Sunday, March 4, 2018

A Cautionary Satire . [ maybe ] the Russians Helped Obama win .

 A Cautionary Satire . [ maybe ] the Russians  also Helped Obama win . 
I have a good "theory" here . But Sadly I don't have any "evidence" to prove what I have to say . We all have heard that President Obama knew about the (1)>>"alleged" Russian meddling as far back as 2016 , the report I read among the online archives  stated that Obama antagonized on what to do about it .  The accusation is that Obama knew that the Russian interference was at full blast , the White House was divided and struggled to come up with a plan to deal with it . To me it sounded like some body got caught , it leaked , it was now damage control . I don't know but I suspect that Like Trump , (2)>>Obama may have been in close relations with the Russians . Many observers believe that Mitt Romney lost the 2012 election to Barrack Obama when he was caught on tape providing this classic example of stereotyping. "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to healthcare, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. These are people who pay no income tax." The repeated broadcasting of this quote, and its reinforcing an already established image of Romney being mean (remember the dog on the roof story), cast him as out-of-touch with large groups of Americans, especially Republicans and Independents who may have benefited from government assistance at pivotal points in their lives.  In a similar manner, President Obama found his private moment of political candor caught by a live microphone on  as he told President Dmitri A. Medvedev of Russia that he would have “more flexibilit” to negotiate on the delicate issue of missile defense after the November election, which Mr. Obama apparently feels confident he will win.   HERE is Something now we are accusing Trump  about the same thing .  Mr . Obama's confidence maybe founded that he was going to "get"  help to win by beating Romney who is staunch anti- Russian. Four years later, in 2012, (3)>>The Barack Obama re-election campaign showcased the accomplishments of the reset policy. For its part, Republican nominee Mitt Romney’s campaign faulted the administration for treating the Kremlin with kid gloves when Russia was, according to Romney, the United States’ ‘number one geopolitical foe’ because it ‘fights every cause for the world’s worst actors’. So who was in cahoots with whom between 2008 and 2012? Donald J Trump knew that the election was being rigged for Hillary , he spouted on numerous rallies { foreknowledge }of it while leaking out the fact that it maybe rigged for him as well .  I know it don't make any sense . Trump , perhaps the people involved in the GOP nomination also knew . The Fact that Trump winning the nomination of his party eliminates the theory of Russian meddling completely  . (4)>>Just how the Russians got to the GOP to pick Trump  over Gov. Rick Perry , Rubio , Cruz Christie . They were a lot more qualified to the oval office , than Trump . Otherwise Hillary knew that her  DNC was lined up for her , as she swept Barnie Sanders under the rug for her nomination .   So both Political Parties,Democrats and Republicans played some kind of  game on the American audience.Yes, there was [ could have been ] dirty politics at play
Why Obama was Russia's easy pawn .
Since the Soviet collapse, Russia has been an issue in every US presidential election campaign. Enter Sen . John McCain and Sarah Palin .{ see below }  In 2008, Democrats accused the George W. Bush administration of endangering US security by needlessly antagonising Vladimir Putin’s Russia and raising the level of tension between the two countries, especially during and after the Russo-Georgia war.   What is interesting that back in 2008 , Russia had put its hopes in Barack Obama an "obscure" Senator from Illinois who did not follow the cold war party line , whom the right wing media along with Candidate Hillary Clinton accused Obama of  " Marxism" . Hope you read this far , I know your all gasping and in shock right now . Did you pick up my line?: Russia had put its hopes in Barack Obama an "obscure" Senator from Illinois.  The right wing media along with Candidate Hillary Clinton accused Obama of  "Marxism". (5)>>Obama's alleged Marxist connections , his early pro- Russian views could have paved the way for him, giving the Russians the idea of of a President of the United States that did not follow the old party line .  He would be easy to work with it , the easing of tensions in 2008 were not so complicated as they are now.  After Barack Obama became President , he wanted to present to the world a kind of New America that would reach out even to its enemies . This would be called the "apologies tour " where he visited numerous nations , particularly Muslim nations . This caused an up roar with many Republicans who were on board with Bush's war on terror propaganda .  In 2009 Barack Obama did the untenable he  visited Russia , which he gave a vary stunning speech praising Russia . So many people here in America all but  forgot about it . Right now all we hear is Trump -Russia nonsense , but the Obama speech in Moscow revealed details .  Barack Obama , here is his key speech , read closely to what he said . He urged Russia to move on from the cold war and stop interfering in the affairs of neighboring states.   

"In 2009, the great power does not show strength by dominating or demonising other countries. The days when empires could treat other sovereign states as pieces on a chess board are over," he said. But, speaking at Moscow's New Economic School on the second day of his visit, he acknowledged that the US needed to play its role in making a "fresh start" in US-Russian relations. He admitted this would not be easy, and acknowledged previous tensions. "America wants a strong, peaceful and prosperous Russia ... on the fundamental issues that will shape this century, Americans and Russians share common interests that form a basis for co-operation," he told his audience.The president said old assumptions that the US and Russia were antagonists vying for spheres of influence were wrong."Given our interdependence, any world order that tries to elevate one value or people over another will inevitably fail. "That is why I have called for a 'reset' in relations between the United States and Russia. This must be more than a fresh start between the Kremlin and the White House, though that is important. "It must be a sustained effort among the American and Russian people to identify mutual interests, and to expand dialogue and co-operation that can pave the way to progress."
The Dire Aftermath , 2012 . 
The 2009 speech set a tone what Russia expected out of America  . The idea of a mutual cooperation with global and economic interests . The idea of a partnership . That all faded out after Obama won in 2012 , a different Obama emerged . The Tea Party movement swept the Democrats out of power in Congress . Mitt Romney spun the during the debates a furor of Anti-Russian sentiment . The Russians - Kremlin were watching the debate with worrisome feelings . If Romney won out , it would create friction , as they saw it . Romney had to lose . He did . Under mysterious circumstances you can only guess . Romney would have beat Obama in 2012 . My feelings back then was that Mr. Obama as good a man , but as he was never going to do anything as he did in his first term now  as a lame duck in office . The Republicans took over after the political mob in 2010 voted to the far right .  Time Magazine even posted on the front cover "Obama hit the road" , the nation had shifted . There was no more HOPE or Change .  The "reset" that the Russians hoped for was no longer in Obama's hands he lost control , soon his foreign policy turned into a disaster with the Arab Spring , Syria , Iraq , Benghazi  The next blunder was Ukraine . I am sure the hotline to Moscow was buzzing at 3 a.m. The war mongers in Congress  wanted  Obama  under mounting pressure to take tougher steps against Moscow amid criticism that the U.S. response to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine has been too weak.  The Republican - Democratic neocons Called for more muscular actions, from expelling Russia from the Group of Eight to offering military support to Ukraine, came as Russia’s stock market rallied and the ruble gained value a day after Obama authorized an initial round of sanctions meant to punish the Russian economy. Obama spent a great deal arguing with  VP Joe Biden .  Obama said that  "course of action would be called meddling in another nations affairs , we have to use a DIPLOMATIC PATH FIRST " .  Obama who once offered a new way succumbed  to the old guard just like Trump is right now . VP. Joe Biden cussed out to Obama .  " Congress is going garb you by the balls if you don't look tough ....." Barack Obama had been stuck to the wall on Ukraine . Like Syria , the United States was sending military advisors to the Ukraine further infuriating Putin who feared a invasion of NATO forces . Putin could not believe what was going on in Washington D.C. . His first though was  (6)>>" Who are the crazies?". Fearing a NATO attack Putin sent Russian troops into Ukraine after the Pro-  Russian Ukrainian President was ousted in  a political coup backed by the United States placing a Pro NATO puppet in charge of a provisional government with strong ties to the EU and Germany. The whole thing unraveled 40 years of SALT Treaties between the United States and Russia . It seemed that Barack Obama took a tough stance , either by pressure of the inner elite in Congress , or he  was just too weak .  2014 saw the big fallout of anti- Russia propaganda to American audiences .  Any case Obama sent  then Secretary of the State John Kerry to bark at Putin right along the boarder of Russia inside of the Ukraine !  (7)>>Kerry spouted " Putin you loose !" on national TV  . It seemed like we were at the brink of war ! There’s noth­ing in Kerry’s re­sponse about po­ten­tial mil­it­ary ac­tion that firmly says that the U.S. will or will not con­sider mil­it­ary in­ter­ven­tion. " Of course mil­it­ary ac­tion is nev­er prefer­able. But right now, the U.S. seems to be keep­ing as many op­tions open as pos­sible" . Said  John Kerry .  I mean , Come on serious !  Just why did the Obama administration poke it's nose in another nations business ? Even at such a high cost of going to war [ threats of war ] . I can see why Putin reacted as he did and he still does to this day because of American NATO interference along Russia's territorial claims  . Here the Obama legacy left the next Presidential administration with serious foreign policy blunders .
" Can we just get along " 
On a TV interview during the Presidential campaign Donald Trump was talking about (8)>>"Getting along with Russia "  . I don't know if that is evidence of collusion at best , or  Trump's rather treasonable plea to Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails as "evidence" of knowing that Russia is on his side . You have to remember in my satirical retelling of how Barack Obama may have won  the election in 2008  & 2012 because he wanted , just like Donald Trump a reset to the ever eroding  relations with Russia . The Russians may have helped Obama as well.  Following Obama's legacy , Trump  said  stronger U.S. relations with Russia would benefit the globe and suggests that Russian sanctions may be lifted. Trump says in Vietnam that Russia has been "very heavily sanctioned" and "it's now time to get back to healing a world that is shattered and broken." The president is pointing to the need to work with Russia to solve problems in Syria, North Korea and Ukraine. Trump says he believes "having Russia in a friendly posture as opposed to always fighting them is an asset."  Despite Donald Trump’s hoped-for reconciliation, how the several rounds of talks he’s held with a top Putin adviser last  have not yet made any progress, and what it’s like to be a special envoy for a secretary of state who’s vowed to get rid of them.
Adieu .
 Overall, the said, prospects for peace are so dim now because of the Russia probe into " alleged" meddling  .  So how can this dangerous situation be defused ? This is why its a serious satire . Least we continue to accuse Trump as Putin's puppet  The "collusion" theory becomes obvious when we  look back at Obama who may have had also  help form Russia as well .  This is just a "theory".

(1)>>"alleged" Russian meddling .  . If it's a lie , its downright dangerous  one.   Even with the FBI special investigation on "Russian collusion" with the Trump campaign and administration taking place in the background,Putin  denied the allegations of Russian meddling in last year's U.S. presidential election as "fiction" invented by Democrats to divert the blame for their defeat. Putin repeated his strong denial of Russia's involvement in the hacking of Democratic National Committee emails that yielded disclosures that proved embarrassing for Hillary Clinton's campaign. Instead, he countered that claims of Russian interference were driven by the "desire of those who lost the U.S. elections to improve their standing." In reflecting on the ongoing scandal, which has seen constant, daily accusations of collusion and interference if no evidence (yet), Putin conceded that the damage has already been done and Russia's hopes for a new detente under Trump have been shattered by congressional and FBI investigations of the Trump campaign's ties to Russia. In the interview, Putin also said the accusations of meddling leveled at Russia have destabilized international affairs Going back to the hotly debated topic of "influencing" the election, Putin once again made a dangerous dose of sense when he argued that trying to influence the U.S. vote would make no sense for Moscow as a U.S. president can't unilaterally shape policies. "Russia has never engaged in that, we don't need it and it makes no sense to do it," he said. "Presidents come and go, but policies don't change. You know why? Because the power of bureaucracy is very strong." Especially when the bureaucracy in question is the so-called "deep state." (2)>>Obama may have been in close relations with the Russians . Nothing could be funnier than that . For most of his two terms in office, President Obama has downplayed the threat of Russia, famously deriding the warnings of Governor Mitt Romney during a 2012 presidential campaign debate with the line: “The Cold War’s been over for 20 years.” It's VARY SIMILAR to Donald Trump is doing NOW !!! . This why the whole thing is a "joke" to accuse Trump in collusion with Russia while Obama payed the same lip service. LOL! (3)>>The Barack Obama re-election campaign showcased the accomplishments of the reset policy. This Russia policy aligned with Obama’s general approach to national security. For years, Obama and his national security team argued that, by and large, America’s problems in the world resulted not from aggression or the ideological extremism of hostile actors abroad, but were the bitter fruit of America’s history of bullying, selfishness and militarism, especially during the George W. Bush administration. They complained that America had long been acting like a rogue nation, arrogant in defying the rights of others, self-serving in defining its interests in national rather than global terms, and unilateralist in refusing to constrain itself to actions approved by multilateral institutions or endorsed by progressive commentators (the latter often refer to themselves as "the international community"). They contended that the United States should be humble, out of a due sense of shame, and should adopt a "doctrine of mea culpa." (4)>>Just how the Russians got to the GOP to pick Trump .  Trump won the nomination of his party , if not by an "inner party" scheme involving House Republicans is a more likely scenario than a foreign government meddling . I called it a coup , maybe the puppet master is VP . Mike Pence , who knows , but the shadow knows ..............(5)>>Obama's alleged Marxist.  President Obama was a vary bad Marxist from the start . While the far right had to glue pieces of his past [ see :  ] to base the accusation . It is possible that Russia picked up on it as their "hopeful"  based on unfounded rumors .  He would be viewed as a radical in the American system of government . In every way he was , he tried to roll back many Bush decades long abuses during the War on Terror .  But in the end he wound up being attacked by the right , his current legacy to the nation is being erased by Donald Trump . (6)>>" Who are the crazies ?". Obama wanted the US to bomb Syria. The only thing that stopped him was overwhelming opposition among Americans. McCain went and did photo ops with Al Qaeda, but Obama and McCain together couldn't drag us into a war in Syria. So now they're trying with Ukraine. The establishment of both parties are quite literally insane.  (7)>>Kerry spouted " Putin you loose !" on national TV.  Putin’s “go­ing to lose on the in­ter­na­tion­al stage, Rus­sia is go­ing to lose, the Rus­si­an people are go­ing to lose,” if something doesn’t change, Kerry said. Putin will “lose all of the glow that came out of the Olympics,” and he’ll lose his So­chi G8 sum­mit. But then came a re­l­at­ive ham­mer: “He may not even re­main in the G8 if this con­tin­ues.” Some Re­pub­lic­ans, in­clud­ing Sen. Lind­sey Gra­ham, were already push­ing the Obama ad­min­is­tra­tion Sunday to act to kick Rus­sia from the G8. Sen. Marco Ru­bio, in a Politico op-ed, wrote that “if Rus­si­an troops do not leave Ukraine im­me­di­ately, Rus­sia should be ex­pelled from [the G8] al­to­geth­er.” Pres­id­ent Obama hin­ted around the threat on Sat­urday in a 90-minute phone call with Putin him­self, say­ing that Rus­sia’s “stand­ing in the in­ter­na­tion­al com­munity” was at risk.  (8)>>"Getting along with Russia "  . Candidate Donald Trump made a bold prediction on the night he declared himself presumptive Republican nominee for president. "We're going to have a great relationship with Putin and Russia," Trump said at the April 2016 rally. The stark difference between reality and Trump's rhetoric suggests the president lacks a coherent foreign policy, international relations experts have said. As a result, Trump's intentions have been overridden by career government officials who do not share his desire for better relations with Moscow. We are seeing this with the Mueller investigation. The indictment of 13 Russians , lack of evidence   , the media constant bombardment of the American public that Russia is the enemy could be the work of something sinister driving both nations into a confrontation . What better way to start a war , accuse that nation with meddling in your politics .

Why John McCain lost . 
John McCain and Sarah Palin .{ see below } >>Barack Obama beat John McCain and Sarah Palin , the reason on the "surface" was that Obama was more a "populist" bringing "hope and change" , this  motto ran wild with a younger generation of voters . While McCain and Palin were viewed as out of touch , old guard vary strong  talking tough against Vladimir Putin on their campaign trail. Curiously A top political adviser in Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign helped arrange an introduction in 2006 between McCain and a Russian billionaire whose suspected links to anti-democratic and organized-crime figures are so controversial that the U.S. government revoked his visa. McCain lashed out at Putin and the Russian oligarchs, who, “rich with oil wealth and corrupt with power…[are] reassembling the old Russian Empire.” McCain rushed to publicly support the Georgian republic during its recent conflict with Russia and amplified his threat to expel Moscow from the G-8 club of major powers. His running mate, Sarah Palin, suggested in her first major interview that the United States might have to go to war with Russia one day in order to protect Georgia—the kind of apocalyptic scenario the United States avoided during the cold war. I can only see that the hypothetical reason why McCain lost to Obama was clear . He was anti -Russian , a pure war monger , AND if we buy the "story" that the Russian meddling in our election system  it may be that  Mr . McCain  just may have  it's first victim of the hacking of  [ by the Russians ]  by remote access to our  voting machines [LOL] &  to change the outcome of the lection  so that  Mr. Obama would win,the electoral collage delegation would enough delegates,  to him . It   looked vary close .  The win of Obama was by the way  sleek in every way . 

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