Saturday, October 20, 2018

Trumpian definition of Fascism

Is Donald Trump
beginning  to sound like
a Dictator ?
(1.1 )>>Jonah Goldberg's book Liberal  (1.2)>>Fascism : The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning. Was one of the books that tried to place the Obama Democrats on the same line as Nazism . Chucking here folks ! Well this whole subject seems to have a slight twist, while the last two years I have spent listening on the Trump political rallies , something hit me , you know that the word Fascism bemoans the vary name of HITLER and (2)>>Mussolini. Both Hitler and Mussolini had past vary similar rallies . Take for example . Pardon me the rhetorical past  RNC speeches  sounded in 2016 . BUT Is he a Fascist? But in the dark, scary basement of our politics, more basic questions lurk concerning what President Trump’s ascendancy means about America. Is Trump ultimately an aberration or the forerunner of a new, degraded politics involving a racially divisive, ethno-nationalist populism? And is it alarmist to go all the way and call Trump a fascist? Jeffrey Tucker made the argument in Newsweek earlier this summer, noting that Trump’s outlook is simultaneously conservative and totalitarian. Yes, Trump is the conservative Frankenstein monster that was created by the Tea Party , molded with base party line of alt-right wing Republican neocons .. Trump’s movement flourishes without white hoods and burning crosses, without jackboots, gangs of thugs, insignias, patriotic anthems, without secret police or any state power at all. After all, he hasn’t won anything yet.
(5)>>Goldberg's book
was about
Obama & Democrats
but did he miss
something ?
(3)>>His movement doesn’t fit any standard definition of Fascism.
  Yet it seems that certain things at the Trump rallies may be defined as 
Fascism.  When Donald Trump won the election,  he was backed by the maga bucks of the Christian right wing that was waiting during the Obama years to size power .  I knew that this was a sort of right wing coup that did involve some kind of election gerrymandering. While the "inside job"theory  was being systematically overshadowed by  (4)>>Russia meddling theory . (4.2)>>The real problem was with our own RIGGED system . The Republican take over was swift , so  blinded the voters with Donald .  They saw Hillary as a dangerous women . While the propaganda worked, the American voter became the mob  While the real power was invested in a Star Chamber. How this happened ? Were American voters so gullible ?  GOP’s Neo-Antebellum ideology (Christian White Supremacist Fascism) and the majority of Americans now bend to the beliefs of the hypocritical pious.The United States conservative population is indoctrinated with Nationalistic Nativism — worship — worship of made up morals, worship of preacher, worship of (pseudo)patriotism, worship of flag, worship of military, worship of country, worship of party, worship of wealth, worship of power and ultimately worship of Trump — or more precisely, Trump as a vehicle to implement the power of divine doctrine — the Orange Oligarch is working in tandem with and as a Devout Dictator. Consider what American politics would look like if Republicans — against all odds and expectations — were to keep the Senate and House. There might be many explanations for such a result — exceptional economic conditions, bad Democratic strategy.News reports and isolated video clips have made Trump’s rallies seem like bacchanalian proto-fascist white power orgies, fuelled by bald racism, pseudo-Nazi salutes and the imminent threat of violence toward any detractors. Trump’s candidacy was the most dangerous presidential campaign in modern American history. But the reality of a Trump rally, or at least this Trump rally, was about as threatening as a Garth Brooks concert. Its the BIG question . Just how to expose this to the American public? Example , What has happened in (5)>>Hungary since 2010 offers an example—and a blueprint for would-be strongmen. Hungary is a member state of the European Union and a signatory of the European Convention on Human Rights. It has elections and uncensored internet. Yet Hungary is ceasing to be a free country. Donald Trump, however, represents something much more radical. Fascism is one kind of authoritarianism.  Of course, it’s not about racism, nativism, sexism or authoritarianism when it comes to understanding Trump’s base. White racial and gender identity and authoritarianism have long merged with and cross-fertilized each other. Given birth to a new radical Right .


 (1.1 )>>Jonah Goldberg's.  Despite the fact that today the term "Fascist" has come to mean "anyone the Left OR RIGHT  doesn't like for any reason", historically, Fascism has actually been a product of the political Left. The "welfare state", so beloved of "Progressives", was originally an invention of Mussolini. As opposed to the explicitly atheist Communism, Fascism itself is a pseudo-religious cult of the state, where the government replaces God as the image of fulfillment. It is through the government that peoples' lives are given meaning, and the government may do anything for the "general good". (1)>>Fascism. fascism is a form of collectivism, with similar goals as socialism and communism. All three areantithetical to capitalism, which is the only social/political/economic system that requires and defends freedom. Collectivist ideologies require the government to use physical force against its own citizens - because all collectivist ideologies demand that the individual be crushed under the weight of the group, at the demands of central planners.One indicator of fascism: The destruction of Freedom of Speech. Hillary Clinton promised to crack the First Amendment during her campaign - by any standard of honesty, she ranks as a premiere Fascist. Trump is of course no better - witness his arbitrary creation of tariffs to please voting blocs by punishing all other Americans with higher prices for everything. By the same token, nearly every Donkey POTUS has acted along Fascist - Collectivist - lines.(2)>>Mussolini. Both Hitler and Mussolini had vary similar rallies . The Anne Frank Centre for Mutual Respect warned of "alarming parallels"  The Nuremberg-style rallies for Trump encourage denunciation of and violence against the media and violation of the Bill of Rights by a howling mob of rabid fanatics, whose obscene gestures resemble the upraised-arm salute of Hitler’s followers. And some even saw a Nazi comparison at a Trump rally later on Saturday in Orlando. Abe Foxman, former national director of the Anti-Defamation League, took issue with Trump asking his supporters to raise their right hands and swear to vote for him.  (3)>>His movement doesn’t fit any standard definition of Fascism.  Some people have gone so far as to suggest that Trump, in whipping up popular resentments and stigmatizing immigrants and Muslims, is exhibiting Fascist tendencies. During the last Democratic debate, Martin O’Malley, the former governor of Maryland, said that America must never surrender its values “to the Fascist pleas of billionaires with big mouths.” Slate’s Jamelle Bouie has argued that “Fascist” is the label that best fits Trump, and the word has also cropped up in New Hampshire, where Trump is the front-runner. In a blog post, Jonathan P. Baird, an administrative law judge, noted that the candidate is popular with white supremacists and other hate groups, and wrote, “Trump is no conservative. He is not about conserving what is valuable in America’s laws and heritage. He has crossed enough lines to indicate he is something else altogether.”(4)>>Russia meddling theory Sen. Mike Rounds of South Dakota . In support of his theory, he said that Trump previously “on multiple occasions” had expressed acceptance of the intelligence findings of Russian meddling, even while vehemently denying that his own campaign colluded with Putin’s government to influence the ’16 election. Trump himself sought to quell the storm of criticism sparked by his Helsinki comments. Still, he couldn’t bring himself to deliver a denunciation that solely targeted the Russians.Trump said :  "I accept our intelligence community's conclusion that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election took place," Trump said, before adding: "Could be other people also. A lot of people out there. But there was no collusion." In response, the president brought up a well-rehearsed conspiracy theory implying that after being hacked, the Democratic National Committee refused to help the FBI investigation, and that therefore all evidence implicating Russia in election meddling was shaky. “You have groups that are wondering why the FBI never took the server,” Trump said. “Why didn’t they take the server? Where is the server, I want to know, and what is the server saying?”No one, except Donald Trump, has claimed that the 2016 election was rigged. He made this claim loudly and repeatedly all during the primaries and the campaign, right up to election day. But he claimed it was rigged against HIM.   (4.2)>>The real problem was with our own RIGGED system .   Ruthless gerrymandering has handed Republicans significantly more seats in the House and in state legislatures than their vote share deserves — an advantage that after 2020 could become semipermanent. The Senate, with its small-state bias, looks set to favor the G.O.P. for the foreseeable future, too. Voting restrictions targeting racial minorities and the young, and the evisceration of campaign finance laws, have skewed election and policy outcomes at all levels even further.   (5)>>Goldberg's book  was about Obama & Democrats but did he miss  something ?  Jonah Goldberg’s 2008 book, Liberal Fascism, defined Hitler and Mussolini as merely having more extreme versions of ideas proposed by American liberals like Hillary Clinton. His National Review colleague, Kevin Williamson, has likewise argued that the racist, states’-rights-fixated ideology of the conservative white South is best expressed by the Obama-era Democratic party, rather than the GOP. D’Souza has enthusiastically taken up both these claims. Jonah Goldberg's book was his personal attack against the Democrats , former President Obama . Next to nothing Obama was called a Nazi and a Marxist at the same time, while the "Fascist"definition is now being applied to Donald Trump .(5)>>Hungary .  Hungary’s Viktor Orban rewrote the Constitution withthe goal of “making Hungary great again” —a line that sounded great to someone.“Did you ever hear this before? ‘Make America great again.’Populist movements and governments are a symptom of the West’s crisis, not a cause. In Europe, support for supposedly undemocratic populist politicians and parties is driven by the actually undemocratic policies of the European elite, such as one nation setting immigration policy for the entire continent.Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Friday said that diplomatic relations with the U.S. could improve after President-elect Donald Trump takes office, Reuters reportedIn a phone conversation Trump told Orbán “that he regards Hungary highly” and then invited him to Washington, the Hungarian prime minister said.

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