Tuesday, February 16, 2021


 (1)>>Historically Nancy Pelosi may have made Donald Trump more popular
after she failed to impeach him for a second time,  (2)>>Babylon Bee reports he's the most acquitted president hahahahahahaha.  .Nancy Pelosi holds the record for most failed impeachments of a President. HONESTLY PELOSI gave Trump a political boost for a long political career .
Proving that Pelosi helps Trump is a strange twist to a argument. I was ASKED how I felt if Trump pushed the rioters to attack the capital building . PERSONALLY is think there is more to the story .  

Four House Republicans sent a letter to Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Monday, suggesting she may have been involved in delaying the deployment of (3)>>National Guard troops both before and during the Capitol siege, a claim the House speaker’s office quickly bucked as a “partisan” attack. BUT STILL this has to be investigated.

The video  SO evidence of Trump supporters storming the U.S. Capitol, threatening politicians and trying to overturn a democratic election, will probably haunt Trump for as long as people write about American presidents, political analysts and historians said.


US defamation laws are quite interesting. (4)>>If one is considered a public figure, then the burden of proving defamation is almost impossible. Trump fit this category prior to becoming the president, and will continue to be categorized by it despite the fact that he’s no longer in office. Also, political speech is protected by the first amendment. Winning a defamation suit would also chill free speech criticism of elected officials. Even if he was able to somehow win initially, it would almost certainly be overturned on appeal.  NOW If I had a dime for every time I've heard that said about either of the big two[Democrats and Republicans] . The whole reason the two parties are set up the way they are as "polar opposites" is to make it impossible to "never return." A "moderate republican" isn't going to start voting democrat just because they don't like Trump. A gun rights supporter might deregister from the republican party but they're not going to vote for a gun control candidate because they "don't like how the GOP is with Trump." That's not how it's ever worked. In fact, when push comes to shove we just saw how they'll even go so far as to vote for Trump instead of the democrat. Trump got the second highest number of votes in US history.The immediate aftermath of Trump's trial has underscored just how difficult it will be for the GOP to break from Trump as the party charts its path forward. The round of recriminations over Trump has Republicans who are tasked with winning back the House and Senate in the 2022 midterm elections[Yeah, apparently rumor has it that McCarthy met with him to discuss getting him into Congress and then becoming Speaker in 2022. Lol!  concerned it could distract from the party's ability to focus on defeating Democrats and regaining power in Washington.


(1)>>Historically Nancy Pelosi may have made Donald Trump more popular. This common knowledge – that a Republican-controlled Senate would never vote to eject Trump – has gone missing among some US Democrats. In March last year, Nancy Pelosi, the veteran Democratic leader of the House, advised her fellow Democrats against impeachment: “I don’t think we should go down that path.” After three years of declaring Trump an existential threat to the nation, Pelosi knew that the Democrats would only help the president if they took action that was not only guaranteed to fail to remove him, but which would allow Trump to reprise his favourite role: Phoenix Rising from the Headlines. In 2001, the historian Perry Anderson argued that critics of US empire should have embraced the impeachment of Bill Clinton: any body blow against the imperial presidency was surely something good for the rest of the world. Today, liberals and legal scholars argue that impeachment will at least weaken the forward march of Trumpism.  (2)>>Babylon Bee reports he's the most acquitted president hahahahahahaha. 👉👉https://babylonbee.com/news/trump-now-most-acquitted-president-in-history 👈👈  The U.S. Senate’s voted on Saturday to acquit former President Donald Trump, following the House’s impeachment of Trump last month, played out almost exactly as expected —So Mitch delays in moving ahead with an impeachment trial while trump is in office, forcing the trial to occur after he’s out of office. Then he says he’s guilty but can’t convict because he’s no longer in office. 🤔Mitch McConnell's words don't seem to match up with how he voted....It's how you know they're all sociopaths. Every one of them have more in common with each other than they do with the rest of us. They represent their corporate interests and lobbyists at the expense of the 'real individual person'. It's always us against them and and we the people stagnate. Any concessions made to us are purely coincidental.(3)>>National Guard troops both before and during the Capitol siege. Investigations are imminent, to determine whether the Capitol Police were undermanned and unprepared for the threat posed by two days of rallies against the results of the 2020 election, but the answer as to why troops posted blocks away were unable to respond to the siege is as simple ― or as complicated ― as a morass of bureaucracy.Simply put, the National Guard only shows up to D.C. when they’ve been invited, and the Capitol Police did not extend that invitation until after the breach, according to a source with knowledge of the process, who was not authorized to speak about it on the record.(4)>>If one is considered a public figure. Just two months ago, he seemed poised to be a powerful force in American politics even after his November defeat. He was still beloved by Republicans, feared and respected by the party's politicians and viewed positively by nearly half of Americans, according to public opinion surveys.Stripped of his presidential powers and silenced by social media, he faces daunting challenges, both legal and financial. Can he still plot a successful political comeback? Will a Mar-a-Lago exile be his Elba or St Helena? And who might the tens of millions of Americans who supported him turn to instead?Everyone knows Donald Trump is not going away. He will try to be back in the spotlight as soon as he can. And, in true Trumpian form, he will try over time to exact revenge on those he perceives as having been disloyal to him. If he is able to rerun for office, he will. He is an attack dog, and an attack dog has no conscience. What happened on Jan. 6 and the days leading up to it — an American president spending weeks trying to reverse the results of a free and fair election, culminating in his supporters storming the U.S. Capitol to try to keep him in power by force — was so shocking that it seemed at least possible (if unlikely) that it would break the pattern. Could Republicans stick with Trump again? And if they did, wouldn’t Democrats try to shame GOP senators as much as possible?