Monday, May 8, 2023


DeSantis sounds so good that he's 
just not exactly what he seems .

I HATE to write this but ,  (1)>>Florida's governor DESANTIS is pushing the line of his authority . Florida is not the happy heaven as it's being popularized .  NOW all I need to ask myself is how has he as governor made  Florida better. If I'm being honest, I really can't think of anything. The property taxes are high, the insurance rates are ridiculous, the electric bill is out of control, rent prices are insane and the local school districts is going downhill fast.  (2)>>Underneath it's another mirror image of California . Except it's run unlike California ultra left daft liberalism . Florida is going far beyond the MAGA Republican ultra far right as it can ever been. Meanwhile, he's using his power as governor to fly migrants to Martha's Vineyard, ban abortion, ban books, ban drag shows, ban civil rights history, ban sex ed, attack Disney, shield insurance companies from having to payout claims, allow corporations to pay next to no taxes, fire duly-elected public servants, take over the administration of institutions of higher learning and allow the state's health care system to languish. He's basically doing what Newsom in California is doing but on the opposite realm .  (3)>>YOU SEE FLORIDA is banning BOOKS like California is banning books as well. Both states are the opposite of EXTREMES . Media coverage of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s all-but-announced candidacy for president is already in full frenzy, and so far the script is exactly as his handlers would like it to be.The governor regularly opens up new fronts in the culture wars, sowing alarm over critical race theory, transgender rights, or border policies. In response, liberal pundits fall into the trap of accentuating the very issues DeSantis has chosen to fire up his base.Do voters actually like him and his policies? Or do they like what they think he represents  (4)>>(a.k.a. a sane alternative to Trump)?What scares me about this is that Desantis is the best chance to beat Trump in a primary - and the best case scenario is that Trump goes out early, because the worse the economy gets, the more likely democrats are to be apathetic and not turn out - and a Republican (regardless of nominee) wins. The goal should be to raise Desantis as the nominee and then have Biden beat him because there aren’t enough loyal supporters of Desantis, and he’s kinda boring. Or even better Trump then runs as an independent and splits the vote ensuring a democrat win another Biden term.  Although don’t underestimate his and the legislature’s willingness to find a way to keep him in power beyond that (assuming he isn’t POTUS by then, which looks increasingly unlikely).Mostly because DeSantis is just... bad at charisma. “We fight the woke in the schools. We fight the woke in the legislature. We fight the woke in the corporations,” he declared. “We will never ever surrender to the woke mob. Florida is where woke goes to die.”  DeSantis has been groomed to be the next big neocon president. He will present as a conservative populist but quickly embracing globalist principles and authority.  There's an exaggerated tendency to think that the future will look like the past. Remember the "blue wall" in 2016? It's not at all hard to imagine a not close election where Biden flips no states but secures his expands his margins in GA/AZ/WI/PA in such a way that puts a change out of reach.
AS ALREADY as it is , our election system is COOKED GOOSE !!!!

NOTES AND COMMENTS : (1)>>Florida's governor DESANTIS is pushing the line of his authority .  Republicans argue that DeSantis’s agenda explains why Florida ranks number one in the nation for net in-migration. About 319,000 people moved there last year, according to an analysis of census data by the National Association of Realtors, while California lost the most residents, with 343,000 departing. While the slogan “Make America Florida” gains traction on bumper stickers and pundits debate DeSantis’ electability, DeSantis continues to plunge ahead with culture wars in schools that sunder communities, gaslight Floridians about the environment, and implement anti-scientific policies across life-or-death situations.  A number of establishment Republican figures have condemned DeSantis, who is widely expected to confirm he is running for president in the coming weeks, for targeting Disney after the company objected to his so-called "don't say gay" bill—a move which appears to have backfired on the governor. While former US president Donald Trump labours under the frayed slogan of “Make America great again”, DeSantis is building a case to “Make America Florida” – a phrase that appears on caps, flags and other merchandiseBut DeSantis has crossed boundaries   —making it possible for DeSantis to become more predatory and authoritarian—blurs the line between matters of state and his personal campaigns, he often talks about fighting the “corporate media” as a sop to his supporters, portraying himself as a modern-day American hero standing up for the common man (and, sometimes, woman).(2)>>Underneath it's another mirror image of California . FLORIDA is the REVERSE MIRROR IMAGE of CALIFORNIA . The politics Left and Right . Both states do the same thing . They both ban books for obvious opposite reasons I will explain in a next footnote below . California represents to the right: high taxes, Hollywood, strange parades in San Francisco where the drag queens not only read stories, they prance.   The states are becoming two of the nation’s biggest ideological rivals. Superman has Bizarro, a powerful antagonist who resembles him from afar but has the opposite instincts. Florida and California have each other.   It's also not Democrats that are fleeing California, it's Republicans. Why would a Democrat want to move to a forced birth state? California cannot even keep its own electrical grid running, and yet is busy banning the sale of new gasoline cars, as well as natural gas furnaces and boilers. The state wants these internal combustion cars gone but is advising residents not to charge their electric cars since the state can’t handle power demands. How will this work for the state in a decade when new gas cars are banned and the state’s energy deficit is worse?   California Gov. Gavin Newsom has spent time since his reelection attacking DeSantis — on Twitter and in an op-ed and spoken comments — while promising to make his own state a haven for many of the practices the Florida Republican opposes. “He’s cruel,” the Democrat said of DeSantis in a recent interview. “I have no respect for bullies and people who’ve made their entire political careers on attacking vulnerable communities.”Gavin Newsom wants to bring the California model nationwide. The Golden State governor is likely preparing a bid for the White House in 2024 if President Biden doesn’t run. Assuming Biden and Donald Trump choose not to run (or are beaten in primaries), the result likely will be a battle between Newsom and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. The election would present voters with a choice: Will the blueprint for the nation be that of California or Florida?From a distance, the two coastal states look similar: beaches and natural disasters; kitschy theme parks full of tourists; orange groves paved over by housing developments; and populations that swell with people from elsewhere seeking to remake themselves in places unburdened by their pasts. But their differences have often come to dominate the national conversation in recent months. (3)>>YOU SEE FLORIDA is banning BOOKS like California is banning books as well.  The WHOLE NOTION that FLORIDA is the only state banning books is not just true . Its a nationwide phenomenon . BUT there are extremes .Here in California, the Riverside Unified School District got the week off to a flying start by banning "The Fault in Our Stars," John Green's wildly popular young adult novel about teenage cancer patients. Earlier this month, officials at Rancho Cucamonga Middle School closed the school library after a parent tweeted complaints about her daughter coming home with "Rabbit is Rich," by John Updike. Lefist California bans books that go against wokish agendas , label books  as harmful to minorities and genders .  Public schools were removing Dr. Suss  books in California for examples . States Like FLORIDA bans books that teach wokish -LGBTQ agendas . BOOK banning is happening on both sides . Its really crazy.WHICH in a FREE society there should be NO BOOK BANS . Its CANCEL CULTURE, on both sides  . Like the Leftists removing Confederate Statues. Deeming certain speech as harmful . The clash over books is not new, but the tactics are changing. Once spurred mainly by concerned parents, book removals are increasingly powered by organized groups, elected leaders and legislation targeting titles that don’t align with their values . (4)>>(a.k.a. a sane alternative to Trump)? Voters are fired up about issues that hit close to home and are showing up in record numbers across the country, which is historically bad for the GOP. Combine that with rumors of Trump running as independent if he doesn't get the nomination, and you have a shit storm brewing for the GOP. that short-term economic issues, specifically inflation, are what will bring support for the GOP in 2024; because people will blame the Progressive wing of the Democratic party for the rapid inflation we are seeing now (even though inflation is really a result of decisions made by the business community regarding China and the GOP pushing for low interest rate policies for 20+ years)Remember that Reagan won a landslide victory with the Baby Boomer generation over exactly this kind of issue in 1980; Gen X, Millennials and Zoomers have never really known a world without low inflation; At this point you may bring up De Santis, right now he's too much of an unknown to state confidently that Biden can beat him, but he's everything wrong with Trump's politics minus the charisma that allowed Trump to overcome how unpopular his politics were. The Republicans have conceded the centre ground, it's hard to win anything without that and De Santis will not be able to make an in roads there.

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