Sunday, February 16, 2020

The New Hampshire primary. AND VIRTUAL UNKNOWNS.

(1)>> AFTER The Iowa Caucus was a debacle . For the uninitiated, the New Hampshire primary is not over, but it did start at midnight this morning when three small (very, very, very small) townships in New Hampshire cast their votes for the primary per tradition.A strong New Hampshire finish can breathe new life into the top three candidates’ campaigns. Those who finish lower will find the primary to be another nail in the coffin. Biden was never favored to win NH. It's his overwhelming lead in SC he wants to protect and Nevada was a toss up. Then go into Super Tuesday hoping to extend a l ead. With him dropping in national polls, even if he doesn't finish first, he might finish first in a brokered convention if someone doesn't get the majority of votes.Even if Buttigieg won NH, it wouldn't make his campaign viable. And losing doesn't make it less viable. He needs states like SC/NV to show he can bring in people of color. Pete just polls really well with white people. (He honestly shouldn't be this close in Bernie's backyard either but there he is...)Well you could have a Bernie win in which the Democratic party goes down the McGovern 1972 lane and loses in a landslide or Bernie loses, and there is some remotely valid claim that foul play by the establishment did Bernie wrong, and you have a massive infight and the Democratic party implodes, or possibly divides into two parties, one socialist, and one establishment.   As much as I like "crazy"  Bernie, i think electing him might be a mistake... for no other reason other than, he'll be damn near 80 (a month or two?) the day he'd be sworn in. I've never bought into the whole 'he's too old' narrative in the past with other candidates; but Bernie would be far and away the oldest president going in by a huge margin, he may be spry but i'm not sure if he'd be able to serve out 4 or 8 years. Following the 2016 election, most of the conversation about online fraud and manipulation focused on foreign actors. But many experts believe that domestic disinformation is now the more urgent concern.  It’s easy to imagine Democrats who might have run in 2016. There’s Biden and Warren COINCIDENTALLY (adverb) now running again ? I thought it is a bit fishy???Sanders is running on a nearly identical platform, a greatest hits catalog of his progressive policy items, many of which have been adopted by his rivals. But the magic of his 2016 New Hampshire effort hasn’t fully returned. In recent weeks, Trump and his allies have echoed the claims from 2016 of a "rigged" process and suggested the Democratic Party is currently conspiring against Sanders, who was leading in the RealClearPolitics polling average of Iowa surveys heading into the caucuses.

Pete Buttigieg a "warning".
While Buttigieg is on the arise as I waould say , he could at any moment drop out . There is alot of contrasts this election among the Democrats starting with a huge amont of diversity . Right now its a domino effect with many candidtates droping out of the race . There could be one man and two of the women left before , or just before November . I suspect that the (2)>>nomination is going to Biden . Why I say this ? There are "factors" in the Democratic DNC (2.1)>>that might be working against Buttigieg It’s difficult, however, to see either Buttigieg or Sanders winning the nomination. BUT I AM not going to say that I am right either .  But here is dirt now. Pete Buttigieg received private and direct hiring advice from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg—advice the presidential candidate .He and Buttigieg are friends,  share friends, as well as an education—they both completed their Harvard schooling in 2004, Zuckerberg as a sophomore departing for Silicon Valley, Buttigieg as a magna cum laude graduate headed for Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. Zuckerberg might setting up his own way of meddling in an election with his "friendship" with the FaceBook founder . BUT that is my own thoughts to this. The Iowa chaos has something connected to Buttigieg in a app that  was created by a for-profit technology company called Shadow, Inc.—not exactly a name aimed at discouraging conspiracy-mongers—which, in turn, is owned by a big-bucks non-profit called Acronym. Oh, and Shadow, Inc. was also hired by the Buttigieg campaign Buttigieg's appeal hasn't charmed Warren, Biden, and Sanders' constituents. Biden's supporters had 14.2 percentage points less affinity for Buttigieg, and Warren's had 6.3 percentage points less. Among Sanders supporters, Buttigieg was less favored by a hefty 18.2 percentage point difference compared to Democrats on the whole: a higher margin than the Sanders constituency had for any other rival. (3)>>WHO DROPPED OUT ? Name worthy.. So far we have Yang dropping out , Cory Booker, Julian Castro ,Beto O'Rourke . I feel that something is up . I think that Yang quit because he may have guessed who is really geting nominated . So Far , I am sure that Tulsi Gabbard is next , but don't see her out as much yet. Tulsi might be fighting towards November . There's always 2-3 of these candidates in each election. They magically hit a nerve with the public and then after getting wider exposure, people take a much closer look and then step back.


(1)>>AFTER The Iowa Caucus was a debacle. The Iowa caucus was run by/for the Democrats, and used a new counting system where the vendor was selected based on their political acceptability, not technical acumen . New Hampshire is a true primary, not some computer game. We're sticking with the exact same balloting/counting system that has been used for the past 4+ presidential election cycles.  so the Iowa Democratic Party announced how many of the national delegates they're going to be giving each of thecandidates after their sham messed upbotched election the Democratic Party went out and they've they've come out and said you know what that's okay eventhough we're gonna be doing a recounteven though there's some issues with the reporting and issues with the numbers   They were going to use the same app as in Iowa, but after the disaster that happened there they abruptly decided to use paper & pencil instead, and report the results via telephone.Except . . . they were going to introduce early voting (which would begin this Saturday) via the app, and now that they aren't using the app it's not clear what the plan is to incorporate those early votes. And all the training of the caucus workers has focused around training them to use the app, with no backup plan.So there's going to be caucuses where the organizers are trying to count people actually present as well as account for the paper ballots submitted by early voters (which may or may not have been filled out correctly) and somehow incorporate those at the same time.Now they do have a couple weeks to try to figure out a plan, but my best guess is that it's going to go about as smoothly as Iowa did. (2)>>nomination is going to Biden .  There’s a reason political pundits usually make predictions as late in the game as possible. A few days can be a lifetime in politics. Biden’s done a better job undercutting his own candidacy than any of his opponents ever could have — and his support has hardly budged. Even if he flubbed. What makes Biden’s durability look sustainable is that he hasn’t been a great candidate. Far from it. His debates have been cringeworthy. His level of mentality is no worse than Bernie's . It is also unlikely that the DNC is going nominate Bernie because of his "Socialist" label . As FAR AS I CAN FORESEE,  is that Biden will have to pick a Woman VP = Warren or Amy just to pick up the Democratic Womens vote.  Another factor "sadly"  (2.1)>>that might be working against Buttigieg . I want to say that Buttigieg's big problem will be with the Christian Evangelicals , he being gay plays a factor in a large WAY & why it is unlikely he will be elected President .  Remember too I might be WRONG , so for the past decade Americans put radicals in office like Obama and Trump , but WHO is to say that Americans would elect an openly gay President ??? . I know READING this , you might say I am being bias , but I SENSE it. It would be so politically akward from an international presepctive that America will elect it's first openly gay Male President while side stepping the elction of a Woman in the Oval Office . YES →👉 I PREFER to have a woman in the office as President. This could change how America is precived in the world .  (3)>>WHO DROPPED OUT ? For Democrats, the moment was thick with promise for a party that has seized major gains in states since Trump won the White House in 2016. But instead of clear optimism, a growing cloud of uncertainty and intraparty resentment hung over the election as the prospect of an unclear result raised fears of a long and divisive primary fight in the months ahead. The 2020 fight has already played out over myriad distractions, particularly congressional Democrats' had pushed to impeach Trump, which has often overshadowed the primary and effectively pinned several leading candidates to Washington at the pinnacle of the early campaign season.