Sunday, October 13, 2024


Democrats and Republican's FAILED AMERICANS 
when two HURRICANE'S exposed a 
SEND BILLIONS in WARS and Other Nations . 

BOTH HURRICANES HELENE and MILTON pretty much was a SUCKER PUNCH to the American deep state . Joe Biden BLOW UP on Former President Donald Trump during an awful press conference. He not only gets angry but he loses his mind when taking questions from the media. This is another example showing why the Democrats are in FULL PANIC MODE over Kamala Harris' campaign. Donald Trump is surging at the perfect time with just 25 days from Election Day. The American people are starting to see the truth. SHOW us how disillusioned out of touch with reality the American government really is .  I’ve noticed situations like this before, where funds get redirected, and it’s frustrating when communities facing natural disasters are left hanging. Balancing priorities is tough, but hurricane relief should always be a priority for vulnerable areas. THINK MAUI & that FIRE for example . I would WRITE A LOT about this , but Biden-Harris administration is to blame for this as much as Mayorkas . FEMA going to shit should worry every American. I wonder how clueless many Americans ARE &  have to be to believe everything you’re sold without bothering to look it up … you mean the secondary bill, after all but two Dems opposed the six-month stopgap (vs the current 3) funding measure with the Save Act, which would require people to show proof of citizenship when they register to vote? Hmm.. Wonder why anyone wouldn’t want ID’d voting? Can you tell the class about the FEMA reallocation bill, where funding for Americans went to illegal immigrants? Awwe let me guess, the main stream media didn’t tell you this. Can you tell the class who owns 95% of that media? Hint, all those big bad billionaires you scream about. Confident prey lol .As Category 4 Hurricane Helene approached the Florida Panhandle, a number of Republican senators and representatives voted against supplementing disaster relief in a government funding extension which was passed by both houses of Congress.Many of the lawmakers that voted against the provision of additional necessary funding to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) represent states that were hit particularly hard by Hurricane Helene.No Democratic lawmakers voted nay. So FEMA gets allotted money to spend on the migrant crisis? Sounds like fixing the migrant crisis could save money, that in turn could be spent on natural disasters that affect tax paying citizens… That might be a far right wing position though. 🤷‍♂️  YET BILLIONS OF DOLLARS WENT TO UKRAINE and ISRAEL to fund WARS ???  The White House is facing questions about their priorities as Vice President Kamala Harris pledges to send $157 million dollars of “additional assistance” to Lebanon..—an hour before she pledged $100 million dollars in aid to North Carolina. This—as North Carolina residents are pleading for more assistance from the government to help them recover from hurricane Helene. Now, do you believe this because you have actual evidence this is happening? Like that Americans are literally dying specifically because FEMA has no money because it was all given to the third world?Or do you believe this because someone told you that was the case and your bullshit detectors didn't fire on such obvious bullshit? It's actually much worse than reported. Not only is aid being denied. attempting to donate aid to FEMA is often being denied for not being on the approved vendor list. And of course the approved vendors are large corporations that get to make large write offs. They want a monopoly on aid. We saw this during Hurricane Sandy. Imagine thinking the answer to this is no if people still haven't received more than 750$? . But maybe the govt. should divert funds from elsewhere to help American citizens. They seem to have money laying around to send to Lebanon ($157 mil), and had zero problem dropping $640 mil + on immigrants and another $364 mil for sanctuary cities. Not to mention the nearly $400 billion they sent to Ukraine. The source of the money shouldn't matter when it comes to helping the American ppl. So, misinformation or not the idea that "there is not enough money" is BS. Find it. Bottom line, both parties are crap and always try to get what they want in these bills at the expense of the American people. So you’re looking to “trim the fat” are ya? Well I say we look at the glut of day to day spending that we deem “essential” to running our so called government before we start fatshaming the victims of emergency incidentals because the mysterious ways in which God works just so happened to involve letting the sky fall on them. That’s neverminding the fact we’re doing this whole civilization schtick on the easiest setting there is as the richest country in the world yet we still find ourselves doing these primitive tribal dances over which scapegoat to sacrifice. But yes do go on about the people that God decided to fart in the general direction of for no particular reason “being too greedy”.   If you think one side is better than the other, you're wrong. Toe the party line or you're gone. It's shameful and Americans deserve better from our elected officials.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

THE EVIL in the Middle-East .

Israeli MINISTER BIBI  Netanyahu . Holds his two maps 
BUT Netanyahu is turning the name Israel 
into a CURSE & hurting Jews world wide .

IT's been RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES . One of the very reasons we have had ongoing terrorism , strife and war in the Middle-East has been the State of Israel . THERE IS NO ESCAPING the FACTS . That LAST October 7th was a surprise attack by a terrorist group on Israel, now we have a greater escalation of war in the middle -east . The media WILL NOT show you the TRUTH ABOUT ISRAEL because they want you to believe they are “good” and Palestinians are “evil.”  What is going on NOW Israel has done some horrible things. Every country in the world has. They are not above criticism. Antisemitism is the hatred of a group of semitic people, not calling out the evil deeds of a government. If there is any antisemitism to be found here, it is from Netanyahu and his allies who carry a hatred for the Palestinian people, who also are Semitic.  But most anti-Israel arguments rely on the assumption that all of Israel's actions must be because of some sinister motive. Israel is never given the benefit of the doubt, being held to extreme scrutiny that we do not apply to any other nation.Claims of genocide, collective punishment, and a desire to reclaim Gaza can only be substantiated by ignoring mountains of contrary evidence in favor of an assumption that all of Israel's actions must have some sort of evil motivation behind them. This is straight-up perpetuating blood libel, as we all know the reason there's a double standard with Israel that no other country has.Honing in on this highly controversial, highly inflammatory language distracts from the tangible issues at hand and only serves to polarize us. We all want the same thing (peace). We all (for the most part) condemn the same things (targeting civilians, settler expansion in the West Bank, settler violence that isn't punished harshly enough, far-right extremist governments). But using inflammatory language to describe Israel as a whole alienates Jewish allies who know that this language radicalizes people and would prefer not to contribute to the incitement of violence against Jews worldwide. Their scheme has been laid out in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and their present [conduct] is the best proof of what is said there… Within the circle of the conflict with world Zionism, the Hamas regards itself the spear head and the avant-garde. It joins its efforts to all those who are active on the Palestinian scene, but more steps need to be taken by the Arab and Islamic peoples and Islamic associations through out the Arab and Islamic world in order to make possible the next round with FALSE ACCUSATIONS  against the  Jews, the merchants of war. I am just urging people to try to have productive discussions that use facts instead of feelings, and take a step back to examine why you assume that the only explanation for everything Israel does is that it is an inherently evil country with evil intentions behind every single thing they do. If Israel does not want to be seen that way then they should not act that way. Adding the Likud party to the terrorist list and throwing Netanyahu in prison for propping up Hamas as well as the countless war crimes and atrocities he is committing even as I write this would be a good place to start. Netanyahu allowed terrorists on KITES to breach his border. Israel has a very advanced military thanks to years of US welfare and they knew about the threat of Hamas attack before it happened. There is no way the October attack would have happened if Netanyahu did not allow it. Netanyahu knew the attack would give him an excuse to liquidate Gaza. And nothing is done to protect Palestinians from settler violence in the west bank either. Israel is a drain on America and doing this milking hard earned American tax dollars to clean up their messes. They have a right to DEFEND themselves not to obliterate an entire ethnic population because they failed to defend their country’s borders. As we’re going to see, while the Israeli government insists that the starvation taking place is due to a combination of Hamas’s theft of aid supplies and the international community not delivering enough aid in the first place, Philippe Lazzarini, the head of the United Nations agency that aids Palestinians, calls that “baseless misinformation” and points to the enormous logistical hurdles imposed by Israel on the delivery of that aid. Beyond that, Israeli officials actually warned that they were going to be blocking aid from entering Gaza as the war was unfolding, with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant stating on October 9, “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip: There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed...We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly.” And while Israel has, in recent weeks, allowed for 100 to 120 trucks to enter a day, that’s just a fraction of the estimate 500 trucks that are needed.So with starvation growing in Gaza, it appears that the Netanyahu government has adopted a strategy of using hunger to encourage the ‘voluntary’ mass relocation of the Gazan populace. Which is the kind of plan, at best, will result in the war crime of mass ethnic cleansing. But keep in mind that if it doesn’t work, the end result is still going to be the mass depopulation of Gaza in the form of dead starved Gazans. And this can only go on for so long before that physiological breaking point is reached across that population of 2 million people. We’re entering the 11th month of this war.******ESCALATING WAR ? The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) deployed a third division—the 91st Division—to southern Lebanon on October 7 for “focused and delimited” ground operations against Lebanese Hezbollah. The 91st Division joins the 36th and 98th divisions in southern Lebanon shortly after Israel announced that it would expand ground operations against Hezbollah The IDF 3rd, 8th, and 288th reserve brigades are operating under the 91st Division.The division is ordinarily responsible for the entire Israel-Lebanon border and has conducted hundreds of attacks from Israel targeting Hezbollah. Hezbollah reported that it fired upon Israeli forces around the border near Yiftah. Commercially available satellite imagery captured on October 7 similarly indicates troop movements in the area. As you all know, Israel assassinated hamas leader in Iran in Tehran. Iran was humiliated of course since it happened in the middle of the capital and shows anyone even the highest leaders can be killed, and Iran now vowed revenge, etc, etc. just a summary to explain everything. First, Biden won't telegraph exactly what Israel is telling him... any more than Netanyahu will say exactly what Israel plans to do. This is likely a negotiating tactic to try and get Israel to do what the US wants. The question is... is what the US REALLY wants is oil facilities to get targeted? With the markets pricing in higher fuel costs due to expected shortages, i.e. ripple effects into the U.S. right before an election and something that could arguably help Russia / hurt Ukraine?If I'm Biden, I want bases and intelligence hit - less fallout if you stick to military targets. If I'm Zelensky I'm begging the US to push for drone facilities to get targeted, less for Iran to produce and sell to Russia. And if I'm Netanyahu I'm not telling Biden anything because I'm praying Trump wins. Which is exactly why I think Israel is leaning towards oil facilities, and Biden is telegraphing it so Iran puts defenses there... hopefully pushing Israel to look at other targets.If Iran’s oil infrastructure is attacked, Oil prices will spike immediately. Estimates are that they could double. Remember oil prices are often based on expectations, not actual facts on the ground.In addition, Iran and Houthis could also attack GCC facilities. The GCC is clearly concerned because today they publicly stated their support for Lebanon, a ceasefire and negotiations. Also, keep an eye on the aftermath of the bombing of the Russian airbase in Syria.President Biden’s warning about a possible “all-out war” in the Middle East feels increasingly accurate given recent events. Despite pushing for a cease-fire, Israel’s attacks on Hezbollah’s communication devices, which led to multiple casualties, indicate the region is already deeply unstable​.Biden’s acknowledgment of the limits of U.S. diplomacy in this context suggests he’s aware of just how close the situation is to spiraling further. With Hezbollah-Israel tensions rising and ongoing conflicts in Gaza, Syria, and Yemen, the Middle East is arguably in a state of multi-front warfare.Do you think the administration's efforts can prevent this from escalating further, or are we witnessing the start of something much larger? Will the powder keg explode before the elections?

Sunday, September 29, 2024


Remember these two dates . OCT 7th , 2024 and NOVEMBER 5th , 2024 WE ARE SCREWED . WE are closer and closer edging [nearing] a world global CONFLICT . THANK THE DYSFUNCTIONAL US GOVERNMENT !YET NO ONE IN WASHINGTON D.C.  CARES .
I think a lot of people can sense that we are nearing a cliff. We are on the brink of something that once crossed, will render everlasting change and a new way of life.America’s presidential race remains too close to call. Yet whatever happens in November, global affairs won’t go easy on the next commander-in-chief. We are edging a psychospiritual threshold that once eclipsed, cannot be reproached upon. I hope repeating the same thing using different words will etch that into your psyche. There is going to be a split. A fissure. A "rip". I'm not going to elaborate on this, because I don't even understand it myself. I can just feel it. Think Mandela Effect. My theory: Trump’s arrest will lead to massive turmoil that’ll unfold on NOVEMBER , or close to that POSSIBLE STOLEN ELECTION AGAIN !  (a day after his supposed arrest). Power will shift, on whose end, I can genuinely not tell you as of now. Financial catastrophe, political instability = chaos and out of that chaos, the idea of the New World Order will become all the more appealing, all the more likely. The stage is being set and the foundation for their big moves for the next decade will transpire by the end of this month. THEN ISRAEL WITH THE BEAST BIBI WILL ATTACK IRAN ! Bear in mind, that they’re all involved in this. Trump or Biden aren’t your Savior, they’re all serving the same purpose - the chaos isn’t just meant to divide you and keep you trapped in the mundanity of the 21st century, it’s necessary to make the prospect of order seem the more appealing in the form of a One World Government. WE wills SEE DUMB SHIT KAMALA RUNNING MAKING SPEECHES during the RED HOUR ! SS: Based on numerology and the elites’ ties to the occult, I’ve formulated a theory predicting that a massive event is set to occur on the 5th of NOVEMBER  & that’ll severely impact the world & set the foundations for a massive shift of power that’ll eventually bring about the NWO. NOVEMBER 5th is the date of the GUNPOWDER PLOT in CELEBRATED ENGLAND . Another GUY FAWKES EVENT. AMERICA HAS BEEN LIVING IN LUXURY AT THE WORLD'S EXPENSE while other nations are starving. America has had high prices on everything and yet has refused to pay high prices for goods because other nations are so poor and they are glad to get anything. Other nations sell their labour and goods at rock-bottom prices, starvation prices and work at starvation wages and America reaps the benefits. America buys their goods at their cheap prices and sells them hers at sky high prices. So America lives in luxury while they live in poverty and starvation. You think God's going to bless them? No!  DESPITE THE FACT THAT THIS WAS COMMON KNOWLEDGE TO THE WHOLE WORLD, the U.S. Government not only condoned it, but furnished the guns and the ammunition for these massacres, to the horror of the rest of the world. We heard this repeatedly on the news broadcasts of the various nations we were visiting, both in Europe and the Mideast. Everybody seemed to know about it but the Americans themselves who were kept in ignorance of it as much as possible by their own Government, the fact that these poor Palestinians  were being mowed down by American guns in the hands of the  Hamas Terrorists and despite many protests, the U.S. did nothing about it! The US FUELS WARS !! Great. Our government is throwing another temper tantrum and shutting down again. I hate those chuckle fucks in Congress. REMEMBER THERE WILL ANOTHER OCTOBER 7th LOOMING IN THE MIDDLE EAST !  US give billions upon billions of dollars to help other countries when there are so many people struggling to make ends meet or are homeless in this country? Our cities aren’t safe, infrastructure is falling apart… I can’t help but imagine how that amount of money could fix these problems. We aren’t the only superpower in NATO capable of providing aid.Predicting a Harris foreign policy is challenging, because she hasn’t said much about the subject in her brief campaign. 
THE U.S. GOVERNMENT'S CONSPIRACY IN THIS UKRAINE AFFAIR has been recently exposed by the News Agencies and the confessions of those involved, , "The Death of Diem" in which it was clearly revealed that our own Government deliberately brought about the overthrow of the Administration in Ukriane 2014  and his subsequent execution, because they feared he would make peace with RUSSIA In other words, the U.S. did not want peace WITH RUSSIA UNDER TRUMP  & but war against any possible means .This was very cleverly brought out and significantly revealed and even more meaningfully released at this time in this election year as a news scoop to a network notoriously critical of the Biden  Administration,  along with another very special news scoop about DONALD J TRUMP , quite obviously designed to not only try to appease and win over NBC to a more favourable attitude toward BIDEN , but also to blame the UKRAINE War on the Democrats, and specifically their hero, mad ZALENSKYY who walks out of Congress every time with BILLIONS of DOLLARS and WEAPONS .
Yet what DUMB HARRIS has said, notably during her debate with Trump on Sept. 10, gives the strong impression that her policy would be an extension of Biden’s.Harris gamely defended the worst episode of Biden’s foreign policy, the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, as smart strategic prioritization. She pledged to keep backing Ukraine, lest a victorious Putin push further, and made a savvy play for voters of Eastern European descent in the process. BUT HELL  no it will not, this is mostly propaganda. if they really cared they would be pressuring Israel publicly to stop its genocide and its refusal to allow humanitarian aid.Many countries including most Arab countries have condemned isreal and cut diplomatic ties, they supported the cases in the ICC and ICJ against Israel. trying to send aid is a good thing, but if it's not accompanied by the more important stuff, according to most Palestinians, then you are just using them for propaganda because you know the world is with Palestine.Palestinians will say they want an end to occupation and genocide, not trying to give them enough food so they starve in hell for another day (Isreal makes sure they don't get enough aid). The USA is not going to be pissed at this considering the USA has also been sending an insane amount of supplies to Gaza. The problem is that they have to drop it in by sea/air because Israel blocks land routes.I feel like people kind of overestimate the relationship between Israel and the US. For all of the "greatest ally in the region" talk (mostly just to get jewish votes/AIPAC support and to make sure Israel and the Saudis stay friendly), they really don't like each other that much. Its an ally of convenience against Iran, that's all. But the US has been at odds with Israeli policies on Palestinians quite a bit in the last few decades (on and off, depending on who's president usually).Lets not forget the US and Israel were quite ambivalent towards each other until the Iranian Revolution. The US literally opposed them during the Suez Crisis, threatening to send aid to Egypt to fight the Israelis.   ONCE THE U.S. WAS CANDYLAND, ONCE THE U.S. WAS DREAMLAND, once the U.S. was Heaven-on-Earth, once the U.S. was the world's god. They were the righteous people, they were the good people, theirs was the true democracy, theirs was the golden land. "The bricks of New York must be made of gold, paved like Heaven!" Now it's a totally different story: It's bankrupt!THE WHOLE WORLD HAS LOST CONFIDENCE IN THE U.S., no longer idealistic about it. They see that in the U.S. they are just as crooked and selfish and criminal as the rest of the world, and even worse in some ways. So they have completely lost confidence in the U.S.

Saturday, September 21, 2024


Withe the ELECTION just almost 50 days away ....AMERICA DESERVES DONALD J TRUMP as PRESIDENT AGAIN. You have to blame the Liberal American Media , the stupid Democratic Party .The Democrats wanted the final nail in the coffin , after 4 years of impeachment attempts, years of prosecutions ,investigations, the November 5th election as a “easy” fix to get rid of Trump . NEXT they tried to assassinate him. Besides, think of the upsides to a Trump presidency. What a breath of fresh air it would be to have an undiplomatic, swaggering U.S. president who could, for example, comment about Angela Merkel’s hair, joke about the robe of the Saudi king, or finally ask the French president Hollande about his love life. Politics — and American politics particularly — has long been too scripted, too sanitized. Isn’t it time to inject some life into the boring song and dance of international diplomacy? BUT IT LOOKS NOW LIKE A DEBACLE . While it seems easy that getting rid of Trump was the goals of Pelosi - Schumer - Hillary axis for 4 years it may have hit a wall of brick .[ For now] NOW THE DEMOCRATS have DUMPED JOE BIDEN . So when my American friends ask what I think of Donald Trump, I tell them outright: “I sure hope he gets to be the president.” They know that he will try to run again for the Presidency . I thought for a long time that Trump is not going away so . What I have been analyzing is that he can form a third party in this Country with his followers.  Thus the 2024 election could turn into a campaign for Mr Trump to stay out of prison    They tend to look at me with horror, and search my face for signs that I’m joking. “So you get a little taste of what we have all been going through in the rest of the world,” I add by way of explanation. WAY BACK IN 2017 .. Trump said this , 
In a commencement ceremony at the Coast Guard Academy, Trump said “no politician in history . . . has been treated worse or more unfairly. You can’t let them get you down, can’t let the critics and the naysayers get in the way of your dreams.”  Brings this question to mind about how fair our political views are as expressed by the media{ LEFT WING} attacks against Trump. I know right now that there is a anti-Trump craze sweeping the nation.BUT HE IS THE BEST THING AMERICA NEEDED !THE REALITY CHECK. While most Republicans feel there is so much Trump bashing by the media . I think their view of liberals/democrats is doing more damage then anything else. If they think their “enemy” is doing worse things than they are, they’ll be able to justify to themselves whatever bullshit they come up with against Trump is non-stop . 4 indictments, 91 charges, 2 impeachments, 1 act of sedition, and threatening civil war. 26 women alleging sexual assault, one conviction for rape and slander, and hearsay.  Giving Donald Trump a chance is not always easy. I’m not saying that what he does isn’t deserving of criticism. Trump is the victim of a political prosecution — a “witch hunt,” OBVIOUSLY they as in "they" the DEEP STATE wants him out of the way .  TRUST me , they'll charge Trump again ! It should have been bigger news when the RNC changed their official platform to just supporting Donald Trump. That's it. That was their only official policy, by their own admission. They went full dictatorship and said "we have no policy ideas, we're just with Trump." Remember they were after Trump before he was President . Dear American media, you’re only feeding the Trump machine. There is no greater ammunition for the anti-establishment base than ridicule from the elites. If neither of those are true, then all these “bombshells” are a depraved circus.The media gave BILLIONS of free publicly to Trump in 2015 / 2016, and then made a killing telling everyone how an awful president he was. They want the same thing to happen again, “good of the country” be damned, and they wonder why their credibility has tanked. The institution of democracy is about to face a test on whether we, as a nation, value an old man with B-tier policies or a slightly less old, puppet woman leftist who will cause economic chaos through some of the harshest liberalism and wok-ism  America has seen. It’s exhausting to consistently explain why hearing someone stutter and mix up words is a favorable alternative to economic collapse and tyranny. If people want to abandon our institutions of democracy and economic freedom (which seems like most people don’t care about), then they don’t deserve to live in a cozy liberal system. What America has right now is exceptional, but people are not entitled to an exceptional system. If people don’t respect liberalism and American institutions and instead want to vote for someone who promises to be keeping the status quo, then no one is to blame but themselves when they face the outcomes of that.No amount of effort or persuasion aimed at convincing the broad population to vote for Trump  will change the fact that Americans right now prioritize emotional expression over policy considerations in politics.

Monday, September 16, 2024

The WARNING SIGNS of Something BIG is Coming!


AS I write THIS . Donald J Trump almost got assassinated by another Deep State actor connected to Ukraine . We know little so far, but w alleged Trump shooter's personal and public participation in military activity in Ukraine, it is hard to imagine this White House's agencies can claim zero contact—"clean hands." Something of an Oswald vibe, here. The Ukrainian government has swiftly denied any links with a suspected gunman who was accused of attempting to assassinate Trump on Sunday. The details surrounding the latest assassination attempt, however, contain all the ingredients for a disinformation powder keg that Russia could try to exploit, current and former U.S. officials and other security experts say. Remember we are in an election year . A ripe time for a terrorist attack or something worse.I feel like I am standing on a powder keg that's about to blow. I feel like something is about to happen. I can't explain this feeling, but it's like how you feel when you just know someone is watching you but you haven't turned around to catch them yet. A pot of water on too high a temperature; boiling high and foaming and about to spill over. That instant when you feel yourself tripping right before you fall.China and Russia and Belarus and Iran and North Korea (and maybe India and Turkey?? Hungary??) are the new axis, and war is erupting all over. No one can afford anything and the richest man in the world is an emotional eight year old bonehead. The US, still just barely leading the world, is in chaos. We may be electing the next Hitler in 11 months' time. I live in the northern midwest and it will be 50 degrees on Christmas day. People are constantly sick now; covid, flu, rsv, pneumonia, colds, lather rinse repeat. Cancer, heart attacks, long covid. The CDC warning hospitals may have to ration care.There is too much bad going on all at once everywhere all the time. Something big has to be coming, right? The pressure is just too high.Call me a paranoid conspiracy theorist but the fact that netflix dropped a movie priming us for collapse right before Christmas made me nauseous. And it was produced by the Obamas. Something big is going to happen in the US, a false flag, a civil war? that will ripple across the world. The child pneumonia that's been popping off in China right before the election is also super suss. I've been feeling it for years but something ain't right. Maybe next year we will see major crop failure due to climate, I'm seeing a lot of posts of spring flowers blooming prematurely.


I think the worst part is that Congressional members still get paid when the government shuts down but everyone else either gets furloughed or doesn't get paid and is forced to work How messed up is that? Their pay should be the first thing to be stopped the second the government shuts down then maybe they would do everything to prevent it  Ya, i genuinely believe USA is effed because of itself, not because of Russia or china.The political system that was once so useful for innovation and balance of power has been corrupted and it is incredibly hard to fix this because their perspective is to better keep a faulty system than to change it . The balance of power now makes it incredibly hard to have any party/person enough power to make actual genuine changes.The WARNING SIGNS of Something BIG is Coming!  I would LIKE to take a break from writing but I get a "psychic RED ALERTS" to the developing situations . Here are the ones , FIRST  " The Government SHUTDOWN of 2024 AD" . It's hanging like a bomb over Washington D.C.  . Right in the Middle of a serious election cycle . SECOND , the escalation of WAR between Russia and Ukraine.We've given billions. Don't you think we have problems of our own to take care of with that money instead? Why is this up to us to chip in? .. literally almost a gov shutdown and we're still printing and giving more money away. This new escalation is because the Biden Administration is allowing for LONG RANGE missiles to strike inside of Russia . WE have to weigh in the WARNING SIGNS of a possible " distraction " on American soil . The Year will go out in a bang under the Biden- Harris Administration . Kind of like when there’s a government shutdown and nobody really notices. Kind of like 90% of the federal government doesn’t do shit, and shouldn’t exist. The US has no functional president and has not had one for months, and it's barely noticeable and barely matters because there's a permanent unelected machine that runs the government. We will look back at the gaslighting of the American people about @JoeBidens fitness for office as one of the greatest scandals and most ridiculous periods in American history. BUT NOW under BIden ,  Behind closed doors, House Republicans have shifted from optimistically cautious to expecting a government shutdown, Axios has learned Why it matters: House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) will have to choose in coming weeks between a fight with Democrats that threatens a shutdown, or a deal with Democrats that threatens his job. "People are predicting a shutdown even if it's just for a few days," a GOP lawmaker recently told Axios. They're either "close to reaching a deal or it's about to blow up," one subcommittee chair recently told a fellow House Republican..Republicans have demonstrated their willingness to shut down the government before. They won this game of chicken by throwing their steering wheel out of the window and flooring the accelerator. They absolutely would’ve eaten shit to spite Democrats, and the Dems knew it. If anything, they were the ones over a barrel.Plus, they put this off to the very last second precisely because Reps were dragging their feet on a compromise, so they just didn’t have time to iron one out that would favor Democratic priorities to a greater extent. No time to edit when you only have a day left for your college thesis and you’ve been dicking around up until then.

Sunday, September 8, 2024


IF Kamala looks weak its ALL OVER FOR HER . The DEMOCRATS ,
will have shot themselves in the FOOT !
IF TRUMP goes off , yes off the rail & it's going 
to boil over Madam President .

Generally debates don’t make or break elections, but they definitely can’t have more impact than some people give them credit for.Despite the fact that the last debate was the most consequential debate ever, it shouldn’t make us think this one is going to be as close to as important.It won’t be consequential in the way the Biden-Trump debate was. My guess is Trump voters will genuinely believe Trump won the debate, and Harris voters will genuinely believe she won the debate. So it will be a wash.And fwiw, there is no such thing as “beating Trump” in a debate, not on style at least. Ted Cruz, for as horrendous as he and his politics are, is an Ivy League educated lawyer who relishes in debate, and even in a 1-1 debate with Trump in 2016, he got bulldozed just due to how much shit Trump throws at the wall. Both candidates are coming into what may be their last major opportunity to shake up this still-close race well outside of their comfort zones. The former president has struggled to recalibrate against his new rival. The vice president has rarely had an unscripted moment since picking up her party’s mantle from President Joe Biden. And it’s hard to watch Vice President Kamala Harris’ suddenly flailing campaign for president without thinking of the fictional Meyer and (spoiler alert) her losing quest to hold on to the Oval Office. Although the real-life race remains a toss-up, Harris needs to shake up her deeply small-c conservative campaign, which nowadays often feels designed more to defend a clear lead against a two-minute drill than to urgently appeal to a dyspeptic electorate that clearly wants change. If she asks Trump why he killed the border bill and he starts yawping about how bad it was she can say 'Your party voted for it until you told them not to' and he WILL say, 'Yeah, I did because that would have been good for Biden'. And she can just look at the camera and raise an eyebrow. KAMALA HARRIS is going to make a FOOL of her self in the upcoming debate between her and Trump . IF the Biden debate was BAD ENOUGH , you have not seen anything YET.I didn't realize how many times Harris said "I'm speaking" during the Pence debate. How obnoxious. The mics should be muted for the Trump debate so she doesn't have the opportunity to use this line. It's all she has. Trump has announced in a news conference this afternoon that he agreed to a debate with Kamala Harris on 9/10 via ABC News . This walks back earlier statements he made casting doubt on if he would desire to.I think it will be ugly. If she’s smart, she’ll find a balance between taking her shots without taking the bait  f she sinks to his level, it’ll be a draw at best for her .If she gets him to rant and rave without3 losing her composure in the process, she’ll mop the floor with him. As many of you know, Harris polls worse than Biden. So if Biden steps down and she is installed as president and the Democratic flag-bearer, you're not really improving your chances.The typical response is "have a brokered convention and nominate someone else". Okay, but if Biden bows out and you pass her up for someone else, how do you avoid alienating a big proportion of two of the biggest Democratic voting blocs--African Americans and women? That doesn't seem to promise better chances either.And that's before you get to how weak and chaotic the party would look anyway.  You are out of your mind. Thinking Trump is scared of a little Skamala. She’s the worst presidential candidate ever. No one even voted for her to be a president candidate. She’s gonna get destroyed by Trump and by the people. She’s a lying human. Trump doesn’t even want to debate with her because of how much of a waste of time it will be. KAMALA IS GOING TO GET BLOWN UP by TRUMP .  Kamala , she has a lot of issues being associated with Joe Biden who is an absolute failure of a American President .  To say Harris has problems speaking off the cuff is a major understatement. Whether it’s bad quips, awkward laughs or the many varieties of word salad she serves up, Harris is simply not good on her own. It is telling that she and her team have stonewalled every interview request save one — not to mention that her one post-nomination solo interview included her running mate taking some of the pressure off.  Both candidates have significant flaws performing live, and it is likely those flaws will surface for both on Sept. 10. The June debate was a big risk, if a necessary one, as the possibility of a Biden meltdown loomed in the background. For Harris and Trump, we should not expect a similar disaster, but both still have it in them to lose the election in one night. The Biden campaign apparently told democrats on Capitol Hill today that the path to victory runs through PA, MI, and WI. That leaves literally zero room for error. Assuming Trump wins Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada, Biden winning the blue wall states only puts them at 269 electoral votes, meaning that they’re going to need to win the 270th in either Nebraska’s 2nd district or Maine’s 2nd district. This is also assuming that nothing weird happens with a state line New Hampshire or Virginia. Maybe not, but who knows really? The issue with Biden is that he’s down in all of those states already, several others are within striking distance, and the electorate is pretty baked in on their perceptions of him. Harris has a higher upside but also a higher downside. Another candidate altogether would probably have a higher upside and a higher downside than Harris herself. It’s a bad situation all around but at some point it’s probably a better bet to take a risk than to keep doing the same thing. The election doesn't necessarily depend on this debate, but of course the debate does open up possibilities depending on how it goes. Admittedly, the election may have depended on the last Biden debate, but that was for unusual reasons.Harris' campaign management requested unmuted mics because they don't think Harris even needs to do much other than watch her opponent make mistakes. I think it's very unlikely the debate will do much other than reaffirm things most Americans already think about the candidates. It won't be like with Biden where the scrutiny on his age impacting his capacity was what it was really about, and he just made it way worse. In a weird way both candidates lost that debate in terms of outcomes.

Monday, September 2, 2024


BIBI NETANYAHU Pushes for a escalation to

Its BEEN ALMOST 300 Day's or more since October 7th 2023. AND IT APPEARS that so called WAR between Israel and Hamas ( Hezbollah ) will go on endlessly . GO FIGURE !? Meanwhile US Politicians like Kamala Harris & Donald Trump squabble around with the idea of a "cease fire "& we all know that US Politicians speak with both sides of their ASSES . . Tell that to BIBI Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu ! You PROBABLY going to get some BULL or a RED HEIFER . First by deadlock I don't mean a military stalemate but the political deadlock and how to further proceed.Hezbollah is saying they won't stop until there is Gaza ceasefire while they escalate with rocket attacks, starting up fires on Galilee and Golan.And Hamas with Sinwar saying they have Israel where they want, doesn't want a ceasefire until Israel publicly commits to permanent ceasefire and try to extort more demands from them.Gantz and Eisenkot also left the war cabinet so Bibi is left with Gallant and Far right backing who threaten to leave the coalition if Bibi signs a deal which leaves Hamas alive.Reservists are going to be facing their third and fourth rounds of service this year if this continues, which will put further strain on families and businesses, especially if Israel has to go into Lebanon.So bibi's war cabinet has to take into account: Hostages, Hamas & Sinwar, Lebanon and displaced northern families, strained economy, Iran, US and foreign support, West bank and PA, post war Gaza rule, potential Israeli elections..When and how does this deadlock end? Because as it seems to me, this war will carry INTO 2025. In a defiant late-night press conference, Israel’s prime minister insisted on a long-term military presence along Gaza’s border with Egypt, even as international mediators and his own security chiefs warn that it would hold up a deal to free hostages held by Hamas in Gaza. The uncompromising tone came after a day of disruption across Israel during a general strike called to express public anger at Netanyahu’s failure to secure a hostage deal. It followed a second straight night of mass street protests after the murder of six Israeli hostages in Hamas captivity over the weekend. Hamas has suggested they died in an Israeli air strike, a claim the Israeli military has rejected as “psychological terror”. There is currently a testimony before the civil commission of inquiry investigating the  Israeli state's failure on October 7th. STILL NO SIGN of the hostages , American or otherwise . The malignancy is deeper than Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, or Likud. When you have a nation mired in a slew of false myths, it is bound to eventually sink into the abyss. These delusional beliefs include: god, messiah, chosen people, promised land, and no nakba (it was self-inflicted). Unless Israel is able to somehow overthrow these false narratives, it will continue its gradual decline into self-destruction and oblivion. Good people of Israel: WAKE UP and FACE REALITY! Do not allow the demagogues bring the country down. Netanyahu's remarks caused an uproar in the cabinet meeting. Defense Minister Gallant opposed the move, telling Netanyahu and the other ministers that when the cabinet makes an official decision like this, it "ties Israel's hands" in negotiations on the hostage deal. A senior Israeli official said that after Netanyahu announced his intention to bring the issue to a vote, Gallant responded, saying, "The prime minister has the authority to bring any decision to a vote. Even to execute the hostages."In his desperation to cement his governing far-right coalition, Netanyahu has basically endorsed the views of two messianic fundamentalists, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich — who was arrested in 2005 on suspicion of terrorism — and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, convicted in Israeli courts of supporting a terrorist organization in 2007.Both these men call for annexation of the West Bank and provoke settler violence there. They want Israel to maintain permanent occupation of Gaza. As if that recklessness is insufficient, Ben-Gvir is trying to spark a Mideast holy war over the Temple Mount, a Jerusalem holy site sacred to Jews and Muslims.These ministers, along with Netanyahu, scorn the hostage families who engage in constant demonstrations. Yeah, people who expect the war to end when Netanyahu steps down are going to have a rude awakening if/when it happens. I'd say as well that even for a lot of folks who are generally very supportive of Israel -- of which I'd count myself -- the concept of "destroying Hamas" doesn't land as particularly realistic. For me Afghanistan taught us this. A more realistic goal would be to degrade Hamas to the point that they couldn't launch an Oct 7 level attack again, which I think has already been achieved. The conflict seems to have really reached a point of significantly diminished returns from prolonging it, all while continuing to exact a terrible human cost on the Gazans. There is no solution until outside world, especially the US, can force Israel and Hamas into ceasefire, and then a long-term solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It can't be left into the hands of either Israel or Hamas. The dynamic of their relation is not one that can resolve itself, considering their ideological natures and all the foreign support that both have. The reason: the hardest-hit kibbutzim were settled by leftists who supported a two-state solution to the Palestine issue. Netanyahu will hold back on destroying Hamas to keep himself in power, and escalate the conflict if it looks like they’re about to win. You can’t have a leader with an explicit, direct conflict of interest in charge of a war, it’s common sense