Monday, July 24, 2023


The Climate Clock in New York
City’s Union Square in early July 2023.

Today is the five-year anniversary of a climate prediction amplified by activist Greta Thunberg in a now-deleted tweet. Thunberg supported the position that “climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.” Earlier this year, media outlets noted that Thunberg deleted the tweet as today’s anniversary drew closer.In fairness, climate change will lead to more extreme weather, in both directions. We could be in for some extremely harsh winters, too! Yeah, but we got so much snow that LIKE (1)>I’m about to go skiing at Mammoth in California on July 5th . That proves global warming is a myth RIGHT ????Uh, el niño will start in the southern hemisphere late spring/early summer, so like october... the record heat you are experiencing now is just the absence of La niña. (end strike) [As a comment below points out, El Niño indeed started earlier than expected and than usual, I am wrong, they are right, my apologies for the mistake]That and the upward curve of the climate broiler. (2)>>It gets worse for the next 30 years in the best case scenario, we are currently emitting more than the worst case scenario modelled for the 2020s. I got to thinking yesterday, I wonder if people themselves are contributing to global warming. I mean, you'd think with several billion people on the planet all that combined body heat would eventually raise the temperature a little, not much though, but maybe a couple of degrees. My solution to Global Warming? WELL  (3)>>THE GLOBALISTS WANT to Kill Everyone. That's NOT  my solution for everything though. There are too many people on this planet, we need NOT  more death. Anything that kills people is NOT  fine with me. 2000 something people dead in the WTC? NOT Good. No one I know was there, so why should I care? We need a few more bombings and natural disasters. OK WE NEED TO SAVE THE FUCKING PLANET.The world has less than six years left to hit crucial global climate goals, according to the clock.  (3.1)>>It might be GLOBAL WARMING that will do us in , perhaps UFOs , or Russia -China - Ukraine wars .  I wrote about this in 2017 regarding the fuss,  (4)>>The Climate Clock shows how much time is left before continued CO2 emissions lock in at least 1.5 degrees of global warming, a key threshold for global climate goals under the Paris agreement.  .   (5)>>BUT hay it's 2023  nothing has changed. For the most part of it we have very warm summers , what they call Indian summers were last year it reached 108F where I lived .It’s just by when the current best science says we will have emitted too much CO2 to be able to limit warming to 1.5C (or have a 2/3 chance of doing so, I forget). So it’s a somewhat arbitrary marker, but when getting things done you need deadlines. Since there is no actual hard marker to distinguish between success and failure; safety and disaster, goals need to be decided upon.There is no way the 1.5C goal will be reached, it was always just a fantasy. Our most probable achievable goal is 2C, and that is quite optimistic.The developing world wants our standard of living. They will not stop building coal power plans if we just ask them nicely not to. Ironically, most developed countries will also be the ones suffering the most because of the climate change. (6)>>HAVE always said that WE HAVE ALWAYS HAD THIS KINDA WEATHER. Science has the  Carbon Dioxide evidence to show  ,  The truth is, it’s actually the other way around: as CO2 has increased, deaths from extreme weather have increased. Too much of it could be STRANGE .  Too less of it could be STRANGER ! You'll have people saying  " ah the strange weather ..." . Yes, the weather has been vary off beat since a long time . I could guess that the build up of Green house gases like Carbon Dioxide and Methane . Of course, we'd then have to acknowledge that there are things about climate change and its causes we really don't know. And assuming there are things we might have done to mitigate climate change.This agenda is being pushed by the WEF, glad not everyone is drinking the koolaide. This is not the first climate clock, however. The first one was officially launched in September, 2020, in Times Square, New York City, New York; with monument-sized Clocks installed in London; Prague, Czech Republic; Rome, Italy; Seoul, South Korea; and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Climate Cult activists such as Greta Thunberg also carry pocket-sized clocks with them as well.  (7)>>One of Thunberg’s prophecies, that the world would cease to exist in 5 years, was supposed to occur last week but did not, leading to Thunberg quietly deleting her tweet. More climate alarmism as usual, though, however, these psychos led by the spirit of Satan and children of leviathan are going to keep trying to destroy more of this planet, and ultimately try and destroy more of us in the process.

NOTES AND COMMENTS:  (1)>> I’m about to go skiing at Mammoth in California on July 5th. The world's average temperature reached a new high on Monday 3 July, topping 17 degrees Celsius for the first time.US researchers said the new record was the highest in any instrumental record dating back to the end of the 19th century.Scientists believe a combination of a natural weather event known as El Niño and mankind's ongoing emissions of carbon dioxide are driving the heat.Last month has also been confirmed as the world's warmest June yet recorded. (2)>>It gets worse for the next 30 years in the best case scenario,.> Earth is not defenseless. It will pop the human race like a pimple on> a Dinosaur's butt soon enough.Just wait until all the interlocking,synergistic,vicious cycles really start getting cranked up. -out of control population growth(this is the big one-the problem that makes all the others worse) -water shortages,droughts,overuse,pollution -unraveling ecosystems(fisheries being the main one) -global warming -desertification,depleted farmlands -petroleum depletion There are more, but those listed above are sufficient to do us in. And now, the downward spiral- First, the price of oil spikes, leading to a serious recession. Local water shortages become more severe,leading to unrest and conflict between countries that share water supplies. Drought(made worse by global warming),desertification, and farmland loss cause food price spikes and more unrest. Various important species become unavailable as ecosystems are exhausted. Meanwhile, the overall population continues to boom,although there are local die offs. Spot shortages of oil appear, leading to rationing and driving the world close to depression. Food is still readily available in the rich countries, but prices are rapidly rising and big food producing countries cut back on their exports. Outright war breaks out in certain areas over water supplies. Disease and starvation start to significantly dent the population growth rate. Chronic oil shortages permanently drive down the world economic output. Problems due to global warming are pervasive. Food shortages and starvation are endemic. Whole ecosystems give up the ghost. Massive unrest finally topples the House of Saud, and the US sends in the troops. Radicals sabotage the oilfields and you can write your own sci-fi apocalypse from here.What's the timeline for the shit/fan event? I wouldn't be surprised if some of the really bad stuff starts happening in as little as 5-10 years. I think alarm bells are already ringing, but no one seems to be listening. You know, this could actually be quite a pleasant little mudball,IF IT WEREN'T FOR ALL THESE GODDAMNED MONKEYS THROWING SHIT EVERYWHERE!.(3)>>THE GLOBALISTS WANT to Kill Everyone. The Globalist elites, the billionaires, want to turn the world into their playground.At the moment, they can't create bloody violence reality shows that allow death and torture. Well, if they want to do it, they have to reduce the public's sense of the intrinsic value of human lives. We take that for granted for centuries, well it wasn't like this even just a few hundred years back, and even in current days we still can see slavery, child labour and organ harvesting in Congo, China etc. In order to reduce the public's sense of the intrinsic value of human lives, they need to convince the public. They are pushing woke agenda, making young children confused about their motives, their genders, their social life, and even reality. It's always better to work on people who are very confused than to work on people who aren't. Slowly taking away the qualities of every individual human being so that we worth less. It is appalling how gullible people are. Electricity, cars, travel & food choices are going to be something only the wealthy can afford .They are looking for a greatly depopulated World that only they can enjoy the benefits of. A declining uneducated, unhealthy underclass not needed to serve their needs will be locked out & left to fend for themselves . (3.1)>>It might be GLOBAL WARMING that will do us in, perhaps UFOs , or Russia -China - Ukraine wars .  The war demonstrates how “climate change is a threat multiplier,” Mr. Kerry said in an interview .Yea, but thanks to you FOOL !  Climate change is the perfect scam for leftist elites to oppress people. Charlie Kirk has a shocking breakdown of the actual facts of climate change vs the ones the climate alarmists “predict” and “attribute” the weather too. “Do you like the planet”? “You do?” “Ok good, then you’ll do exactly as we tell you to, and give up all your freedoms and liberties or else the world will end in 5 years , of you” and idiots fall for this crap lol. “Climate denier!!” Ya ok buddy, beat it, move along.  BUT THESE CLIMATE PEOPLE LOVE WAR. They found that a total of 120 million metric tons of planet-heating pollution can be attributed to the first 12 months of the UKRAINE war, according to the report published. HELLO SLEEPY JOE !!!That's equivalent to the annual emissions of Belgium, or those produced by nearly 27 million gas-powered cars on the road for a year. Bill Gates buys farmland, Biden’s billionaires push unless green vehicles/energies because of created high fossil fuel prices, and fertilizer companies blame COVID, Climate Change, and Ukraine’s war for fertilizer shortages over the next three years.  (4)>>The Climate Clock shows how much time is left . Is this clock even a good indicator of anything? Or is it like the Doomsday Clock which has been roundly criticized as being reductionist and inaccurate? I always thought hard-and-fast timelines like these were criticized because climate change isn’t like a bomb going off that can be predicted down to the minute. Rather, it’s a cascade of different events which can be difficult to predict or fully understand until more data emerges. Like, I always think of these timers as giving people unrealistic expectations about how climate change presents itself while ramping up anxiety in a way that may not necessarily be helpful.(5)>>BUT hay it's 2023  nothing has changed. Because we just got done roundly fucking a country for 20 years before succeeding  it to a group of theocratic despots? America isn't just the kid with its hand in the cookie jar, it has a repeated and ongoing history of neo-colonialism and warfare with the US/Ukraine narrative moving hard into the 'American Exceptionalism' schtick. If that isn't bad enough, no one's head rolls after they commit treason, after they sour peace talks for re-election, Nixon never even did the perp walk AFAIK despite Vietnam being a genocide.Yeah its not exactly symmetrical and will be all over the place. We've had flash floods and rain like crazy in New England this summer for example, and I don't remember ever having the sky be smoke from wildfires like this in my lifetime.  NOW the sky has been smoking from Canadian wildfires way too often.IT's likely that the fires are ARSON.  Not to mention the fact that my allergies have been worse this year than I've ever experienced. Not to mention the humidity is disgusting, the insects are swarming, etc. I'm engaging in doomerism, because fuck this shit. It's the worst, and only going to get worse. I need to go live in the frozen tundra.(6)>>HAVE always said that WE HAVE ALWAYS HAD THIS KINDA WEATHER. While it’s worrisome, for me the summers have always been hot . I Can't recollect that any summer was hot , even this hot. Time magazine, April 8, 1977, featured a photo of a penguin and spotlighted the story “How To Survive the Coming Ice Age.”While unusual weather patterns have always come and gone, in a changing climate extreme weather events will become more frequent. That might lead people to underestimate the extent of global warming, given that it has already caused extreme temperature changes. If you were born after 1976, for example, the Earth has been warmer than the 20th century average every year of your life (though local temperatures vary).This is no longer an excuse not to act on climate change and push the burden onto future generations. Last year, the world’s leading climate scientists warned we only have 12 years to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5C and avoid climate breakdown.  The hottest day on record is weather. The average temperature during the summer over the past 100 years is climate. I often hear people speak to the weather instead of climate, and it really muddies the whole conversation.And then I hear “Oh, well climate change has made the storms more powerful”. And from a scientific perspective it makes sense, I don’t disagree. But HOW much more powerful? 10%? 300%? I’m not sure if they really can calculate that (how would they be able to falsify the claim?)(7)>>One of Thunberg’s prophecies, that the world would cease to exist in 5 years,. Greta's tweet wasn't saying that humanity would be wiped out by the end of the five years, it was saying that we needed to stop using fossil fuels within the next five years. i.e. it was predicting that we could pass irreversible "tipping points" if nothing was done. In other words we would be set on a path which would EVENTUALLY wipe out humanity. This prediction could still come true. i.e. it may already be too late.Thunberg is claiming her point was misinterpreted, but any way you look at it, the climate cartel is dead wrong — again — about the fate of humanity. In fact, there’s almost nothing about the climate change movement that stands up to science.Since Thunberg’s fatalist tweet, climate rhetoric has risen to a fever pitch, but fossil fuel usage hasn’t dipped at all. Nationwide oil, natural gas, and coal consumption last year was about equal to annual averages from the 2010s..The bottom line: Human influence on climate is "theoretically" expected, and calculated to be appreciable by current climate models, but in reality human influence is so small it may not be detectable at all. It is impossible to measure the average surface temperature of the earth, yet scientists try to claim that it is possible to measure “anomalies” of this unknown quantity.This hasn’t stopped motivated fear mongering scam artists from manufacturing climate catastrophes in order to impose costly regulatory restrictions and taxes on energy use and other human activities, because that's what they're paid to do... with your money.