Saturday, January 27, 2024

The WHOLE ELECTION is one BIG FAKE set up! (2024 Shit Show Coming)

As it APPEARS AGAIN . We are heading to
a wild election year . Nikki Haley appears
to be a "democratic"distraction , still
it's going to be explosive !

The WHOLE CAUCUS is one BIG FAKE set up! (2024 Shit Show Coming)

The WHOLE IOWA CAUCUS is one BIG FAKE set up .  Anyone that defends the caucus system should be ashamed of themselves and should not be allowed anywhere near a position of authority. So we have had a (1)>>big show of the Republican wannabees who wanted to challenge Donald J Trump. So we had the likes of the Drop out wannabees , Pence , Christie , Vivak , DeSantis .  (1.2)>>Now the only stooge left is Nikki Haley who is being paraded  by lots of "Democratic soft money " . Why the Republican's are losers! With the fake drama of the Iowa caucuses over. Trump's problem has always been that he could not keep his mouth shut . He went off talking about voter, yet he is is LEADING the POLLS with many Republicans and Independents !.BUT IT LOOKS NOW LIKE A DEBACLE.  Going to be absolutely bonkers and nobody is ready for it. If the results of the 2024 election are as controversial as the results of 2020, what procedural and legal mechanisms are in place that would stop the losing candidate from declaring the election was rigged, and pressuring state governments to send phony electors to alter/overturn the result? (2)>>I lowkey wish Biden isn’t running for president again in 2024 and have another democratic nomination, I feel like it would definitely boost more voting for democrats but we shall see 😕. Only problem is that Kamala will absolutely feel entitled to the nomination if Biden decides not to run, and she’s even more unpopular than he is. Other than Harris, who else would run? Newsom? Whitmer? Buttigieg? Klobuchar? There’s a lack of charismatic stars on the left right now, and giving up the advantage of an incumbent against a threat such as Trump or Desantis would be risky. Dems are going to have some tricky decisions to make in the near future.  While it seems easy that getting rid of Trump was the goals of Pelosi - Schumer - Hillary axis for 4 years it may have hit a wall of brick .[ For now]. .The Iowa Caucuses are a sincere waste of time for being exclusionary processes. And the country shouldn’t be relying on Iowa to make an informed first choice about something as important as the presidency.The Republican caucus in Iowa is just a straight up vote and tally. One supporter is allowed to speak for 3 min max before the vote. The caucus is organized by voting precinct, so the number of people attending an individual caucus is relatively small (<200 for mine). Our caucus was completed within an hour.PARADOXICALLY!!! The "Subsequent" Return of Donald Trump 2021- 2024 AD. Trump's surprisingly large supporter base at this point in time should most definitely not be ignored, but for the past like three elections this same analysis was applied to Bernie and every time it was a disaster. A loyal but niche support base is great but does not dictate elections - especially a year out. Multiple times throughout the 90-minute speech, Trump hinted at a third bid for the presidency, drawing massive cheers from the crowd of conservative activists who convened for the three-day gathering in Orlando, Fla. He also insisted he defeated Biden in November, a repetition of the falsehood that is helping Trump and his allies raise hundreds of millions of dollars in donations. There’s something very appropriate about a Trump-Trump ticket in 2024; there would be no brand dilution at all. And the idea of a dynastic ticket would give the 45th president time to choose among Junior, Ivanka, and the budding politician Lara, leaving Mike Pence mulling the price of his one moment of independence. 2020 was rigged and so shall 2024. I predict Ttump wins. Then proceeds to get his revenge while tearing down a *lot* of "democratic" stuff. Some of which indeed needs to go, yes, but overall he'll act more like an elephant in a porcelain store, than an experienced surgeon perating to remove a cancer tumor.Typical American Democrats to accuse someone else of what they've done or plan to do. The OP isn't even American and yet hes talking like the American Democrat he likely aspires to be. Hypocrisy is alive and well in the Political-Left.I still laugh at how they are trying to rewrite history into saying Hitler and Stalin were politically right, when they were in fact know...the left.After the cringe that was the Republican debate. I've kept my ears pricked while cat napping. Listening for anyone who would actual get work done for the American people.It's like the two options are complain about ** SLEEEPY JOE *** or talk about the old "orange dough man".I really dislike ALL of the candidates! Like do not like ANY of them. =( ...I want to have a discussion with some, even a slight glimmer of hope in it for the 2024 POTUS election. But, Marianne, she's even a bit too liberal for me? Too wealthy? Her point of view. We need change, we need to not keep doing what we are doing. Money isn't going to fix anything, too much debt, too much negative money dragging the US down like we are stuck in cement boots.Okay me that was really abstract... again. *blerg* ... Good *jorb*.

(1)>>big show of the Republican wannabees.  AS IT APPEARS !!!!, all the Republicans who want to challenge Trump in 2024 are playing a game with the American PUBLIC . The GOP debates , in the Caucuses are rigged and PHONY . It's Donald Trump who is going to get the republican nomination anyway . The "wannabees" are dropping out and endorsing Trump . It should not be any surprise to any one KEEN , with a KEEN SENSE . Trump and Republicans are not sufficiently organized around the idea of executing a coup to see it through past the legal steps and into the messy kinetic power struggle side of things. You can't just pronounce something like this from the well of the House and then dust your hands and go home. If they tried this as you describe, and the court went along, the possibility of a counter-coup or mass uprising overthrowing the government is extremely high. OUR POLITICAL SYSTEM IS IN THE DANGER ZONE ALREADY . If you genuinely believe that the 2020 election was rigged when a Republican President held office and half of Congress was in Republican hands, and you genuinely believe that Democrats managed to effect millions upon millions of fraudulent votes, in states with Republican legislatures and leadership, stealing a presidential election, resulting in extensive lawsuits that produced no evidence of any considerable voter fraud……what possible outcome could you imagine changing in 2024? With a Democrat President in place, none of the former President’s infrastructure or access to the same resources (that produced no voter fraud evidence before), and no foreseeable means of preventing whatever it is you believe happened before, why even vote?(1)>>Now the only stooge left is Nikki Haley who is being paraded  by lots of "Democratic soft money". Haley is the "FAKE" candidate of the Republican establishment, treated with deference by the Liberal  mainstream media and showered with donations by JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and other billionaires. Haley’s disinformation isn’t aimed at frothing Internet trolls; she caters to the fantasy life of comfortable suburbanites who fancy themselves moderates.Haley is having her moment in the sun. Although she still trails far behind Donald Trump, she is rising in the polls and arguably running second in two early states (New Hampshire and South Carolina) and third in another (Iowa).Billionaire LinkedIn cofounder and Democratic donor Reid Hoffman gave $250,000 to support former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s GOP presidential primary campaign—joining a growing list of deep-pocketed donors supporting Haley, as many view her as the best alternative to former President Donald Trump, reports Sara Dorn. Hoffman, a frequent Trump critic who has helped finance various efforts against the former president, recently donated $250,000 to the pro-Haley super PAC Stand For America Fund Inc., Hoffman’s political advisor Dmitri Mehlhorn told Forbes after the donation was first made public by the New York Times.Haley gets talked about because she’s a neoconservative and the Republican/right-of-center commentariat in DC, especially the Never Trump people, also lean neoconservative. Whereas Trump and his up-and-coming political successors pretty firmly reject neoconservative foreign policy (at least on paper). Her potential presidential future is a creation of DC media buzz, it doesn’t reflect reality on the ground. This neoconservative bias also shows up in how people like Tom Cotton, Tim Scott and Ron DeSantis get overhyped in political reporting. (DeSantis is the real deal, but he’s still a bit overhyped because he’s friendlier to neocon ideology.)In general, it’s good to remember that political reporters in the US overwhelmingly live in either DC or New York, and talk overwhelmingly with political operatives who also live in DC or New York. This means political journalists often overhype the wrong people, and that’s especially true for the Republican Party.(2)>>I lowkey wish Biden isn’t running for president again in 2024 and have another democratic nomination. 1) Biden is running in 2024 so this isn’t an issue.For all the rumblings that Democratic voters wanted an alternative candidate to President Joe Biden, he won the New Hampshire primary even without appearing on the ballot. 2) Manchin? Cuomo? Clinton? Who came up with this list of names…none of them are ever running for president, and only one of them will conceivably be on a ballot again. If the election were held today, I'd probably agree with you that Haley's chances are around 10%, give or take. However, I think her performance in New Hampshire and especially in South Carolina is going to be fairly telling as to what the race looks like going forward. If she wins both or at least has very strong performances in both (within a couple points of Trump), I think she could have some serious potential to go all the way, maybe like 30% to win. If she loses both by more than a few points or loses either of them badly, the race is basically over, Trump takes the nomination.This pending 2024 election could be a major turning point for the US, because for the first time since boomers reached voting age, young people will have the demographic advantage. The boomers are split 49/51 but younger people are more complicated, and have yet to pick a leader for themselves.The idea of voting for Hillary or Biden makes me feel physically ill and sad at the same time. Biden is a NOT good one, but he should be retired. And the history of hate and lies the lame-stream-media has built up against Hillary over the decades is too much for any regular TV news or Facebook user to easily overcome. I really had to work to research enough about her to decided I liked her before I voted for her in the 2016 election. No, I didn't vote for her in the primaries, ever chose Trump , Anyone who voted for Biden or Hilary proves they probably shouldn’t be allowed to vote : all the stuff yall suggest against Trump is double true about them . I understand if you thought Obama was cool.