Sunday, May 13, 2018

Why the Iran Deal Matters.

Netanyahu prior to Trump getting out of Obama 
legacy Iran deal . Suspiciously shows
"evidence" of Iran producing
weapons of mass destruction .
  Netanyahu did his unreal presentation about Iran’s nuclear program. Again drawing the red line which harkend back in 2015  Netanyahu did lobby Congress against a White House-backed nuclear deal with Iran. Israeli criticisms of the nuclear accord have grown louder in recent days as public and private comments from U.S., Iranian, and (1)>>European negotiators have suggested that a possible deal is in sight. According to multiple reports, the two sides are nearing an agreement that would put a 10-year restriction on Iran’s uranium enrichment program. If Iran complies over a decade, enrichment limits would be lifted over a five-year period .Netanyahu blasted the prospect of such an agreement at an Israeli military base Tuesday, vowing to do “everything that I can to prevent” it. “I will go to Washington to address the American Congress, (2)>>because the American Congress is likely to be the final brake before the agreement between the major powers and Iran,” the prime minister said. President Obama ignored Netanyahu Pulling out of the "Iran deal" is going to have some ramifications . As I write this , as I see it. President Trump's maneuver sounds vary suspicious from all angles . First it is obvious as I will explain that Trump catered to the Israeli government. 
 Pleasing the Israeli camp .
 Donald Trump’s announcement to exit the Iran nuclear deal could have been scripted by Benjamin Netanyahu. Word. For. Word.Trump’s motive may have been to obliterate his predecessor Barack Obama's foreign policy legacy. But for his team of advisers who prepared the announcement, the target was not just the deal: it was Iran.This is a victory for Netanyahu and the Iran war hawks in the Republican Party . (3)>>A few years ago I was a bit furious about the deal . I did not like the thought of 300 billion dollars going straight to Iran. You all know what a rich country America is , that we can dish out cash to any foreign government .Yet we can't seem to find 300 billion dollars to help our own citizens here . Well that was my own prognosis back then. Now I have change my mind to a certain point . Now I see that the Trump administration is kissing ass to Netanyahu's every whim . Netanyahu has a reputation osome how goading the American government to war for him . Decades ago he had along with the Bush administration collaborated and sold to the American public that Iraq had "weapons of mass destruction" . (4)>>Netanyahu's plea was so convincing after the events of September 11th , 2001 that in three years the American forces did re- invaded Iraq, the overthrow of Saddam Hussein was a literal imperialist dream . There was the oil first of all that would occupy the Bush cronies like Chaney , yes nation rebuilding . Meanwhile Netanyahu danced that he eliminated Saddam . The American government forked up over a trillion dollars , sweat, blood of American men & women . Netanyahu made a similar plea about Syria, Assad . Luckily that the Russians intervened in Syria , prevented another invasion of American military.  We don't want another war in Syria , or any kind of negative relations with Iran . 
The Middle-East is at stake!
Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reads “Fire and Fury,”
 the Michael Wolff exposé
on President Trump's
strange journey to power,
 in Tehran Friday. 
Energy industry insiders say Trump's tough stance on Iran will probably keep oil and gasoline prices higher than they would otherwise be.At least some of that oil will now be pulled from the market — at a time when oil prices are already rising because of production cuts by OPEC and Russia as well as instability in Venezuela. The theocrats in Iran have been moderated by President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, who seek a better relationship with the United States and Europe. Trump’s position against the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and blocking of the financial measures that are our obligation under the agreement have pushed Iran to closer cooperation with Russia. Meanwhile , Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and other members of the U.S. delegation arrived in a tense Jerusalem on Sunday to celebrate the relocation of the United States embassy.President Donald Trump recognized the city as Israel's capital last year and pledged to move the U.S. Embassy there from Tel Aviv. That will officially happen Monday at a ceremony attended by Ivanka, Kushner and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. The U.S. withdrawal and the possibility of an eventual collapse of the deal raises concerns about escalation, even war — particularly if Iran is seen as resuming its pursuit of nuclear weapons and Israel retaliates.Tensions between Israel and Iran already are high over Iran’s efforts to expand its military presence in Syria and air strikes attributed to Israel that killed Iranian fighters there, prompting threats of reprisal by Tehran. Netanyahu says he’ll counter “Iran’s aggression ... even if this means a struggle. Strangely still all this is going on , nearing the May 14, Israel’s 70th anniversary, the U.S. ceremoniously opens its new embassy in Jerusalem, in line with Trump’s recognition in December of the city as Israel’s capital. Notwithstanding the many warnings and concerns about a new outbreak of violence in the Middle East, he kept his campaign promise .


(1)>>European negotiators .The foreign ministers of Britain, France, and Germany are preparing to meet with Iranian officials  to determine how the agreement can be preserved without the United States’ cooperation. The fundamental challenge is finding a way to ensure that Iran still derives enough economic benefits from the agreement to override its interest in pursuing a nuclear weapon. European politicians are ready to take radical measures to realize that objective — but European businesses might not be. EU leaders are determined to thwart Donald Trump, save the Iran deal, and, perhaps, begin formulating a new foreign policy that might allow the bloc to assert more independence from the basket case on the other side of the Atlantic.(2)>>because the American Congress. Ending the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran would unequivocally, materially worsen both our near-term and long-term interests across the globe.Many neocons in the Trump administration would likely then begin threatening military strikes again—which would push the mullahs all the more rapidly into a crash course to develop a nuclear deterrent as quickly as possible.This would unequivocally be antithetical to U.S. and Israeli security interests. Going to war with Iran before it reaches this threshold would turn the current inferno of the Middle East into a veritable smelting furnace that would likely consume U.S. interests beyond recognition.  (3)>>A few years ago I was a bit furious about the deal . Iran deal cost the U.S.? Keeping adversaries like China and Russia at the negotiating table was likely expensive – even though both have much to gain from the relaxation of international sanctions on Iran. Both look forward to ramped-up arms sales and increased trade with Iran, but even so, neither China nor Russia hands out diplomatic wins to the United States without some payback.  Nobody knows the total amount of frozen assets, but it’s probably about $100 billion. Estimates go as high as $150 billion, the number some critics of the nuclear deal use to make the “windfall” coming to Iran seem larger than it probably is.President Donald Trump spouted about 300 billion if you compare the money he gave the Saudis last year . I was really against the deal back in 2015 , I felt back then that we as a nation could spend that money on Americans . 300 billion dollars could just end all poverty in the United States if it were spread out to the states as one example . Our nation is so rich that we can just give out this money to any nation  , but we are taxed for it . (4)>>Netanyahu's plea was so convincing. Israel’s extreme right-wing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a habit of repeatedly claiming without any evidence that his enemies supposedly have weapons of mass destruction. But a look at some of Netanyahu’s public speaking over the past 30 years shows that he has a long history of crying wolf.In a dramatic speech on April 30, Netanyahu used stage props and a cartoonish PowerPoint presentation to falsely claim that Iran had a secret nuclear weapons program and that it had been concealing.In this September 2002 congressional hearing, Netanyahu openly called for war on Iraq and insisted that a U.S. military invasion would be hugely beneficial for the entire Middle East.

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