Monday, January 27, 2025

CHRISTIANS can't hide from the SINS of Modern ISRAEL.

Donald Trump and the vast 
Majority of Christians 
Are going to ask serious 
Questions about modern Israel .

The ELECTION second term of Donald Trump has pushed the Christian right to the pedestal. Secondly, the Trump Un-Inaguration has brought the strongest pro Israeli government fanatics to the forefront. My writing here is a wake up call for Christians . You CAN'T BE CHRISTIAN follow what Jesus said and turn a blind eye on the death and devastation on the population of Gaza and Palestinians themselves. If your Jewish you can't follow the Torah and hide under a rock as mass murder is being committed by Bibi Natanyahu own Dictatship.Can you see America and the formerly Christian West in this? What about the mass murder being committed by Israel with US support? I don't really care about the Palestinians, but let's call an evil spade, an evil spade. Violent psychopath Israelis vs violent psychopath followers of Islam, supported by violent psychopath fake Christians in the West. These nations were once a predominately Christian, but now have rejected and scorn their spiritual heritage. What has been the result of this spiritual and moral declension? What is the current state of Christianity in these formerly Western Christian nations? Can we not see how YHVH has been lifting his hand of blessing off of them, and how with their spiritual and moral decline they have been declining economically, goepolitically and culturally? Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea combined haven’t caused even a fraction of the damage to freedom that Israel has. With its stranglehold on foreign policy, unparalleled lobbying power, surveillance exports, shameless propaganda, financial exploitation, and a satanically inspired superiority complex baked into its genetics, Israel operates on a level those regimes could only fantasize about. And while the media screams about the “axis of evil,” the real dismantling of liberty and decency is happening right under our noses—courtesy of an ally with the biggest nose of them all, constantly sticking it into everyone else’s business. Everyone who supports Israeli atrocities also support pedophile and child sex trafficking, enslavement, and all world corruption they run. Does the Bible Mandate We Support the *Modern Nation* of Israel? I saw an infographic on Instagram about the Israel/Palestine conflict that happened over the weekend. It seemed pretty solid to me and I did share two of the slides but it did say, and I quote "However, we must also remember that in the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, Israel has also engaged in unethical ways and committed atrocities against the people of Palestine. Therefore, since the Bible does not mandate unequivocal support for the modern nation of Israel, Christians should prioritize the pursuit of peace, justice, and the well-being of all people involved in the conflict, recognizing the suffering of both Israelis and Palestine" and some people in the comments were saying the last part about the support of the modern nation of Israel as being Biblical to Christians, was false teaching from the start. Israel has done some horrible things. Every country in the world has. They are not above criticism. But most anti-Israel arguments rely on the assumption that all of Israel's actions must be because of some sinister motive. Israel is never given the benefit of the doubt, being held to extreme scrutiny that we do not apply to any other nation.Claims of genocide, collective punishment, and a desire to reclaim Gaza can only be substantiated by ignoring mountains of contrary evidence in favor of an assumption that all of Israel's actions must have some sort of evil motivation behind them. This is straight-up perpetuating blood libel, as we all know the reason there's a double standard with Israel that no other country has.Honing in on this highly controversial, highly inflammatory language distracts from the tangible issues at hand and only serves to polarize us. We all want the same thing (peace). We all (for the most part) condemn the same things (targeting civilians, settler expansion in the West Bank, settler violence that isn't punished harshly enough, far-right extremist governments). But using inflammatory language to describe Israel as a whole alienates Jewish allies who know that this language radicalizes people and would prefer not to contribute to the incitement of violence against Jews worldwide.I am just urging people to try to have productive discussions that use facts instead of feelings, and take a step back to examine why you assume that the only explanation for everything Israel does is that it is an inherently evil country with evil intentions behind every single thing they do.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


GHOSTS of the Deep State
behind him . Will he 
Survive the NEXT 100 Days !?
 THE TRUMP WIN WAS AWAKE UP CALL & and also a Shake up of the established AMERICAN government system. The Return of Trump is probably the most awkward presidential second term in American History. So am going to explain why it's bizarre. . WE ARE GOING TO (1)>>TALK ABOUT Teddy Roosevelt HOW it parallels Trump many unusual ways  Firstly, we must define the context of "bizarre" . Trump's second term is strange, he was the 45th President. Then the Biden " interim" which is strange as political situations are for a given country. Even before Biden, we had Obama who was propped up in strange ways after the Second Bush . Either way we have a rollercoaster 🎢 ride of American politics that has not been exactly normal for a long time .EVEN though Trump won technically in 2024 , he should have been the winner in 2020.  Astrology wise . Trump is going to face some serious issues. Like his first term , he is going to have moles , spy and sabotage from his own Republican party , but mostly from the residual Deep State lurking in the Democratic Party.  You paint a lot of situations within that are waiting to be sprung like 2020 . Trump also faces international problems like Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan -China . . For the first time in my life, Republican voters actually looked at the prices of things rather than at the stock market to decide whether they feel the economy is healthy. This will quickly shift back to the stock market once a Republican president is in the office. "You can't buy food; infrastructure is crumbling; but look at that Tesla stock price! Ooooh!" Trump's Second Term will be probably the most scrutinized, how he handles the economy, or he's going to fall into a deep state Neo-Con trap to go and bomb 💣 some other country { Iran for Israel} . So AS I WRITE ✍️ Am Write with Caution. Prophecy 🥠. Anyone else want things in the Trump administration to go as bad for America as possible? Let me explain what I mean before you jump down my throat. I feel that we are like a frog in the gently warming water and it’s going to get us all killed eventually. Not a climate change reference just talking about how fucked up the US has become politically.  Instead I want Trump to go warp speed. I want to see Dreamers who lived their whole lives here get deported, the EPA gutted, massive tax breaks for the rich and increases for the middle class and poor, book bans like never seen since Nazi Germany. I want him to talk more shit about veterans than ever before, to bring the price of prescription drugs back up, to crash the economy from a combination of blanket tariffs and mass deportations of immigrants that make up a sizable chunk of the workforce. I want him to ban any media that he doesn’t approve of from the White House. I want Laura Lomer to be his baby momma and for Putin to be his best friend. I want America to be hit with the worst natural disasters in history during his Presidency, hell give us another Pandemic really heap it on. I want women to be arrested for going to other states to get an abortion or die trying. In conclusion, while Trump’s survival over the next 100 days is plausible given his resilient support base and strategic media utilization, the interplay of legal challenges, political dynamics, and societal responses will ultimately dictate his trajectory. Whether he emerges unscathed or faces new vulnerabilities will depend on how effectively he can navigate this complex landscape.

Notes and Comments.

(1)>>TALK ABOUT Teddy Roosevelt *Now Theodore Roosevelt here is the Trump parallel. Roosevelt had an interesting Presidential career. He served nearly two full terms. I say “nearly” because, as William McKinley’s Vice-President, TR assumed the presidency in 1901 when McKinley was assassinated and served out the 3 1/2 year balance of McKinley’s term. Roosevelt was then re-elected on the Republican ticket in 1904 and served another full four year term in his own right. Shortly after his taking the oath of office following the 1904 election, TR pledged he would not run for re-election in 1908, even though he was very popular and there were no constitutional term limits at the time. Roosevelt was good to his word; he left politics in 1904 when his term was up. But, he did not leave politics for long. In 1912 a group of Republicans convinced TR to throw his hat in the ring and run for the Republican nomination against his former friend and protege, incumbent President William Howard Taft. Roosevelt lost the nomination to Taft at the Republican Convention. He then campaigned for President in 1912 as the candidate of the independent Progressive Party, popularly known as the “Bull Moose Party.” Roosevelt and Taft split the Republican vote leading to the election of Democrat Woodrow Wilson.**

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


California fires , let it burn
The Biggest Conspiracy about 
The Los Angeles fires is the
State Government is a 
Big idiot.

Well my past OTHER post I was talking about how January kicked off with a BANG . Currently the news is no longer focusing on Drones , domestic terrorism, Ukraine or Israel. But The LOS ANGELES California . Yes , the NEVER ENDING fires of the State of California incompetentice , mismanagement and Yes , not just Santa Ana winds but also a slight case 😷 of ARSON 🚒🔥 to cook up a good story to take the focus off what's going on on the international front , but to publicaly make the Governor of California look like a bafoon in the public 👁️ eyes . Am not going to write anything more about the California fires . On this Blog I wrote numerous pieces on theories why California is burning.I feel sorry for the people who are poor , less fortunate than the super rich that live in multi -million dollar mansions Pacific Palisades . Hollywood for me can just go and burn down with all its perverted Sodom and Gamorah culture. We should probably help the poor who lost their homes in the fire , because they are about to be screwed over by the greedy insurance companies. The super rich in those Hollywood communities will probably leave California. The big Rich neighborhoods of glamour are pretty much cooked with California building regulations even a 15 million dollar mansion might cost over 30 million to rebuild, that's not going to happen if anything is rebuilt might take decades and decades. Knowing California Newsom he's more concerned about Donald Trump kicking his ass out of California. A conspiracy theory is being discussed on social media: the fires in California could have been started deliberately to build a “smart city” in Los Angeles. Pointing to suspended fire insurance, wiring issues and intact trees among destroyed homes. At first I thought this was just a one-off normal tragic brush fire gone bad, but now that there are several fires going on all around Los angeles, I can't help suspecting that there may be people setting these fires intentionally, in a Luigi kind of style, because the working class is fed up working our asses off for so little pay and still barely able to survive. Maybe these fires are the working class finally beginning to "eat the rich." Why are the people in the entertainment industry million&billionaires living in mansions, while people who do the real "essential" hard work, our employers won't even pay us enough to survive in a one-room apartment? The rich are finally being eaten. Remember the French Revolution? The LA fires are a prelude. Keep an eye on it this year.
It's FINALLY Happening. The Trump Un-Inaguration is Next Week . Hold on your pants 👖 on this one . I forsee it being cancelled or pushed back to March . Well this is a Q - Anon Conspiracy about it . If anything happens to Trump getting sworn in will probably send this country into a free fall . QAnon followers believe former President Donald Trump will assume his second term in what is the latest deranged conspiracy theory claiming Trump will either retake power or somehow has secretly remained president. AM NOT Going down a rabbit hole, but I suspect that possible the Deep state actors will try to take Trump out again. My guess here that there was two attempts last year . It would make it a top security thing for the Secret Service to protect the US President from that situation .Another point 👉 is that January 20th is going into include anti - Trump protests all over Washington DC. So it's already a powder barrel loaded with gunpowder. Between the Los Angeles Fires, and the Inauguration day . There is too much negativity as energy all over the Country. Joe Biden has already left a huge international crisis for Trump with several escalations between China, the middle East and Russia. It would not good to say that it's going to be easy for a Inauguration to go on with our some kind of insanity breaking out someplace. We preppers need to be vigilant about events and things look for certain patterns, how things happen unexpectedly. Am saying too it's Deja Vu too and Voodoo too if you think that Trump now is on his Second Term. It was no accident he lost in 2020 , but no accident that he won in 2024 . Personally I prefer Trump over Harris. Harris was fake, she was a doll sitting on the lap of the Obama's . Trump on the other hand he's going to shock a lot people including the MAGA people too! I think he should *on January 5.* It would be pandemonium and it wouldn't actually prevent the votes from being counted, but it would just be an absolute fuck you to the GOP basically telling them, count your own damn votes, I'm taking away the VP and with no VP to replace her you are either going to need to figure this out on your own or confirm Kamala Harris's vice President before you can start counting EC votes. January 20, in Washington. Experts on protocol may not find this surprising – traditionally, foreign heads of state or government are not invited. Yet, some will be present this year – but they belong to a different ideological world than these sidelined centrists. The list of foreign figures invited by Trump’s team, revealed bit by bit, increasingly resembles an informal summit of the "reactionary international" invented in Latin America and denounced on January 6 by Emmanuel Macron. 🔴💥 The Secret Service agent responsible for President Trump’s inauguration has just stated that the situation is now considered a “higher threat environment” and that all available resources have been deployed to ensure the safety of Trump and his supporters.Trump won’t make it to inauguration…. Niether will we will KNOW.

Monday, January 6, 2025

2025 AD. The Year of the BANG 😁

What'ts going to happen on January 20th ?

They will make your friends and neighbors suspicious of you and you of them. They will convince family members to turn you in for "doing strange things"—they may even convince them that turning you in is for your own good.This isn't speculation, or doomsaying. This isn't a conspiracy theory. These people are saying it out loud. The NEXT 20 days , might be the next as in a terrible start to the year . The word  * Terrorism*. A word to dwell on. Now it  Has hit the US with two suspicious acts , in which one vehicle was used to plow through a crowed in New Orleans, and another one was blown up in front of a Trump tower . Both vehicles are electric, one a Tesla truck. Both suspects have connections to Fort Bragg , were both in the US military.  So we have two terror attacks committed on the same day by two army vets who served on the same base at the same time and both attacks using trucks that were rented on the Turo app, and both trucks being loaded with improvised explosives. It's too bizarre to give a clear view on a very foggy road ahead .  They think we’re all very stupid .So the brown Muslim soldier who carried out a political attack is a “terrorist,” according to the FBI, but the white Cybertruck bomber who expressed an explicitly political message is just a “tragic case of suicide.”  Yes, Ft. Bragg is huge and we’d have to see if they even served at the same time. The weirder coincidence is that they both had vehicles from Tuero and these incidents (I think it’s too early to call the Tesla truck thing a terrorist attack yet) occurred on the same holiday. The fact that they are calling the explosives fireworks doesn’t mean they weren’t intend to cause an explosion. What is a firework but an IED if it is used to cause harm? Tesla Cybertruck explosion at Trump hotel in Vegas investigated as a possible terrorist act, law enforcement official says | CNN. I think the guy in Tesla truck was probably killed, dumped in the Tesla , remotely controlled to the location, blown up . Am pretty and am SURE that we are going to see CRAZY 😧 stuff before January 20th.  Lots of weird stuff & Am going to give my * speculation warning* , it's possible were going to see more terrorism , possible a disruptive event regarding Trump's inauguration ?  Pre-planned Chaos…. These #TerroristAttacks were PLANNED, The #FBI and The #CIA knew they were going to happen….#SarahAdams, Former Targeting Officer at The CIA, said there was a 100% chance would have terrorist attacks on American soil in 2025 : "I'm certain we'll either have #EmbassyAttacks in 2025 or the #HomelandAttack, or both."This is no accident that these attacks are happening right before #DonaldTrump’s #inauguration. Especially them being #ISIS, Donald Trump exposed #BarackObama and #HillaryClinton are the founders of ISIS. This is straight from the #Democrat, #Globalist playbook of Pre-planned Chaos.People are getting ready. A lot of people are getting ready. They are yanking their kids out of school, because of safety. It's about calculating probability based on the existence of more than one "coincidence." A - What is the probability that they both were at Fort Bragg at the same time? B - What is the probability they both obtained a truck from Turo in the same timeframe? C - What is the probability that they staged their attacks both on the same day? Each one of those probabilities can be estimated as a numerical value and then the calculation becomes P(A) x P(B) x P(C), meaning the probability of all three coincidences occurring is low, but not impossible.  At least yanking them out of schools that have no safety, no precautions, or any plan at all. And it's important, like #ScottMann (Retired Lt. Col.) says: "Nobody's coming to save you, this machine is no longer working." And so, "You better take matters into your own hands."This WHOLE year is getting off the wrong track like January 6th 2020. Sure there a lot of crazy 😧 people out there , plus a lot of mind control, radicalization techniques on certain people that make the news sound like a virtual horror movie. 

The Tesla Truck Conspiracy.

Seems more like a plant to construct a narrative that the right are extremists even though we can all see that this was a CIA MK Ultra. Do we not know that Tesla have auto drive. How do we know that the person inside wasn't already dead? A fake body to burn? Question everything. The facts about the Tesla driver as very bizarre 🤯. Matthew Livelsberger, the driver who died in the Tesla Cybertruck explosion, took part in a military reality competition on the History channel. His partner describes him as everything a green beret should be. Whistleblower Matthew Livelsberger (who may still be alive because recovered DNA did not match his son's), details the latest drone government coverup of a UAP with Gravatronic Drive propulsion technology that China and the US are developing.   He wrote an alleged email detailing this to Sam Shoemate (jpeg).… This email was confirmed to exist by Las Vegas Sheriff who was pressured to discuss this (…)Matthew Livelsberger's also appearing in a training video as a Reality TV Star under the name Matt Burg. 12 years ago.…

Possible Protests and Violence?

Jan 14th has been declared as the nation-wide protest day for Trump’s disqualification under the 14th amendment. There will be protests in front of every Trump-owned building in the country and in DC. This doesn't rule out any domestic terrorism, but there is always a CATCH -22 with world events exploding. What ever is coming in the next few weeks, please be prepared. Stay TUNED 😉.