Saturday, August 14, 2021


Im happy and hopeful that such a big chunk of the population is standing up and saying no to the vaccine mandates, mask mandates, medical tyranny etc. But I can't get the thought out of my head that TPTB may unleash a new, much more terrifying virus to teach us a lesson. I do not see them giving up control so easily. Im deeply worried about the future of America and the world in general. I hope I'm just being paranoid but I don't ever see us returning to the way things were before. I've never had this feeling before. A mix of sadness, anger, fear, exhaustion and apathy. BESIDES the COMING FLU . (1)>>
The CDC says they can not differentiate one corona virus from another. It leaves a BIG QUESTION how effective the vaccines are ??? . There is another problem that will be lurking in the next few months , the effectiveness of the Covid vaccines will start to wane . ALL the vaccines from the pharmaceutical companies  (2)>>NEVER guaranteed full immunity .  
First out of the gate was Pfizer’s vaccine, which then-President Donald Trump pronounced a “medical miracle” on December 11 of last year ,  that would “save millions of lives and end the pandemic once and for all.” The FDA granted the vaccine an emergency use authorization (EUA) in record time. By January, thousands of essential workers in the United States had already been vaccinated with either the Pfizer or Moderna shot. The FDA grants an EUA based on preliminary data only in emergencies, and obviously the pandemic qualifies. Full approval is withheld until clinical trials are complete. In the case of the Covid-19 vaccine trials, a lot of experts were praying the FDA would require the companies to continue the trials for a full two years as originally planned.  (3)>>BUT NONE OF THE TRIALS HAPPENED . They dumped the vaccines on the general public on a whim that no one will have side effects . The duration of the vaccine was left unchecked SO  Within 6 to 8 months the potency of each vaccine will get weaker. Right now we are hearing of Breakthrough  cases involving the vaccinated getting sick spreading the virus .  Not one of these COVID-19 shots is approved by the FDA. Each one is only authorized for emergency use. This is an experimental shot that has never even passed animal trials. Shouldn’t human trials for an experimental medical treatment be voluntary? Isn’t it bad enough that our media and elected officials ignore completely the adverse  (3.1)>>reactions and deaths reported at the CDC through VAERS? There have been more deaths reported due to vaccine adverse reactions in 2021 than all other previous years and previous vaccines combined.As the nation continues its COVID-19 vaccination rollout, discussion over the potential use of digital proof of coronavirus vaccination, known as "vaccine passports," has left many concerned about their health privacy.Numbers (whether real or fake, you can never tell at this point) of positive infections are rising. Why the govt thought this was a good time to allow matatus to go back to full passenger setting is something I can't fathom (not like most of them were bothering with not going full passenger it was restricted. They just did it if they heard police were in the area.
Vaccine Mandates Coming to the U.S.???
 BUT LOOK WHAT BEEN HAPPENING IN EUROPE . France is pushing mandating vaccines . In France, where police deployed tear gas and a water cannon against some protesters, an estimated 160,000 took to the streets in nationwide protests against President Emmanuel Macron's health pass that will drastically curtail access to restaurants and public spaces for unvaccinated people."Freedom, freedom," chanted demonstrators in France, carrying placards denouncing "Macron, Tyrant," "Big Pharma shackles freedom" or saying "No to the pass of shame."The demonstrations highlight the conflict globally between the advice of the World Health Organization and other public health agencies and  (4)>>people who for one reason or another refuse to be vaccinated. THE INSANITY WILL NEVER END ! Those who remain unvaccinated, Fauci claimed in a Sunday interview with MSNBC, are responsible for the coronavirus mutating, which has led to the delta variant, which health officials have continuously warned is partly behind the mass rise in cases and could lead to another surge in the fall.While Fauci does not see a federal mandate being imposed, he did say he believes that once the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) gives full approval to the vaccines, which he predicts will be sometime later this month, it will make it easier for private businesses to begin mandating vaccinations, something Fauci has endorsed in the past. The infectious disease expert had previously predicted a “flood” of vaccine mandates earlier in the week when discussing the impending approval.I don't think this covid vaccine is a true vaccine. I believe the CDC determined the immune response is worse than the virus. I think big pharma developed a concoction to suppress the immune response. Somewhat similar to Asthma treatments suppressing the immune response to allergy. So the spin doctors refer to their concoction as a vaccine to make everyone feel warm and fuzzy. Vaccinated people still get the virus. I could be wrong with this theory. More people will get sick not by the virus alone by a few months ahead , but by the actual covid vaccine as it's immunity protection wanes , more breakthrough cases grow.
BIG PHARMA to MAKE TRILLIONS on Vaccine Mandates .
The Corona virus might never go away . One of the reasons it's not mutations . It's the BIG PHARMA as long as they keep the potency of the vaccine at low levels of protection . The big money maker is booster shots to the population . (5)>>We should know that Pharma has it's pockets with many in Congress , Pres . Joe Biden is one of the big recipients of lobby money from the vaccine pharmaceuticals. The White House needed a whopping amount of money to coax companies to research and test and then produce hundreds of millions of doses. They initially asked for and Congress rapidly appropriated $10 billion. Ultimately, Operation Warp Speed (OWS)—the U.S. government’s Covid-19 relief program—would dole out $22 billion to Big Pharma. The pharmaceutical industry executives and their revolving door of allies in the government. They could, if they wished, keep their investments thanks to a special exemption. Brought on as “contractors,” they were not subject to federal conflict-of-interest regulations in place for employees. 1 shot "base" price is about $20 + second shot $20 with immunity life span of 6 months we are looking at $40-$80 a year per person. The company would score additional $1-2 bil a year.  (6)>>Sounds like crippling pandemic will be great for them.Which is why it is staggering to me that the FDA is going slow on full approval. We're over a year past the start of the Phase 3 trial at this point and there are hundreds of millions of doses given out. There is more data available on these vaccines than there is for most of the drugs they give approvals for. The Pending FDA approval will lead to forced vaccinations .
Forced Vaccine TYRANNY!
Doctors: “There was no credibility to ‘asymptomatic spread’ as a key driver of the pandemic nor even as a driver of minimal infection…This was part of pandemic corruption…false narrative along with masking, lockdowns, social distancing, & school closure” (7)>> The fear of asymptomatic spread was the main driving nonsense that will lead to the nationwide "forced" vaccination . THIS IS MY BIGGEST FEAR . The OTHER PROBLEM is as I explained above no single does of the Covid vaccine will eliminate this bio lab created virus . (8)>>As more vaccinated get breakthrough cases , illness , mixed up with influenza the whole American government will crack . Right now as I WRITE THIS , there have been top secret meetings with Biden Administration on how and when to gather up people , or fine , arrest people who refuse the vaccinations that will never END . AND YES THAT MEANS YOU that DID GET THE VACCINATION !!! They’ve jabbed far too many people for them not to be approved. Imagine the backlash and legal claims if they turn round and say they aren’t safe. Legal semantics. It makes total sense to give it FDA stamp of approval but let the process play out. The Vaccine passport is coming. Hopefully they can also remove the legal immunity for the drug companies as well if people are forced against their will to take the vaccine. It seems like the courts could strike it down otherwise if a person is forced to do something that could have negative results and if that happens they can do absolutely nothing about it.
Denying Healthcare to the un-vaccinated ? What's next ?
AS I write this , the madness is only getting worse . The CDC recently [ California ] updated a policy that they need to show the vaccine ID , or provide a negative COVID-19 test result taken within the previous 72 hours. Fully vaccinated means at least 2 weeks after the final dose in either a 2 dose vaccine series (Pfizer or Moderna) or the single dose series (Johnson & Johnson/Janssen). For me there moving to deny services to people who are not vaccinated .  (9)>>Where is this leading ? These polices are going to further alienate people from getting this vaccine anyway . Forcing people to choose between bodily autonomy or eating is bad. Everyone should be forced to vaccinate their kids or no-one should. There’s always a cover for the real insidious agenda. There has to be for everyone to buy in. Of course, 9/11 was cover for Halliburton’s embezzling of $5 billion and the constitution-and-privacy-crippling Patriot Act. The War in Afghanistan was cover for the US takeover of the opium trade for the heroin-based epidemic of highly-addictive, health-destroying prescription painkillers. Now, Covid-19 and the Delta Variant are cover  America and the depopulation/sterilization campaign that can wipe out at least 50 percent of the US populace with one “booster” shot. Call it the “kill switch.”The collusion of state and Medical Mafia amounts to “gunpoint medicine.” Worse this demic has created out fear . A FEAR that people are buying fake Covid Vaccine cards just to avoid getting the jab. This is how BAD things are starting to get . What is next is police arresting non-vaxxers ??? Increased government surveillance ?They will try to break our independence & spirit so they can collapse our culture, and economy while bringing about the “great reset” of the  (10)>>NEW WORLD ORDER !


(1)>>The CDC says they can not differentiate one corona virus from another. In what is already an infamous snafu, CDC👉 initially refused ðŸ‘ˆ a request to test a patient in Northern California who turned out to be the first probable COVID19 case without known links to an infected person. The move came less than six hours after 👉ProPublica published ðŸ‘ˆan investigation that detailed for the first time the chain of mistakes and disputes that unfolded inside CDC labs, which culminated in one of the biggest fumbles in the agency’s 74-year history. a scientist in a small infectious disease lab on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention campus in Atlanta was putting a coronavirus test kit through its final paces. The lab designed and built the diagnostic test in record time, and the little vials that contained necessary reagents to identify the virus were boxed up and ready to go. But NPR has learned the results of that final quality control test suggested something troubling — it said the kit could fail 33% of the time.Under normal circumstances, that kind of result would stop a test in its tracks, half a dozen public and private lab officials told NPR. But an internal CDC review obtained by NPR confirms that lab officials decided to release the kit anyway. The revelation comes from a CDC internal review, known as a "root-cause analysis," which the agency conducted to understand why an early coronavirus test didn't work properly and wound up costing scientists precious weeks in the early days of a pandemic(2)>>NEVER guaranteed full immunity . A report in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)  showed that 33 participants who had received the Moderna vaccine during the Phase I trial had a gradual decline in antibody protection—Hopes remain that a “one-shot-and-you’re-protected-for-life” vaccine will still emerge, but the more we learn about the immune response to the virus, the less straightforward that seems.   It is more plausible, say some experts, that the first Covid vaccines will be time-limited, requiring booster shots every few years.[ most likely every few months] With Covid-19 shots reaching billions of people, reports have grown more common of people getting infected with the coronavirus despite being vaccinated.  (3)>>BUT NONE OF THE TRIALS HAPPENED .  Operation Warp Speed should be called the greatest "risk experiment done on a general population" . Skipping the clinical phase trials , the rush  to push the covid vaccines . The general population of people literally became  the guinea pigs the reporting of adverse effects was silence , hushed up by the Fed's and the Media .  First out of the gate was Pfizer’s vaccine, which then-President Donald Trump pronounced a “medical miracle” on December 11 that would “save millions of lives and end the pandemic once and for all.” The FDA granted the vaccine an emergency use authorization (EUA) in record time. By January, thousands of essential workers in the United States had already been vaccinated with either the Pfizer or Moderna shot. The FDA grants an EUA based on preliminary data only in emergencies, and obviously the pandemic qualifies. Full approval is withheld until clinical trials are complete. In the case of the Covid-19 vaccine trials, a lot of experts were praying the FDA would require the companies to continue the trials for a full two years as originally planned. REMEMBER  this "trial period " was placed on the American population as deaths from Covid vaccines were covered up. That’s because many vaccines, along with drugs and medical devices, look “miraculous” at first – only to turn out to be less so as more data comes in. Most of these “medical reversals” occur because the product is less effective than it first appeared. But some products wind up being far more dangerous – like the pain medicine Vioxx, which killed 55,000 Americans before it was finally pulled from the market, and the Sprint Fidelis pacemaker, a device with faulty wires that caused hundreds of deaths and put another 150,000 people at risk of sudden death.Even before the first vaccine came out, there were worries the FDA would not hold the companies’ feet to the fire and make them finish the trials. In an editorial published on September 10, Howard Bauchner, the editor in chief of the Journal of the American Medical Association and colleagues wrote, “prematurely approving a vaccine could undermine Covid-19 vaccine efforts and erode confidence in vaccines more generally.”Nonetheless, there have been instances where improperly vetted vaccines have caused devastating health effects, such as the initial polio vaccine. Contamination of that vaccine with a deadly, cancer-causing monkey virus (the SV40) has precipitated a soft-tissue cancer epidemic in those who were vaccinated, many years after they got the vaccine.(3.1)>>reactions and deaths reported at the CDC through VAERS? Official reports of allergic reactions have been rare as governments rush to roll out vaccines to try to contain the global pandemic. The reality any report of adverse effects to the public could slow vaccination among the population . So the government could be hiding any negative facts . EVEN After clinical trials, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) monitors vaccine safety. VAERS is intentionally set up to capture adverse events that are not thought to be caused by vaccines. It is the best tool we have to find what may be previously unrecognized and extraordinarily rare adverse events that may eventually be linked.VAERS cannot and does not determine whether a vaccine caused something. The CDC states this clearly in their disclaimer: "A report to VAERS does not mean that the vaccine caused the adverse event, only that the adverse event occurred some time after vaccination." The disclaimer continues, "The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental or unverifiable."   (4)>>people who for one reason or another refuse to be vaccinated Caveats about the vaccines’ side effects or effectiveness will discourage the public .side effects included an upset stomach, headache, and other symptoms “mild enough to make you feel uncomfortable, but not anything that makes you feel super bad. That's what the Media has been pushing. The REALITY once you get the injection you have the corona virus spike protein in you , it's the LONG TERM SIDE EFFECTS a year down the line .there is the risk that what appear to be side effects is actually the disease itself. The most notable tell is the loss of taste and smell. When that happens to health care workers, they are tested for COVID-19.The CDC also hasn’t done a good enough job of letting the vaccinated know that they should report any side effects to the drug manufacturers. The level of immunity that the vaccines offer will vary. (5)>>We should know that Pharma has it's pockets with many in Congress . Over the past 35 years, patients have suffered from a largely hidden epidemic of side effects from drugs that usually have few offsetting benefits. The pharmaceutical industry has corrupted the practice of medicine through its influence over what drugs are developed, how they are tested, and how medical knowledge is created. Billions of taxpayer dollars go into the creation and marketing of new drugs. The Los Angeles Times reports that, “Since the 1930s, the National Institutes of Health has invested close to $900 billion in the basic and applied research that formed both the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors.” Despite taxpayers’ crucial investment, U.S. consumers are increasingly paying more for their prescription drugs.Pharmaceutical companies’ profit margins receive significant bumps when they launch new drugs, specifically specialty drugs, used to treat life-threatening conditions. These drugs often cost more than most Americans can afford. Pharmaceutical companies have stated that the prices are high because the drugs are difficult to manufacture. (6)>>Sounds like crippling pandemic will be great for them. 'Great Reset', which claims a group of world leaders orchestrated the pandemic to take control of the global economy.The conspiracy theory has its origins in a genuine plan entitled 'The Great Reset', drawn up by the World Economic Forum (WEF), the organisers of an annual conference for high-profile figures from politics and business. The plan explores how countries might recover from the economic damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The WEF recovery plan has been interpreted as sinister, first by fringe conspiracy theory groups on social media, and then by prominent conservative commentators - prompting tens of thousands of interactions across Facebook and Twitter.From the article: "In an age drowning in conspiracy theories, many of them promoted by the U.S. President himself, Agenda 21, an old conspiracy theory that goes back to the 90s has been reignited by the coronavirus. The gist – a totalitarian world cabal is trying to de-populate the planet by 90%. And the U.N. is in on it. As are numerous governments (including yours). The reason for the conspiracy theory's recent surge in shares and popularity? It can tie in vaccinations, Soros, Bill Gates and 5g into a neat nexus of paranoid fantasies."(7)>> The fear of asymptomatic spread was the main driving nonsense that will lead to the nationwide "forced" vaccination .  I just heard from several first hand accounts that Franklin country (Ohio) is requiring probationers to be vaccinated Imo, this is an especially scary turn in the March toward the public being required to vaccinate. People who are otherwise following the letter of the law can now be jailed for vaccine refusal Ultimately, it’s your body and (hopefully) your choice to what you put in it. But please think on rather taking this shot is what you want to do Alan Dershowitz lays out plan for government to slowly roll out a full forced vaccine mandate, says it's legal because COVID is 'worse than smallpox in many ways.'This sounds awfully familiar. He believes the Supreme Court will allow this because they allowed it for Smallpox and to him, COVID is worse than Smallpox.This is a really common sentiment I keep seeing brought up whenever you use data to refute someone's points about COVID's lethality. 'Well, we don't have all the data yet. It could be a million times worse than we ever imagined.' So we need to mandate things based on unscientific hypotheticals which sounds a like like 'we need to invade Iraq because they could have weapons of mass destruction.' Then we get to the point thata many on this very sub like to pretend is a real thing:(8)>>As more vaccinated get breakthrough cases , illness , mixed up with influenza.The highly contagious delta COVID-19 variant is one of the fastest spreading variants, but could also prove to be one of more elusive to diagnose, doctors say.That's because the delta symptoms do not follow the most common COVID-19 symptoms. So how can they identify the flu along side Delta ?Diagnosis is more difficult now with symptoms overlapping with another respiratory virus, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), which is spiking, and it could get even more complicated in the fall when cold and flu also join the mix more prevalent.  (8.1)>> the whole American government will crack . WILL THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT CRACK ? It's a weird headline, considering vaccine passports, or medical passports as they're more commonly known, are already a thing, and have been for a long time. NOW the un-vaccinated will be denied hospital visits . The madness is only the beginning of the end .The Biden administration could slide easly into a tyranny as long as this virus spreads pushing the end of the American Democratic system.  Our own government's credibility is being diminished daily with mandates about vaccines . vacinee passports have been around for decades the difference is people turned the covid-19 pandemic into a partisian mess. Showing your papers is tyranny, so we absolutely should not expect anyone who is accused of crossing an international border to "show their papers" because that is also tyranny.Recently, Sunny Hostin of The View said Americans who don't wish to be injected with a COVID-19 vaccine should be "shunned," specifically calling out "white evangelicals" and "Republicans."  As someone who has considered getting vaccinated, it is concerning to me who is demanding we all submit to getting jabbed. Perhaps these "elites" truly are solely concerned with our health and happiness.  Their track record does not inspire much hope that this is the case, however.  They have habitually utilized The Tyranny of Fears to scare others into ceding them even more power.  "If you all get vaccinated, things can return to normal...sort of," they say.  It is hard to fathom that the same people who jumped at the chance to take away our freedoms — when they sensed that we'd let them — now wish to set us all free again...sort of , they want us to present arms and take a dose...or two, three and four ...9)>>Where is this leading ? Nation wide protests are coming . There are, what, 150 million heavily armed adults that don't agree with forced vaccination? Over half the military? I'ld love to see them try and pull that off. It would give the term "hunting season" a whole new meaning.The New World Order is already here. It varies from country to country, but it's based on the template of the USA ( The New World christened by Europe and Christopher Columbus) A country not ruled by royalty but by Central Banks. But the pandemic had brought it more together. I do agree with your ideas though. This pandemic didn't effect countries evenly. It varies a lot in the USA, but you won't read that in the headlines. Covid lockdowns we’re used to make sure they have control and authority to moderate behavior when people invariably freak out. It was a test to see if government could still control people with fear. It worked brilliantly.Meanwhile governments have been seeding media with ufo events to get us used to the idea and to decrease panic when they are unveiled.The aliens gave the governments a heads up on some of the viruses and bacteria they are carrying and that’s what the vaccine campaign is all about. I mean who would go through all this trouble to create a vaccine against a pathogen with a 99.98% survival rate? Everything has been destroyed. People just don't understand that all this printing of trillions of dollars and it's negative impacts that it'll have on the economy. Inflation will skyrocket, and the WHO is already saying that for the fully vaccinated to wear and mask up again. Like wtf? What was the point of the vaccine then? Some states are already calling for another set of lockdowns due to this delta whatever variant.  (10)>>NEW WORLD ORDER ! What's weird is this lines up with what I've been seeing. 2022 keeps standing out to me. Also funny thing is to me her jacket looks like denim. I actually have a denim jacket with a big tiger patch I sewed on it. And funny enough a friend pointed out it looked like me lol. Tigers are also my favorite animal and it's a theme I keep seeing pop up lately. Esspecially a white and red tiger together. You should look into the hopi prophecy they show the blue katchina dancing in that same video and removing his mask like in their prophecy. Also almost everything they've predicted has come true. I've had some very interesting dreams since late 2019 too about whats to come. For now just take it day by day and do your best to stay present. This won't be so black and white.