Sunday, January 19, 2020

Trump , Trial and Twitter .

The Impeachment Trial is about to begin this week. 
I started to write about Trump's Twitter Terror regarding Iran. So here I decided to put a few words on the Trial Donald Trump will find himself in a vary uncomfortable position, taking his back seat as someone else mounts his public defense..Democrats are going to want to hear from every single witness that saw Trump commit a crime, and Mitch Mcconnell would rather put it to an up/down vote without hearing any witnesses or evidence at all. The articles have been delivered to the Senate already, so it's begun, but  (1)>>Tuesday begins the actual trial. It will take whatever it takes, depending on all the factors. Clinton's trial took about a month or so (Jan 7-Feb 12, 1999), Johnson's was much longer (Mar 4, 1868-May 26 1969). It might be unfair to compare Johnson's though, since they lacked the modern conveniences to make a lot of things faster, namely transportation and communication. There will be a trial in the Senate followed by a vote. We don't know how long the trial will last, so we don't know when the final vote will be yet. Also Saturday: The seven House impeachment managers laid out the case that they will present to the Senate in the trial. (1.2)>>YES ALL DEMOCRATS , not a sign of a bi-partisan trial   . Twenty Republican senators would need to break with the president and join with all Democrats to remove Trump from office. There is little to no indication at this point that this is likely to happen — or come close. But here in reality, the big question about Trump’s Senate trial is whether the House’s allegations will get any serious consideration
from the chamber’s Republican majority — a majority that, at the trial’s conclusion, is all but certain to acquit the president and keep him in office. Some key Senate Republicans haven’t even tried to pretend the outcome is in question. “There is only one outcome that is suited to the paucity of evidence, the failed inquiry, the slapdash case,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said last month. “I have clearly made up my mind,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) just days before. According to the Constitution, the Chief Justice John Roberts will "preside" over the trial, but it gives no detail about what powers are entailed to him. My question explicitly involves evidence and witnesses. I'm wondering, what do we know about how the Senate impeachment trial might work with regards to evidence and witness testimony? Who has the power to compel witness testimony or the turning over of material evidence and with what force? While the Chief Justice "presides," it's not clear to me what that power consists in, nor who has the power to compel witnesses or evidence.  Trump's legal team ,President Trump on Friday unveiled a legal team for the upcoming impeachment trial that boasts a roster of high-profile and in some cases controversial attorneys to make his case on the Senate floor. Ken Starr,  (1.3)>>Alan Dershowitz, Pam Bondi, Robert Ray and Jane Raskin will join White House counsel Pat Cipollone and Trump personal attorney Jay Sekulow in representing the president.  (1.4)>>What is at stake here is Joe Biden, was there a cover up of Biden's Son ? , sure this could be exposed in this impeachment trial . Here is where the Democrats are missing a point. While Trump is on Trial , there is a another trial being exposed on the Nation .  While I think  He'll be acquitted, that's my prediction. Republicans will never convict their own guy, no matter how guilty he is. He could nuke Canada tomorrow, and they'd never convict him.


Trump made history in a vary bad way.
Using Twitter for Terror threats ,
but he's not the only one on Twitter using it for
terror .
The Social Media is  NOT the best machine to conduct a war. BUT It's a good one for  anyone  to spread all kinds of misinformation,or make threatening messages.  Donald Trump  who would ever think he'd do something so stupid yeah and you know you're right and get their war they do want war they as you said there's a lot of money in it in a lot of different ways not just weapons contractors the oil but also the fact that Iran is outside of our central banking system so money seems to be they've dropped the dollar money . 
 The targeted killing of (2)>>Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force, made no sense to me as I will explain. And a little more about Twitter later here.  The claim that Soleimani was “a terrorist” is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.   BUT I do think that Trump had a right to get rid of ISILamic State founder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi He was a real terrorist  who killed many Americans, Christians, Fellow Muslims, Yezidi Kurds , Jews . He forced innocent people into slavery , this list could go regarding the crimes of the ISIS group leader .  Also  al-Baghdadi also Killed many Iranians who were Shia Muslims. Now this Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani was actually fighting against in Iraq the  . Not Many Americans were aware of this.
Was it a foolhardy Assassination ?
---President Trump's use of Twitter to threaten Iran brought renewed calls for CEO Jack Dorsey to take action to limit the president's use of the platform. However, Twitter maintains none of the president's messages violate the company's policies. Twitter has become a great way to conduct a lot of investigating The last few days last week were so nail biting it keep you on edge in regards that another war would be on the horizon , again America is right in the middle of this . In a threat delivered over Twitter on Jan. 4, U.S. President Donald Trump said that he is prepared to “HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD” culturally important targets in Iran should the country retaliate for the American killing of
Trump's Press conference was not
enough to explain to the American public
to justify a war with Iran.
its top general
. Think, I mean the United States  been going after Iran for decades now and and you know General Wesley Clark famous quote of seven countries in five years Iran's on that list.  Trump decided to listen to the craziest guys inside of his administration and knock off one of it-- the ice is the biggest enemy of ISilAmic State, general Soleimani  as said I wasn't over saying it Soleimani and so then the Iran struck back at a base an American base but they didn't kill anybody . Trump administration did this attack was to not only piss off people inside of Iran but she Muslims all over the Shia Muslim world so even though you can make a deal and be kept with Iran proper there's gonna be she is all over the region who aren't gonna be in that deal who still want to strike back in the United States because Soleimani was seen as their a hero of theirs for saving them from the ravages of Isis saving around and other places from stuff like happened in Syria
 . AGAIN   is it so that's and so again now and anybody who voted for Trump because he was an anti interventionist you just saw him get rolled by the military-industrial complex that's him trying to start a war in the and trying to start a conflict that again you can never stop or unwind so he let you down and if you think his second term if he gets one will be less militaristic than the first one you're drinking kool-aid . Now just  think is Donald Trump now a puppet of the Military Industrial Complex ? It demonstrates to a high degree how easily manipulated Trump is and how there is not an iota of critical thinking occurring in Trump’s prefrontal cortex. Trump as you may remember was "against the war in Iraq" and he wanted to pull the troops out of Iraq , was against the "regime change wars " started by the Bush Dynasty . ALL IS CHANGED NOW ! He has become a complete puppet to the military industrial complex regardless of his bold rhetoric during the election. NOW he is  like the perfect Patsy because he's so I'll use the word he's so inexperienced to be to be the kind you have to be kind but he's the perfect Patsy why because the deep state and all of the neo cons they get to push the war. The  they want but they get some level of plausible deniability and you're already seeing it they push Donald Trump out here they influence him to do this and then they all back away and leave him on an island and say well you know perhaps that was a bad move the Democrats they all say well we certainly agree with it but he didn't dot his eyes and cross his T's and asked us needless to say we did approved it but he didn't ask us so now they can get their war when it goes win and if sadly win and if it becomes disastrous they can back away and say . 

(1)>>Tuesday begins the actual trial.The US Constitution gives Congress the power to hold federal officers accountable for high crimes and misdemeanors through the impeachment process. But that process unfolds in two steps. First, the House of Representatives decides whether to impeach — essentially, whether to charge with wrongdoing. (The House did that for Trump last month.) Second, it’s up to the Senate to decide whether the official is guilty of that wrongdoing, for which the punishment entails removal from office. (1.2)>>YES ALL DEMOCRATS    Democratic strategists are betting they can turn that historic rebuke into a winning election strategy in 2020 even if, as expected, Trump is acquitted by the Senate. All the Democrats had to do was not be crazy, and they couldn’t even do that. They started out after the last election demanding that Donald Trump not be “normalized” as president — and then proceeded to act as abnormally as possible. Weirdly, this strategy seems to be backfiring.The current impeachment clown show was not made more credible by the fact that his opponents began talking impeachment even before President Trump was sworn in to office(1.3)>>Alan Dershowitz.    Alan Dershowitz, the controversial Harvard law professor who has joined Trump’s legal team, argued on CNN that the charges against the president were not impeachable because abuse of power does not constitute a “high crime and misdemeanor” as stipulated in the US constitution as grounds for impeachment.   (1.4)>>What is at stake here is Joe Biden. This whole Biden thing flew under the radar of the media until the public became aware of the video of Biden bragging about his power and influence over the Ukrainian government. People naturally started asking questions and the Dems and liberal media quickly started circling the wagons for Biden. The fact is, precisely because it WAS Joe Biden’s son on the board of Burisma , that fact alone should have precluded Joe Biden from being the one who was sent to give that ultimatum to the Ukrainians, no matter how “legit” they claim it was.  But Biden's son was there and profited accordingly. I remember complaining about it when it happened. It sucks that Fo. Is using this in bad faith. The situation about his son getting the board seat was kinda swept under the rug till Trump brought out in the open when he was caught trying to get info on Biden using a "foreign government " . I thought shady Ukrainian dealings were prerequisites for holding power in the US? Perhaps they want an investigation to ensure he does have such connections? Not really sure what the angle is here. U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts – usually more than $166,000 a month – from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia. (2)>>Gen. Qassem Soleimani.   President Donald Trump's decision to assassinate Gen Soleimani set off a chain of consequences - one of the first was on the unfinished war against jihadists.40% of Americans didn't even know who #QassemSoleimani was before he was murdered by the US. Their support of his killing is based on blind acceptance of the lies Trump administration US media feed them. No one questions anything.It is also good news for the extremists that the Iraqi parliament passed a motion demanding an immediate American withdrawal from the entire country.IS militants have something else to celebrate. When Mr Trump decided to kill Soleimani they were gifted the spectacle of one of their enemies, the US president, assassinating another. The claim that Soleimani posed an “imminent threat” is completely without evidence, rumored to be “razor thin,” and entirely debunked . Mike Pence’s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed itThere’s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor,