of Lawlessness" if wishing to participate in conversations seamlessly...The shirt clip with Netanyahu speaking under the mosque is actually a synagogue located directly under the holy of holies. Some believe the Jews will make a compromise with Muslims and allow the mosque above and the synagogue below to function like a temple where sacrifices can take place.Folks are usually making good-faith efforts to cross-reference a whole bunch of scriptural books' passages, which do use differing terms, in their studies. No point chucking out a whole conversation when a quick "Find/Replace" would let it proceed productively!I have never understood where this seven year peace treaty with Israel’s neighbors idea comes from, and yet I have been hearing this for 60+ years. From what the Bible says is ‘he’ will ‘confirm’ a covenant with ‘many’ for one seven….and ‘ in the middle he will put an end to sacrifice’ and offering. It doesn’t say he will ‘create’ a ‘peace treaty’. Even at 16, this made no sense to me. To confirm a covenant would mean there is already a covenant to confirm. The only covenants we have are the OT covenants and the new covenant. In my view Christ came to confirm the Davidic covenant, that the messiah would come from David’s lineage. Christ’s ministry then lasted 3.5 years which would take it to the ‘middle of the seven’, where his death on the cross put an end to the need for sacrifices. From what I see is we have only 3.5 years left of the ‘seven’. (2)>>AKA : Israeli Zionists. The DARK SIDE of Zionism much fueled by Bibi Netanyahu , the attempt to rebuild the Temple has all the trappings of the Christian Anti-Christ , but Christians will not recognize it ? The Support for Israel the modern Zionist police state has blinded a lot of Christians and Jews alike .Antichrist will attempt to present himself as the Jewish Messiah, and that he will try his best to appear as if he is instituting what Jewish believers know as the Messianic Age and what Christians know as the Millennial reign. NOW that much of what we know about the Antichrist, such as his destruction of the enemies of Israel in Daniel 11:40-45, his seven-year covenant, his rebuilding of the temple and starting the daily sacrifice, his eventual stopping of the sacrifices and sitting in the temple to accept worship, his making Jerusalem the capital of the world, even his promotion by the False Prophet .Orthodox Jews and many Evangelical Christians have an "Unholy Alliance" with regards to the third temple, both religions want to see it built but for vastly different reasons. Christians should be utterly repulsed by the construction of a counterfeit third temple in Jerusalem before the millennial kingdom. This is because it disregards Jesus' atoning sacrifice on the cross. The Jews are slapping Jesus in the face by building it. Further reinforcing this, the veil of the second temple was torn in two.Unless, of course, you believe that bloodshed in Israel will pave the way for the Second Coming of Christ. Secular voters may find it baffling, but it’s a worldview of a significant number of evangelical Christians and, by extension, a critical portion...And while many might be familiar with the affinity that exists between Jews and evangelicals, the religious right’s vitriolic response to the Israel-Hamas war brings to the forefront prophecies that many Christians use to guide their thinking and act...In the 1990s, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, an ambitious politician named Benjamin Netanyahu, quickly recognized that the religious right’s vision for Israel matched his own — at least in the short term. When he became prime minister in ...1996, he immediately flew a contingent of Christian Zionists to Israel, forging a close connection that has only grown in the intervening years, with evangelicals increasingly steadfast in their support of Israel. It’s a match made in heaven —(3)>>Scripture, including in the book of Numbers (Num. 19:2-10). RED HEIFER (Heb. פָּרָה אֲדֻמָּה), the animal whose ashes were used in the ritual purification of persons and objects defiled by a corpse (Num. 19). While the English term heifer means a young cow that has not had a calf, the Bible (Num. 19:2) speaks simply of a cow (Heb. parah). The Bible prescribes that the red cow be without blemish (Heb. temimah), that it should have no defect (Heb. mum), and that it should never have been yoked (Num. 19:2). The first of these requirements applies also to burnt offerings (Lev. 1:3, 10), peace offerings (Lev. 3:1, 6), and sin offerings (Lev. 4:3). The second regulation, which applies to all sacrifices (Lev. 22:19, 21; Deut. 17:1), is explained in Leviticus 22:22. The third stipulation applies also to the calf whose neck is broken to atone for the bloodguilt of the unidentified manslayer (Deut. 21:3). It’s obviously worth noting that this “Messiah” suspiciously aligns with both the Christian Antichrist and the Islamic Dajjāl. Depending on which of the three Abrahamic religions you follow, this same person is interpreted very differently. Saying “it has nothing to do with that” would be a very misguided understatement. Christians believe this person will sign a peace treaty to initiate the process, and Muslims similarly believe he will build the third temple. Both believe this false messianic figure will declare himself God from within the temple once it’s built. Both Muslims and Christians believe Jesus will defeat this false messiah.It’s understood that those following Judaism will need the ashes of the red heifer to be able to be purified and enter the temple. Anyone who has been in the presence of a dead body is unclean and unable to be in the presence of God.(4)>>You went to bed to the sound of music from the Temple. Let's not get carried away BY SEDUCTIVE MUSIC of the Rebuilding of the Temple . It's politically motivated , any Christian who reads the NEW TESTAMENT , BOOK OF MORMON and particularly the DOCTRINE and COVENANTS part of the LDS Scriptures . Which state that Zion is to be built in the Americas apart from the Restoration . Should see how it Contradicts what most Christian Churches teach . The Temple Institute is dedicated to being practically prepared for the rebuilding of the BhM. There’s no “conspiracy” I’m not sure what that means. Yet , the whole thing is to bring about about rebuilding the temple sounds like the ANTI-CHRIST. In the context of biblical interpretation, the phrase "the disgusting thing standing in the holy place" has been subject to various interpretations. Some scholars and theologians have connected this phrase with historical events, while others view it as a symbol of spiritual significance. It's important to note that interpretations of this nature can vary widely among different religious traditions and individual scholars. For a comprehensive understanding of this topic, consulting with a religious scholar or theologian may provide more insights into the diverse interpretations of this phrase.The first use of the term disgusting thing mentioned in Daniel was referred to by Jesus thus giving application to the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple. “Therefore, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken about by Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place (let the reader use discernment), then let those in Ju·deʹa begin fleeing to the mountains…” Matt 24:15,16.(5)>>To secular Israelis, this sounds like a Jewish version of the Taliban. Bibi's government is a Zionist Fascist government , a police state dictatorship disguised as a democracy. That contradicts Judaism  , it's alien to Jewish thought and philosophy . If you want to compare it to Herod the Great who was from Edom , who became ruler of Judah during the Roman period .Several years ago, the most right-wing government in Israel’s history took power. Led by Benjamin Netanyahu, the coalition has put forward legislation that severely limits the powers of the judiciary. For several weeks, tens of thousands of protesters have gathered in Tel Aviv and other cities to rally against what they view as a grave risk to their democratic institutions. At the same time, the government is overseeing—and encouraging—brutal attacks by settlers on Palestinians. (At least fourteen Israelis and more than thousands of  Palestinians have been killed since the fighting flared this year.) Netanyahu,wants to present himself as the "messiah" of the Zionist right wing government .To understand what is happening in Israel and what the collage campus  protests mean for its political future, and why Bibi Netanyahu wants to stop the protests in America , is it puts his dictatorship in jeopardy .(6)>>I personally believe the mosque will be destroyed. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel could destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem if it wanted to – but doing so "would be contrary to everything we represent."Netanyahu was speaking during a meeting of the Likud Knesset faction . A recording of his words was published by Army Radio.Responding to what he said was Palestinian incitement regarding Israel's supposed interest in getting rid of the mosque, which has been at the center of repeated clashes between Palestinian protesters and the Israel Defense Forces, Netanyahu said:"If we wanted to destroy Al-Aqsa, it wouldn't require too much effort. We know what to do. But it's contrary to everything that we represent."Bibi pretends to be the Jewish Messiah committing biblical genocide against Arabs, Subverting and controlling nations, Religious Zealot.. He will likely attempt to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque .These fanatics have been talking about burning a red heifer after the solar eclipse and then destroy the mosque for their Messiah to come! That's why Bibi is with that red heifer. Look how clean the mattress is.Lol no doubt about that, but that’s why Muslims do firmly believe in these signs of judgement day. I do not know whether you are religious. But if you are for us, Bibi certainly wants to destroy the mosque. And expel every Muslim away and treat Christian’s like hell.(7)>>WHICH THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT KNEW OF THE ATTACK FOR ALMOST A YEAR. Israel created Hamas and knew of the attack. They wanted a cassus belli to take the land.But Israeli officials knew of the attack on Oct 7th and decided to downplay it. Your government could’ve prevented this.Israeli officials obtained Hamas's battle plan for the Oct. 7 terrorist attack more than a year before it happened, documents, emails and interviews show. But Israeli military and intelligence officials dismissed the plan as aspirational, considering it too difficult for Hamas to carry out.Best question is why were the Hostages not first priority instead of the rush right into war which was the guarantee of the possibility of their torture and death? Israel was abhorred at the attack and knew what their people were up against. What happened on October 7 is described to this day in all of its horrific detail. The hostages have proven to be of no value to Hamas since Israel has been in no hurry to recover them from the beginning. What did anyone think would happen to them in the hands of Hamas since Israel did not start process of getting them back to their families day one? Biden either.If that search turns up information pointing to an impending attack, the next question is why the information in question did not prompt a warning. Was it translated and disseminated? Did analysts read it? If not, why not? If they did read it, why did they discount its importance? Interviews with analysts will be important in this phase, and while those discussions could feel accusatory, investigators should approach these conversations with curiosity and a forward-looking approach. This is the same approach congressional committees should take when conducting their own investigations.(8)>>NOW WE HAVE TWO BEASTS in the American political system . BOTH TRUMP and BIDEN look like Puppets in some political game that is  UNFOLDING ,There is a lot of focus on the possibility of Trump winning the 2024 election. IT LOOKS like they want to send TRUMP to PRISON . If that is the case BIDEN will bag the election . Either way , who ever wins will still KISS the ARISE of the Zionist AGENDA .Oh, I see how we're going to play this. The Republicans take all three branches of government, including both houses of Congress, and the most you people are going to say about it is,  Let's not even get INTO the fucking WARS, okay, because EVERYONE seems to bounder the impression that wars will get them re-elected, despite the daily 25,000-person protests occurring right under their fucking noses nation wide right now. ha, all that proves it that it mattered ONCE. not any more. haven't you noticed that president-for-life bush isn't just "plotting a war",he's actually trying to re-enact Armageddon? pretend to be a christian for a moment (yeah, I know it's a sick thought, but JUST PRETEND.) read one of those Hal Lindsay books about the Antichrist and revelations. then read about George w bush's conversion to Christianity. then re-read all the news articles about what he's doing don't believe me? the end-timers say Jesus can't come back through the space-time portal unless the temple of Solomon is rebuilt. the Jews won't rebuild the temple unless they have been ritually purified with the sacrifice of a perfect red heifer -- which hasn't been seen in centuries. there's some christian Texas ranchers over in Israel RIGHT NOW working on a cattle breeding program to produce perfect red heifers. they produced one, but as it got older it got a blemish (wrong color hair in its tail.) now they have ANOTHER, and they're just waiting for it to get old enough so they can start their little apocalypse!(9)>>I CAN SEE TRUMP OR BIBI jumping to being a Messiah , even Joe Biden , as one of those "madmen".  BIBI Netanyahu, would JUST LOVE TO BE DECLARED the MESSIAH . BUT TRUMP could beat him at it if he wins , but any of those MADMEN would take it to further their agenda .Idk, selling weapons to Israel in the middle of "their" genocide, without going through congressional approval, and also funneling $95B from tax payers into arms deals, while simultaneously vetoing every UN attempt to enforce sanctions or consequences on Israel, while also parroting a fake story about dead babies that was planted by an Israeli intelligence operative who had never been in journalism before but somehow got to run a front page story about international events, then building a pier in Gaza to deport Palestinians and simultaneously begin exploring offshore natural gas, thereby establishing a foothold on Middle eastern resources, a port of control and backing the deliberate sale of stolen/occupied land taken from Palestinians, is kinda perpetuating Islamophobia. But maybe I'm just biased because I don't believe the highlights of his presidency could ever outshine the mass death that occurs on his watch, perpetrated by the US govts pet project colony. JOE BIDEN would be probably proclaiming BIBI riding a JACKASS through the gates of JERUSALEM !!!It's one thing to say "our guy has problems but is still better than the authoritarian psycho". It's another thing to just gaslight people.