Friday, July 26, 2019

What's Missing from the Mueller Report : Mueller .

Did Mueller actually write his
report ? After his shaky testimony
it makes you wonder .
Welcome to July 24th, I waiting for Robert Mueller to unleash the beast , being knowledgeable about his report. (1)>>Mueller was missing! The former special counsel delivered a less-than-blockbuster performance, frequently dodging questions and repeatedly asking lawmakers to repeat their inquiries.To be sure, Mueller’s primary job as special counsel was to determine whether and to what extent the Russians carried out a massive cyberattack on our democratic electoral processes in 2016, and his investigation and prosecutions of those foreign agents who interfered with our last presidential election was an unqualified success. When he finally answered questions in public, the result was a halting and deeply unsatisfying event for lawmakers and the American public that (1.2)>>may end up diluting the weight of his thorough 448-page report -- and diminishing the reputation of the legendary lawman.However, when it came to finding out whether the Trump campaign and its affiliates conspired with the Russians to tip the electoral scales towards Trump and away from Clinton, and whether Trump obstructed the investigation, Mueller’s analysis and conclusions are ultimately unsatisfactory. While Mueller appeared distinctly uncomfortable discussing Trump’s alleged obstruction of justice before the House Judiciary Committee in the morning, he appeared more comfortable in the House Intelligence Committee’s afternoon hearing, which focused on (1.3)>>Russian interference in the election. Several weeks before the hearings, Mueller made it clear that he wouldn’t discuss anything outside his final report, although Democrats and Republicans both seemed to think they could somehow coax him to do it anyway. (2)>>BUT MUELLER'S Testimony was confusing [ and his report] while it did not exonerate Trump it vaguely spell out like this from Mueller's words "If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment." Ultimately, Mueller declared to head-scratching effect that "[w]hile this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him." Basically the report made no sense , Mueller did not read it  , or was ill prepared . With Mueller unwilling to put the report’s findings into his own words, Democrats and Republicans largely spun their wheels Wednesday. To make headway on any issue, lawmakers were mostly left asking yes or no questions. And even then, Mueller was often evasive. He repeatedly referred both parties back to his report, and he refused to discuss anything that was not already public.Democrats got “no more than what was expected,” Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) said Wednesday night. Mueller has reaffirmed that his report didn’t exonerate Trump, giving Democrats a soundbite they’re likely to use over and over as they seek to build a  new case against the president. He also affirmed Justice Department guidelines that a president can be indicted after leaving office. But Mueller’s testimony nevertheless gathered a certain quiet force as the day wore on, first before the House Judiciary Committee and then the Intelligence Committee, whose chairman, Representative Adam Schiff of California, had the last word and sought to have Mueller help “broaden the aperture” at the hearings’ end.“From your testimony today, I’d gather that knowingly accepting assistance from a foreign government is unethical,” Schiff had barely said before Mueller quickly interrupted him. “And a crime … given certain circumstances,” Mueller said.If Mueller’s testimony frustrated Democrats—and delighted the Trump White House—it’s because he repeatedly refused to be drawn into either partisan talking points or legal and constitutional hypotheticals. “Mueller wouldn’t be baited by Congressional Republicans into discussing  (3)>>Fusion GPS or the "Steele Dossier” So what went Wrong ?. Mueller had no idea what Fusion GPS or the Steele Dossier was. He was clearly just a doddering figure head used by the nineteen DNC operatives in their attempted coup. During Mueller's highly anticipated appearance before the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday, Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, asked the ex-special counsel about a section of his report that referenced a heavily scrutinized meeting at Trump Tower in June 2016 with members of the Trump campaign and Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya. The information on the meeting was from Fusion GPS, and based on research by ex-British intelligence officer Christopher Steele. Who made the decision to not look into the Steele dossier, the company that paid for it or the links to the Clinton campaign?Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, also grilled former special counsel on Capitol Hill Wednesday, accusing him of selective prosecution methods and promising Attorney General Bill Barr would get to the truth.  Just think  if the Obama campaign team met with Russians, the Republicans would be investigating until the end of the 21st century ? On the flip side of the equation .After yesterday's disastrous performance by the so-called leader of the Mueller investigation and report, It's now time to investigate the investigators .


(1)>>Mueller was missing! . It was clear to everyone who watched Wednesday’s hearings that Mueller was not at the top of his game. The man seemed tired and old. He stumbled over words, botched certain details, and at times seemed unfamiliar with aspects of his eponymous report. He was neither the aggrieved resistance hero that Twitter fantasists had imagined him to be, nor the blockbuster witness that some of the thirstier members of the Democratic caucus may have hoped for when devising the hearing. Instead, he was who he always said he was: a tight-lipped Order Muppet who refused to extrapolate on the details laid out in his report.   The suggestion that Mueller did not write the report himself has been floated before -- Fox & Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade said in June that he doesn’t think Mueller “knows the details of the report.” Now that the hearings have begun, right-wing media figures from "Pizzagate" conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec to Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace are pushing some version of the claim that the hearing “does raise questions” about whether Mueller wrote the special counsel report.Fox News anchor Wallace said the hearing “does raise questions about the degree to which” Mueller “was actually in charge of -- in control of this report.” Wallace concluded that Mueller “doesn’t seem very much in control or charge of what the final report was.”(1.2)>>may end up diluting the weight of his thorough 448-page report. Clearly, with not much speculation  that Mueller did not write his report , since , or was ill prepared . Adding to the theory that the "report" was probably the work of several writers , Mueller was not briefed of it contents . His ignorance of FUSION GPS is stunning.Christopher Steele were key elements in determining the level of Russian interference in the 2016 election, were detailed at length. Mueller’s inability to answer so many questions, and his lack of familiarity with the report itself, the question must now be asked: Who DID write the Mueller report? (2)>>BUT MUELLER'S Testimony was confusing [ and his report] Mueller repeatedly violated this rule by suggesting that the reason he did not indict President Donald Trump was because of a Justice Department opinion stating that a sitting president can’t be indicted. No such clear-cut statement appears in the Mueller report itself, nor in a letter jointly written by the Office of the Attorney General and the Office of Special Counsel. Mueller’s testimony also created a conflict between the criteria used in Part 1 of his report (conspiracy with Russia) and Part 2 (obstruction of justice). A Republican congressman asked him why he failed to come to a conclusion about obstruction of justice while coming to a conclusion about conspiracy. His answer was incoherent.The overall conclusion many people will draw from Mueller’s confusing testimony is that the report should no longer be called the Mueller report. It seems quite clear that Mueller himself did not play a major role in compiling it or writing its conclusions. He did not seem familiar with its content, nor was he able to answer proper questions.(1.3)>>Russian interference in the election.   The republicans may not want to investigate Russian involvement in the last and the upcoming elections because they feel the Russians are helping their party. But keep in mind that with all the gaff tweets from trump he may mindlessly tweet something that will rile Putin and Putin will be done with trump and aid Democrats.The allies sword swings both ways.   So why was the special counsel confined to investigating Russian influence /collusion with the Trump campaign ignoring the Hillary Clinton collusion/influence ? Partisan politics not really charged with finding out the truth. Another sad day for our feckless politicians ( on both sides of the aisle) and more important , the American people .  Still as of Now the Proof of Russian meddling as described in the Mueller report or "evidence" has to be brought to the American people , while we might read the "evidence" it's hard to believe that as the narrative spin  is that some how the Russian trolls convinced the gullible Americans to vote for Trump . Its too far fetched , even if it's true we must consider that Americans are easily manipulated by subliminal political messages & look at the fact that  Trump won the nomination of the GOP , the question of the electoral collage eliminates the Russians as the source of Trump winning in 2016 . It is possible that Trump had help from the inside sounds more probable , logical than Russia . I believe that the 2016 election was a coup within our system by right wing  Republican conspirators in Congress , perhaps Hillary winning was too much for them , so they rallied behind Trump , worked the voting system to change the outcome . Sorry it  was not Russia. (3)>>Fusion GPS or the "Steele Dossier” Democrats have gotten a few good lines from him, such as saying Trump wasn't "exculpated" by the probe. It's been harder for Republicans, who wanted to question the origins of the Russia probe.. Mueller's final report alleged that Russia attempted to interfere in the 2016 presidential elections using trolls to sow chaos on social media and hackers to steal emails and release them ahead of the election . Now this later evolved that Trump colluded with Russia , right now there is a frenzy to impeach Donald Trump based on scanty evidence of this while ignoring his real crimes .