Saturday, January 12, 2019

AS we progress into 2019 . Radical Left to clash with Radical Right.

AS I write this ... There is still a government shutdown . I have spent a few weeks trying to hear both sides of the argument . I have watched President Trump at a Texas border on a video . The Democrats are not going to like this , but the "truth" is painful .(00)>>There is a serious problem at the southern border During an afternoon briefing with border agents at a patrol station in McAllen, Trump highlighted the prevalence of guns and drugs along the border. The President spoke in front of a table of items border agents have seized, including a rifle, handguns, a plastic bag full of cash and black-taped bricks of heroin and meth. It appears that two middle-eastern men were caught from Pakistan . While the seriousness is not just about a real humanitarian crises that really exists with real refugees in Central America that should be some sort of multinational UN aide to Honduras , El Salvador, etc to stop a huge caravan of  displaced people . Trump's wall is symbolic to a problem with our own American foreign policy failures south of the border . My analysis is that we can't take everyone in , since 2014 the government should have sent back all the unaccompanied minors back to their country of origin . AS for the government shutdown its is ridiculous , 800'000 workers with no pay while paid Congress men and women of both sides of the party line are getting their money . That is sicking . A total fiasco that is so manufactured .  However there is a real crisis at the border , but is such a shutdown really needed ? Our Government is dysfunctional . The president began by attacking the news outlets for being “dishonest” and describing them as the “Opposition Party working with the Dems” in two tweets shared 10 minutes apart. Asked on Friday about the hardship faced by federal employees either furloughed or working without pay while the showdown over his demand for a wall continues, he claimed support, saying such workers were “in many cases the biggest fans of what we’re doing”. In a tweet last week, however, Trump claimed most workers “not getting paid are Democrats”.

AS we progress into 2019 .  Let think about Progressiveness or a disaster.  Just what are to expect out of the Democrats ? With Nancy Pelosi in power again  , will we see the same (1)>>repeat of the disaster of 2010? Is the stage being set for another Republican take over in 2020 ?  Here we have seen semi-blue wave of events . At my last post I am worried that the Democrats are going to spend their time trying to impeach Trump . IN REALITY CONGRESS has to get to work . We have 800,000 Federal workers without pay . The shutdown is  so ludicrous. Trump said it may last "years" from his last quote . BUT we need to fix our issues with immigration, we have to have better border security . As Trump has said in the last press briefings , he says the wall is needed to stem the flow of illegal immigrants and drugs into the United States. When he ran for president in 2016, Trump frequently  promised to build the wall. Well we have a problem , our system is broken.  Both parties continue to seek to avoid blame for the shutdown.  Democrats have called the wall immoral, ineffective and medieval.Nancy Pelosi, the newly elected Democratic speaker of the House, said Friday's meeting was  (2)>>"rocky at points."We just completed a lengthy and sometimes contentious conversation with the president," she told reporters.Pelosi said the two sides agreed to continue talking.  Our its going to be the biggest failure of the two party system. There already exists serious (3)>>animosity  in Congress with our divided system. on the progressive wing that are outraged by this rule I mean basically what it does is it means if there's gonna be any new sort of spending or any kind of social safety net program or anything like that or any kind of taxcut that then there has to be a cut in some other part of the budget to balance that out which you know on the face of it sounds reasonable but that
being said if you know as a country we really want to move forward with some legitimate progressive initiatives like Medicare for all free public college tuition and you know this that all let's talk about a green new deal the Democratic version of the green your deal looking at some positive things going for it but I think that it may be you know lacking in some instances as an it doesn't really address militarism scaling that back in any respect but the fact that the you know the version of a green new deal that (4)>>Alexandria Acacio Cortez is talking about it's getting the mainstream to talk about the climate catastrophe . As the partial government shutdown continues with no end in sight Thursday Democrats who are now the majority in the House of Representatives passed a measure to reopen the government without the Trump wall why almost likely just to make a point it's really symbolic more than anything else the Republicans led by Mitch McConnell in the Senate which is controlled by Republicans by the way the Senate that is is not even going to vote on this thing they're not gonna vote on the Pelosi measure but there is something interesting that happened today to Republicans both senators Cory Gardner and Susan Collins they're saying they're ready to vote on policies plan to open the government even if it doesn't include Trump's wall hmm it's important to note that the very same my way or the highway approach that makes PresidentTrump so attractive to his base is creating issues for his administration not just domestically but internationally .
 Radical Left to clash with Radical Right. 
There has been a lot praise for the new Democratic Congress as being the most "diversified"ever , if you compare race and gender to the newly elected Republicans. Remember I was talking about the 2010 when [ Democrats]  they lost the midterm elections for a good reason: anger at Barack Obama. Obama has reshaped the Democrats away from the Clintonite centrism of the 1990s and towards a more ideological liberalism that has redefined political debate.  When Anderson Cooper labeled this a “radical” agenda in a Sunday night interview with the Congress member, she proudly embraced the label. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York . Much of the interview is a tap-dance on the grave of Clinton-era liberalism. The Clinton administration was deeply concerned with budget deficits; Ocasio-Cortez told Cooper she didn’t need a plan to pay for her proposals. Clinton passed welfare reform to end black Americans’ alleged “dependence” on the welfare state; Ocasio-Cortez called President Donald Trump a racist, condemning deployment of the “historic dog whistles of white supremacy.”   If the "conservative"  Right has moved further to the alt- right  white nationalism exposed by Trump , it is in part in allergic reaction to the Democrats moving so far to the crazy  left.  We are having a crisis with our elected leaders , the new Democrats are known as (5)>>"3rd Wave Democrats " Republicans had been letting the Radical Leftists hide in the Democrat Party as wolves in sheep's clothing for years. Take Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Forget her radical leftist politics and hatred of business. With Warren, it's all about a lie that has been central to her life. She's no Native American. She's whiter than you or me. Her mother didn't elope because she was a Cherokee. Six months ago, a lot of Democrats were worried that the process was going to make the task of regaining the majority in the House more difficult by nominating some candidates in swing districts who were too progressive for those districts. But the list of Democrats hiding secrets is long. California Democrat congressional candidate Ammar Campa-Najjar is the grandson of a Muslim terrorist who helped plan the attack that killed Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics. (6)>>Rep. Rashida Tlaib learned that before lunch Friday, when her profane remarks the night before vowing to impeach President Donald Trump drew almost no support, and plenty of pushback, from members of her party.In tweets and retweets, Trump once again voiced disdain for the "Mainstream Media,” specifically naming NBC and MSNBC as the source of his ire, while also touting support for himself and his controversial wall ahead of a visit to the southern border Thursday. (7)>>BUT THE RADICAL LEFT is going to try to put one of their candidates that are not part of the traditional Democratic party. Our system of government is increasingly held in low regard on the left. The 2016 election was somehow stolen, and the mechanism that gave Trump his victory, the Electoral College, is illegitimate. The Senate, which confirmed Kavanaugh and gives small, red states the same representation as large, blue states, is also illegitimate. Finally, the Supreme Court, now home to two Trump-appointed justices, is illegitimate as well.The leftist, “progressive” candidates ran on undoable or foolhardy promises, such as ending ICE, institution of a single-payer health system, free college tuition for all, and a “Green future.”  These proposals are exactly what swing suburban voters who now voted Democrat in protest of Trump reject. So as 2019 starts to unwind , Washington D.C. will be a battle ground between two philosophies rather than compermise .

(00)>>There is a serious problem at the southern border . The Government shutdown is a mistake , it could hurt Trump . REGARDLESS , we do have a problem with our border , we just can't keep taking in illegals to a certain point that we no longer can provide for any American citizens . The Democrats forget a lot , for them the America is not important enough for any border security . For a FULL REPORT on the state of our borders please read this document []   (1)>>repeat of the disaster of 2010? Nancy Pelosi was the root cause of Obama's downfall , why the Democrats were voted out. It was a big blunder in 2010 A band of centrist Democrats tried to get of Pelosi .Behind Democrats' decision to keep Pelosi as their leader after historic losses lies intense concern among liberals who dominate the party's ranks on Capitol Hill: They fear Obama will go too far in accommodating the GOP in the new era of divided government. Pelosi is seen as a counterweight to that political phenomenom.  She's done so before. When Democrats panicked after losing their Senate supermajority .  Pelosi rebuffed feelers by then-White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and others to settle for a smaller health care bill. She derided the approach as "kiddie care" and pushed forward with the sweeping overhaul she painstakingly steered through the House by a razor-thin margin.

A more recent example is Pelosi's stated refusal to consider extending Bush-era income tax cuts for the highest brackets past their expiration. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s increasingly public disagreements with President Barack Obama are a reflection of something deeper: the seething resentment some Democrats feel over what they see as cavalier treatment from a wounded White House. The 2010 election had been a blow to Barack Obama, but the GOP on the Hill was hopelessly divided between “establishment” Republicans, Tea Party Republicans, and “establishment” Republicans trying to mimic Tea Party Republicans. It led to the creation of the House Freedom Caucus, a group of around 40 members whose chief aim, it often seemed, was to block any legislative reform on the grounds that it “didn’t go far enough.” What began as a good and necessary corrective to the unprincipled transactionalism of the GOP leadership turned into obstructionism for the sake of obstruction. [ see this interesting article on Pelosi that serves as a warning ]  (2)>>"rocky at points."   After a briefing on immigration in the White House situation room, Democratic Congressional leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer spoke to members of the press about the offer they made President Trump to end the partial government shutdown.  Trump said that the shutdown might last for years , but that could be a misstatement . [ read below ] The partial government shutdown, which hit the two-week mark on Friday, could continue indefinitely after a meeting between Donald Trump and top Democrats failed to resolve their dispute. The president went on to say he could declare a national emergency and build a wall without congressional approval: ‘I can do it if I want’ .   (3)>>animosity  in Congress with our divided system. Trump faces a divided government, with Democrats newly in control of the House. Democratic leaders emerged from Friday’s meeting reporting that the president had said he was prepared to close the government “for a very long time, even years” if there was no deal. Trump had invited leaders from both parties back to the White House just two days after a meeting on border security in the Situation Room did not resolve matters, and a day after Nancy Pelosi became speaker of the House and Democrats passed legislation to reopen the government.     (4)>>Alexandria Acacio Cortez. The question is whether the future of the Democratic Party votes like Ocasio-Cortez, a self-described Democratic socialist. Her June victory over incumbent Joe Crowley in a Democratic primary for a U.S. House seat in New York City was perhaps the most heralded example of what has been described as a burgeoning leftist shift in the Democratic Party. For progressive activists, it’s a boon decades in the making; for moderate Democrats, it’s a political headache; and for Republicans, including President Trump, it’s both a worrying sign of creeping socialism and an effective bogeyman for rallying supporters. The radical left wants to raise taxes , this should be vary concerning ,  she floats the idea of a top marginal income tax rate as high as 70 percent as part of a plan to finance a “Green New Deal” that would aim to drastically curb America’s carbon dioxide emissions.Even when someone like Ocasio-Cortez is bold enough to suggest that higher taxes are a good thing, there is a knee-jerk reaction to immediately assert that this only applies to the wealthy. And while, yes, the wealthy should be paying a much higher rate, we need to get to a place in this country—as difficult or unrealistic as it seems today—where even the  fledgling middle class accepts that their taxes have to go up at least a little. (5)>>"3rd Wave Democrats "  The paradox of US politics is that whenever Americans are asked whether they support universal healthcare, guaranteed paid leave for carers, free education at public colleges, higher taxes on the rich, or any number of items from the Bernie Sanders campaign platform, a majority are always strongly in favour. How is that a "paradox"? Americans didn't get the chance to vote for Sanders. They got to choose between voting for someone who represented the system and someone who loudly attacked the system.  President Trump on Saturday warned supporters that if “radical” Democrats are victorious in the upcoming elections, they will “take a giant wrecking ball” to the economy and the country’s future. The Third Way is a position akin to centrism that tries to reconcile right-wing and left-wing politics by advocating a varying synthesis of some centre-right economic and some centre-left social policies.There was a blue wave in the House because the the whole Hose was up for election there was an 8% rise in support for the Democrats. The senate only had a third of the seats up for election these favoured Republicans.Seeing a booming economy with strong job and wage growth, the party’s extreme liberals just can’t help themselves. (6)>>Rep. Rashida Tlaib. Ms. Tlaib is poised to become the first Muslim woman ever elected to Congress, after she narrowly defeated Brenda Jones, Detroit’s City Council president, in a Democratic primary race to succeed longtime Representative John Conyers Jr. in Michigan’s 13th Congressional District. She will run unopposed in November. In a separate Democratic primary contest for a special election to serve the remaining months of Mr. Conyers’s term, Ms. Jones prevailed over Ms. Tlaib on Wednesday afternoon, according to The Associated Press. Hours later, she made headlines for swearing at a bar — in comments that continued to reverberate in Washington the following day. (7)>>BUT THE RADICAL LEFT is going to try to put one of their candidates that are not part of the traditional Democratic party.   In the wake of that 2016 loss, candidates inspired by his unapologetic liberalism -- if not his weak affiliation with the Democratic Party -- began recruiting themselves into races. While the upset primary victory of fellow Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York drew the most attention, other progressives such as Ilhan Omar and Jahana Hayes have won primaries too. Now, four prominent female Democrats are all but openly running for president. Sen. Kamala Harris of California, considered a top contender for 2020, confirmed that she will "take a serious look at" an election bid. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York called the midterm election a pivotal moment for women, and told late-night show host Stephen Colbert in November that she would give a presidential bid a "long, hard thought of consideration."Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts said in September that she would take a "hard look" at running, and called for Americans to elect a female president. There is also growing buzz that Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar is considering a bid. These women are beginning to offer themselves as potential presidents at a time when stark divides around gender are shaping the midterm campaigns: A record number of women are running for Congress, mainly on the Democratic side, and polls show women favoring Democrats by a huge margin. Yet Mr. Trump has begun sharply assailing the #MeToo movement and making increasingly explicit appeals to male identity.

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