Thursday, May 11, 2023


California plan for Reparations could be 
FROM HELL . The illustration above 
from post WW1 , Crushed under
to raise taxes to pay for .
It can also spell economic trouble 
in California and the U.S.

THE STORY SO FAR >>> Taking money from people who never owned slaves to give it to people who never  (1)>>were slaves in a state that never had slavery.  (1.2)>>This is hilarious.To be honest, I almost feel like California is doing this just to create horrible division, division unlike anything we have seen to date. Like, division that will cause chaos. IT'S CALLED CALIFORNIA REPARATIONS FROM HELL!  The state is going to tax people [ probably whites and asians] [ because taxing blacks will be racist to pay for the reparations ] and companies for this money.  Or other people start to realize they are the suckers that the left has conned. They delude themselves into thinking that democrat politicians will find the money by taxing the ultra rich (which never happens) or finding it in other government programs, only to be surprised when taxes increase for middle class families and small business owners.  So any company that is located in  (2)>>California will naturally raise prices as a result of this tax, which in turn will affect you, the consumer, regardless of where you live.  California joined the Union as a free state in 1850, with a state Constitution that expressly outlawed slavery. People aren't taught true history anymore ! It's all about feelgoodism!! Meanwhile we are the ones who supposedly ignore history.Yep, okay. Got it. It's why the numbers keep going up, they don't actually want reparations.See, "reparations" was never a real goal. It was just something to yell about. Like climate change, polar bears, or plastic in the ocean. (3)>>But now, there are politicians actually talking about it. So they need the price to be ridiculous.Because, like any settlement, once you're paid, it's over. And once reparations are paid out, it's over. The whole hustle ends.Will never pass as It's unconstitutional, and if it somehow does go through than there will be a domino effect throughout the country.  (4)>>IT ALSO ENDS by BANKRUPTING CALIFORNIA .It doesn’t matter, since that amount of money literally does not exist. (200 million times 2 million people would be 400 trillion, about ten times the physical money in the planet, and about 5 times the total money including bank account numbers without physical bills). 800 billion dollars is a BIG NUMBER . When they get upset and say that $5,000,000 per person is not enough, it's a pretty solid indication that any amount will never be enough to satisfy them. Pay them $10,000,000 and they'll still protest and complain down the road that they were victimized, except this time by Slavery and secondly by a racist panel that was trying to stiff them with only $10,000,000.Give them nothing. California was never a slave state, was never sympathetic to slave states, and multiple generations have gone by, leaving the citizens of today free of liability. Many taxpayers in the state migrated here more than a hundred years after slavery and it should be illegal to make them liable for a travesty like this. It's pandering and vote swinging by the left that produces insane political theater and policies like this. I don't think anyone on this panel understands economics. They seem to think that this is just a matter of someone at the bank opening a spreadsheet and typing "800,000,000,000" in their account.    (5)>>This shit is hilarious. Race grifters will never be satisfied. And this panel knows it. They're giving 2 choices here: Pay or be responsible for the largest riot in the state's history.  There’s always another pocket to pick. It’s sad to see what California has become. The ridiculous thing in this case is that it never was one of the slave states and until recently has a proud tradition of liberty and showing off the best parts of the American Dream. Now it’s a shining example of the American nightmare.  California is an unabashed clown show.


(1)>>were slaves in a state that never had slavery.   We could go on about the evils of slavery , and argue . California had Slavery prior to the Mexican War,  was slavery in the Spanish possessions. The Spaniards began with the enslavement of Indians and later at the advice of De las Casas changed to that of Negroes .  SO Just GET  MEXICO to pay their fair share here . California became a FREE state in 1850 which outlawed slavery in the state .  Perhaps even more egregious than this pay-out proposal is the big lie about California’s history; California was part of the Union, not the Confederate, and wasn’t a slave owning state.  It is clear, therefore, that at the time the United States government acquired the territory of California from Mexico, slavery had been abolished there nearly twenty years. The SUBJECT of SLAVERY . It has huge repercussions on American history . BUT AMERICA was not the only nation that had the evil of slavery.  The ISSUE of Racism that stains history books.Putting all of that aside, assume that the founders did the impossible and secured a peaceful end of slavery in a way that didn't result in a collapse of the union.White Americans, south as well as north, by and large could not imagine sharing their new republic with former slaves. Nobody had any idea what to do with them after mass emancipation, which is why people chased silly schemes like colonization while northern free states on the border of slave states banned freed slaves from settling. Congress couldn't write a check big enough to solve that. Lincoln even tried again during the Civil War to buy off the border state slave owners and they told him to pound sand. Most of the founding fathers who owned slaves, such as Jefferson, were caught in this dilemma. They recognized the evils of slavery but couldn't bring themselves to advocate for any emancipation schemes if it meant former slaves got a share of the pie. In order to relieve the obvious cognitive dissonance that resulted from their desire to still see themselves as "good people" the next generation of southerners started repudiating the very ideals of the founders and actually advocated for slavery as a "positive good" instead of a "necessary evil". (1.2)>>This is hilarious.To be honest. Yesterday it was announced that California defaulted on an $18.5 billion debt. Who will pay it back? The businesses in California according to federal government regulations. Meanwhile, Governor Newsom task force approved reparations payments and will submit a public apology to all black residents. It Was A Joke from the beginning folks. How else do you handle a room full of people, yelling that " you owe me for slavery from over 300 years ago"... OMGWhen California pays reparations, chances are you pay the bill. Live in Montana? Doesn't matter.The game plan is for the federal government to bail out California, thereby spreading California's debt to people across the country. Remember, leftists use CA as the tip of their spear. Once they federalize CA's debt, the rest of the lefty states will start spending like crazy, leading to the eventual debt federalization of all of them.Think about it — African Americans who are going to be born in the next century will be receiving reparations from Americans who are yet to be born or may even be from another country. The Hoover Institution’s Lee Ohanian calculated that the proposal would cost non-Black families in San Francisco an estimate $600,000 each.(2)>>California will naturally raise prices as a result of this tax, which in turn will affect you, the consumer, regardless of where you live. California has to rob someone to pay for the outlandish costs of the reparations . For a state that generously rained thousands of dollars to residents over the last two years, even this is a non-starter.  The current budget deficit is already at $22.5 billion and climbing. Two tax planning lawyers shared their perspectives on one of the ways to pay for the racial injustices suffered by Black Californians with the California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans. Potential revenue sources, the attorneys say, could be the state estate tax, mansion tax, graduate property tax, and metaverse tax. If that amount is not absurd enough, included in the more than 100 recommendations is the elimination of credit card debt, car and student loans; a string of tax breaks; and 250 years of special benefits for African Americans such as a  guaranteed income of $97,000 a year (adjusted for inflation); and the ability to buy homes for $1. (3)>>But now, there are politicians actually talking about it. Why one group of recently arrived individuals should pay reparations to another group of recently arrived individuals because of what an entirely different set of individuals did to their ancestors many centuries ago is certainly unclear except to this group of biased and ethnicity unbalanced professional social justice warriors many of whom bizarrely have been involved in teaching others to avoid biases.Of course drumming up inter-ethnic tensions by such absurd proposals will undoubtedly increase demand for their “professional” services. So undoubtedly a win-win for them.A fine piece of lunacy where the task force consists almost entirely of people who have made their professional life centre on race grifting for the black community apart from a Japanese-American who has been active in promoting Japanese- American solidarity with blacks. Undoubtedly the ideal task force to consider transferring funds from one ethnic group to another (of whom they happen to be members) untroubled by any balancing input from other ethnic groups who might be adversely affected.Why one group of recently arrived individuals should pay reparations to another group of recently arrived individuals because of what an entirely different set of individuals did to their ancestors many centuries ago is certainly unclear except to this group of biased and ethnicity unbalanced professional social justice warriors many of whom bizarrely have been involved in teaching others to avoid biases.(4)>>IT ALSO ENDS by BANKRUPTING CALIFORNIA . NOW  estimated $569 Billion to be paid by the state for reparations (that’s two and a half times California’s current state budget which already is running a deficit).As a tax paying Californian, how do we stop this abuse on our tax dollars? Can’t believe we are so stupid or should I say our elected officials from bankrupting the state anyway ????I’d be in favor of reparations IF AND ONLY IF the elected officials paid for it from their personal bank accounts first. Only after EVERY legislator has filed for bankruptcy should the taxpayers be responsible for the remainder of the cost of the reparations.It’s ok for the legislature to bankrupt the citizens as long as they suffer first if they really think they have such great ideas for legislation. But the truth is they will continue to spend other people’s money as long as they are in office and don't suffer from their bad laws.So far, the advisory committee has not explained where it will come up with the money to fund the plan. But don’t worry, the committee has a plan to figure out such details: a proposed “Office of Reparations,” at an additional cost of $50 million, would deal with the logistics of the payouts.(5)>>This shit is hilarious. One could argue, then, that if California were to make financial reparations to any one group, black Americans would not be in the top position to demand such payouts. Latinos and Asians would likely have stronger historical claims. Herein lies the fundamental problem with reparations: the lineage of victimhood will never end. Why not go back, further, skipping over Latino and Asian claims, and pay reparations first to Native Americans? California’s plan to offer reparations only to black Americans seems likely to create more racial antagonism among minorities. California Democrats’ intention to pursue racially targeted financial payouts could prove politically risky.  🤣😂🤣 I just can’t take this seriously and guess what?! California isn’t taking it seriously either! They’ll spread this out and let y’all talk about reparations until the next election when they fool your ass into voting for them again because you THINK they are going to actually pay you! Then they won’t do JACK SHIT for you. Go ahead and keep believing those Liberals… 😂