Sunday, February 9, 2020

February 2020 O·pin·ions

The Corona Virus. OR CAPTAIN TRIPPS?

There  just a whole list of "uncanny" things surrounding this virus. I remember reading Stephen King's The Stand about a bio weapon that somehow was leaked out of a Military Base in America , this virus is so deadly it kills people rapidly . (1)>>The Stand named the deadly flu Captain Tripp's  . Not to make anyone panic here. (1.2)>>There are a number of things about this virus that should be investigated by the US Government . I think it was man made , someone had some accident in a Wuan Virus Laboratory , let the genie out of the bottle. I for ONE DON'T TRUST the Chinese Government . Very coincidental I'm sure. World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global health emergency, a move that to some felt belatedNote that as of now, the WHO has not declared this coronavirus outbreak to be a global health emergency. But the speed and severity of China’s reaction, taking the unprecedented step of cordoning the city of Wuhan, is enough to lead worry-warts to think officials might know something they haven’t yet ‘fessed up to. Even though Wuhan is a provincial capital, it has a population of 11 million and 600 to 800 daily flights, including direct flights to San Francisco, Tokyo, London, New York, Paris, and Moscow. The Chinese measures are on the order of halting air, train, and other public transport travel from New York City right before Christmas.  As of Tuesday, there were more than 6,000 confirmed cases of the virus, with 300 people dead. The center of the epidemic, and still the location of around a third of the cases, is Wuhan, in the central province of Hubei. Other cases have rapidly sprung up worldwide— If you think that Coronavirus was some how created by a dirty open market in China , or some one eating raw Bat meat in a soup who got sick of Bat rabies in Wuan China just laugh
馃槀!Nobody wants to hear the truth on this stuff, and everyone refuses to acknowledge that in fact, more than 300,000 people have become infected, and the 'confirmed cases' and counted number of deaths are way behind the curve. Videos are getting out of Wuhan, and the deaths are already in the thousands there. But no, we have to wait for 'official confirmation' from some bureaucracy who doesn't want to stir a 'panic.' Sheesh. Just lets keep letting all planes fly out of China and across the world, and ships transverse the oceans, with a virus that has a much higher transmissive rate (proven above RNaught of 3) than the prior Sars, or Spanish ever did. And worse its transmissible for 5 to 15 days after someone has been infected, and no SIGNS at all are showing in the infected. China is keeping a huge lid on all of this, and their prior history of giving real facts on these situations was negligent and way late. They aren't building 100,000 new hospital beds for nothing. MSM is sad, and while they are so quick to accuse Trump of all these fake frauds, they totally ignore or even dismiss a life threatening crisis already migrating across the world fairly rapidly.

When I heard that Trump was heading for an acquittal . I was not in a mood to shout HIP HIP HURRAH ! , but there is something so disappointing about the whole Trial that sought to remove Donald Trump from office just before a election . ITS the WASTE of Tax payer money about 30 million dollars were burned on this fiasco [ sham] just like Mueller Investigation burned 40 million . A huge waste of the American government . I WAS HOPING that Trump would be Censored . Congress with the Senate battling the House Democrats may have missed a point . While I agree with how Trump was caught soliciting aide from a foreign government as constituting to a certain point , but subject to legal interpreting that " High Crimes and Misdemeanors" were committed . AS I have said that I thought that Trump was a bit hawkish by digging up dirt on a rival , he should have known himself that his Telephone calls were being under surveillance , his political enemies were waiting for him to fall into a trap . Trump is a political Oxymoron , he will do things that are crazy . That is why I believe this attempt to remove him from office without (2)>>invoking the 25th Amendment was fatal to the Democrats , yes really really Trump is unfit for office . There were numerous instances that he showed signs of a psychological meltdown. I love his meltdown with Nancy and Schumer where Trump threatened to shut the governmnet down over the border wall . Yes , just crazy for us normals here . But that was alas too!.... There was another issue that stuck out with a sore thumb at year 2017 was paying off Porn Star Stormy Daniels, a few other women during the Campaign that was indicative of a crime of some sorts , but again , alas it was swept under the rug . So it seemed to me Democrats botched the whole impeachment. My own guess here is that the Democrats rushed the whole thing way too fast before the election while Trump's ratings were climbing . Another factor that puzzled me is that the Trial witnesses gave testimony before there was any kind of trial , and the prosecution aka Schiff was giving the media information about his own intentions . That may have thrown the whole thing under the legal bus. Nancy Pelosi should have known that the Senate Republicans were not going to move an inch to remove him , she may have wasted millions of dollars just to get him out of office . Before Friday's session of President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial began, the spotlight was on four moderate GOP senators Democrats hoped would vote with them on allowing new witnesses, but by evening, after days of arguments meant to persuade the Republicans, Democrats had lost the crucial issue by a vote of 51-49 For witnesses .NOW THE  UPDATE !!!!   馃槅 TRUMP WAS ACQUITTED !!!!. So what the hell went wrong with the Impeachment ? I can only say that it was a bit over done by the House to get Trump , there was  at least nearly 4 years of investigations , testimonies , Mueller Reports . Yes, I think with all those Senate Hearings they could not nail the ultimate crime to remove Donald Trump from office,  it was so much drama that wasted the entire American political system .

What a game it was to see your team not win . But It is OK for now . Here is the buzz about the whole game , it raises a lot questions . Jennifer Lopez and Shakira had social media buzzing last Sunday night. However, not everyone was feeling their performance — or attire. If you’re ready to roll your eyes all the way into the back of your skull, let’s take a journey, shall we? A pair of stunning women, both over age 40, took their world-renowned dancing and performing skills to the biggest stage of all — (3)>>the Super Bowl Halftime Show.  I have never seen a cheer-leading squad perform like JLo and Shakira or wear dominatrix inspired uniforms like JLo's jumpsuit . Maybe JLo and Shakira should have performed like NFL cheerleaders? No one would be having these conversations. The one does not excuse or justify the other. The concern is about timing, and what was appropriate for young children and families with parents that were completely caught off-guard.  Commenting on his Facebook page last Sunday, evangelist Franklin Graham noted that he did not expect the world to act like the church, but the nation nevertheless should have the decency to protect children during prime time television. What I am saying on this , I am a bit puzzled that some women commentators have suggested (3.1)>>that Lopez pole dancing somehow "empowers women" . Don't understand that , never will . While the half time show was just eye candy for a vary disappointing game for the 49ner fans .

State Of Union . Ripping Yarns.

When Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, tore a copy of Donald Trump’s State of the Union address in half. What a show it was  , after Donald Trump "refused" her handshake . I don't blame Trump for refusing to shake Pelosi's hand , after all she was responsible  and called for his impeachment, and removal. BUT The WHOLE THING MADE HISTORY !!! . A women Speaker of the House , the First really  for Congress .  (4)>>She RIPPED one for sure.This has to be the REAL BATTLE of THE SEXES if you look at from a hindsight . I feel sorry for Nancy Pelosi , you know she has some serious problem that with her dealings with Trump exposed her own weakness to the mob . But that is one of the HIGHLIGHTS of the State of the UNION .  I was jumping out of my seat when Trump awarded Rush Limbaugh ,  the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Tuesday. I said REALLY . I think Trump would have drawn more critical fire if he gave to ALEX JONES or Michael Savage . These are the right wing SHOCK JOCKS of radio that for decades shaped the current Republican Party .  Another one had me scratching my head , but IT showed how the Democrats really are when it comes to the fact that they support "regime change wars". Trump threw a crub ball at the State of the Union suddenly Trump then looked up from the podium to acknowledge  (4.1)>>Juan Guaid贸, the Venezuelan lawmaker the U.S. recognizes as the country’s legitimate leader, as the room stood and cheered. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who previously sat silently, stood and applauded alongside Vice President Mike Pence.  Juan Guaid贸, sorry , but he was never REAlly  elected  by the Venezuelan people .  Again Guaido is nothing but a US puppet that the Trump administration is using to overthrow Maduro who was rightfully elected by the Venezuelan people. So far , Trump's State of the Union made fools of the Democratic House when the Senate chanted "four more years .....". WELL it was all over for now .
The A.P. had announced this past Thursday afternoon that it would not declare a winner in Iowa’s first-in-the-nation contest, but the allocation provides new clarity about the accumulation of delegates that are necessary to win the Democratic presidential nomination. (5)>>Pete Buttigieg holds a slim lead over Bernie Sanders in the Iowa caucuses with the Iowa Democratic Party announcing on Thursday night that 100% of precincts are reporting.REGARDLESS who won . There were  troubles . The Iowa Democratic Party announced later Saturday that it was reviewing reports of irregularities from 95 precincts — 5% of the total 1,765 precincts in the state. The spectacular failure of a mobile app that was supposed to forward caucus results  -- which are still not out, as of this morning -- is a striking example of how faulty technology can spark questions about election results and create an opening for misinformation and conspiracy theories.  Technological failures of the Democratic Party's phone system and of an app introduced to aid the voting process are being blamed for the delay, which Iowa Democratic Party Communications Director Mandy McClure has said was definitely not caused by a cyber-attack. Precinct chairs reportedly experienced difficulties when trying to download the app and when logging in to report voting results. Phone lines designed to act as a back-up were subsequently overrun, with some precinct chairs reporting waiting on hold for over an hour to report results.  (6)>>The app was built by Shadow Inc., a small company based in Washington, DC, at a cost of $63,000. According to a report in the New York Times, the app had not been tested by end-users and precinct chairs had not received training on how to use it.More details have emerged surrounding the delayed results of the Democrat Iowa caucuses and issues regarding an app, created by former Clinton operatives Shadow Inc., used to tally votes. The app was created two months ago and was not vetted before the vote, OAN reports. One America's Marty Golingan has the latest.The Biden campaign general counsel Dana Remus sent a letter to top Iowa Democratic Party officials demanding "full explanations and relevant information" for the "failed" systems the IDP deployed for the caucuses. It's quite obvious what's going on here--we've seen it before. Bernie is being robbed again . I don't know who was pulling the strings on this one, but one does have to look at who benefits and who had access to strings. Biden benefits from the loss not being the headline of the election reports. Pajama boy benefits from the trickling out of results. If it turns out that Bernie has the win, and that Pete got featured as winning for days after, I gotta say that looks suspicious too.

(1)>>The Stand named the deadly flu Captain Tripp's  . It's been a long time since I read The Stand, but from what I gathered, it was just a dumb "cool" name given to the superflu. I don't think it was ever specifically explained in the book. Not sure if King's ever clarified on the origin outside of the book tho'. The superflu virus is highly adaptable, shifting and changing constantly, making medicines useless against it. At best, medicine only briefly holds off the inevitable. No vaccine was ever developed for it, before or after its escape from the lab where it was created, as its constantly-changing nature made a vaccine impossible to create. The fact that it was designed as a biological weapon is another reason for the lack of a cure; it was supposed to be unstoppable, as anything less would have limited its ability to kill swiftly and efficiently. Interestingly  Zero Hedge’s Blog past Wednesday coronavirus story — “Is This the Man Behind the Global Coronavirus Pandemic?” — focused on the Chinese scientist who researches the coronavirus. Zero Hedge linked to a Wuhan Institute of Virology press release from January 2019 that says the scientist was studying why bats who carry the coronavirus don’t get sick from it. What the Zero Hedge article does not state is that studying a form of a virus strain found in animals is a standard way to make vaccines, whether for the flu or polio.(1.2)>>There are a number of things about this virus that should be investigated by the US Government .  The virus first presented in Wuhan, China, as pneumonia. Because a large number of patients with the novel coronavirus had recently gone to the Huanan seafood market, it emerged as a possible source and the market was shutdown on January 1, 2020. However, a report published in The Lancet, a well-regarded peer-reviewed medical journal, found that of 41 cases studied, 13 were not associated with the market. “No epidemiological link was found between the first patient and later cases,” the report said. This sort of uncertainty around when and where the virus first struck is not abnormal. But it opened up an opportunity for conspiracy theorists to formulate an alternative narrative: that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had created this virus as a biological weapon. This notion has been shrugged off by scientists, who say that the virus occurs in nature and doesn’t appear to be engineered—and that a highly communicable virus does not make for good biological warfare. (2)>>invoking the 25th Amendment . On 2 November 2016, reporter Ann-Derrick Gaillot argued that a Donald Trump presidency — still only a possibility at the time — could be cut short thanks to the 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution In 2017, for example, Trump triggered questions about his stability when he tweeted he has a bigger "nuclear button" than Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Even if the vice president and a majority of the cabinet were to decide to invoke the amendment, there is an appeals process. The deposed president could inform Congress that he is, in fact, capable of carrying out the duties, and it would require a two-thirds vote of both the House and the Senate to reject that determination and remove him — a burden even higher than impeachment, which requires only a majority in the House as well as a two-thirds vote of the Senate for conviction and removal. (3)>>the Super Bowl Halftime Show. Given its history, the Super Bowl halftime show has long been buyer-beware. If you’re the kind of person who is likely to be offended by any display of human sexuality, then at this point it’s on you not to watch. Aforementioned Jackson moment aside, it was only a year ago that Adam Levine performed almost the entirety of his show without a shirt on — which is inherently more sexual than anything Shakira and Lopez did in Miami on Sunday. Still, Smart goes so far as to suggest future Super Bowls come with a warning in the event the sight of a woman’s body is more than viewers can handle.(3.1)>>that Lopez pole dancing somehow "empowers women".  I'm not sure how that empowers women, but I'm not going to waste much time worrying about it. We had a 50-year-old woman, almost naked, pole dancing, exposing herself like a piece of meat for drunk males during the Super Bowl sure it makes sense , and so march on femninists!(4)>>She RIPPED one for sure. Nancy's face says: "I LIKE being naughty". I agree 馃嵒. What does this prove? Everybody knows where she stands - why look like a fool? It’s like she’s tearing up a parking ticket she’s pissed about getting. She lot and Trump got aquitted ,kind of childish, not the act of a stateswoman or someone working n a global stage..... It’s what a five year old toddler would do having a tantrum. Trump is a clown, get it, but you can’t call one person out and give others a pass on their behaviour.  (4)>>Juan Guaid贸. Nicolas Maduro is Venezuela’s legitimate democratically elected and reelected president.The country’s process is scrupulously open, free, and fair, a model for other nations. Polar opposite to America’s fantasy democracy, the best money can buy. Coup d'茅tats reflect longstanding US policy since the 19th century, numerous Latin American countries (among many others) targeted successfully and unsuccessfully. Juan Guaido is Washington’s latest designated puppet to serve its interests in Venezuela, a little known National Assembly head outside of the country, catapulted from obscurity to international prominence.According to the Wall Street Journal, “the night before declared himself interim president of Venezuela, he received a phone call from Vice President Mike Pence” – pledging to back his illegal power grab. In the highly informative expose, “The Making of Juan Guaido,” Dan Cohen and Max Blumenthal, report that as a student, Guaid贸 strongly opposed Venezuela’s former president Hugo Chavez and supported the 2002 coup attempt against him.  He backed Radio Caracas Televisi贸n (RCTV), the privately-owned rightwing radio station, that played a key role in fermenting the 2002 coup by helping mobilize anti-government demonstrations, blaming government supporters for attacks on anti-government forces and blocking pro-government reports about the coup. Guaid贸 graduated from Caracas’ Andr茅s Bello Catholic University in engineering in 2007 and went on for a graduate degree in the governance and political management program at George Washington University.  At GW, he studied under the Venezuelan economist Luis Enrique Berrizbeitia, a leading Latin American neoliberal economist.(5)>>Pete Buttigieg holds a slim lead over Bernie Sanders. A Buttigieg aide told CNN on Saturday that the campaign had submitted their claims to the state party. The Massachusetts senator also handed over information before the deadline, according to Mandy McClure, the Iowa Democratic Party spokeswoman. And Sanders’ campaign announced Thursday that they had submitted data to the Iowa Democratic Party. The campaign also released a host of irregularities publicly. Pete Buttigieg. The former South Bend mayor paid Shadow Inc. over $42,000 in July of last year for software rights," OAN reports. (6)>>The app was built by Shadow Inc.The app that has left the results of the Iowa caucus a shambles reportedly was designed by Shadow Inc., an outfit comprised of a group of political operatives and technology workers who have previously worked for Hillary for America and Obama for America. Shadow, a small Washington, D.C.-based company, built a mobile app that appears to have caused problems during the Iowa presidential caucuses, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. Those hiccups had already caught the attention of conspiracy theorists who noted that Shadow received tens of thousands of dollars last year from the presidential campaigns of Democrats Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg. Those payments were simply for use of the company’s text messaging technology. Indeed, one Democratic operative from a campaign that used Shadow said that they had done so for the purposes of peer-to-peer texting, with the goal of wracking up $1 donations to help their candidate hit the donor threshold to qualify for Democratic debates.